4. Fliegerdivision (2nd)

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4. Fliegerdivision (2d Formation)

(FpN: L 53600)


Gen.Maj. Josef Punzert (Jun 43 - 30 Jun 43)

Gen.Maj. Hermann Plocher (1 Jul 43 - 25 Aug 43)

Gen.Maj. Franz Reuss (29 Aug 43 - 5 Apr 45)

Gen.Maj. Klaus-Siegfried Uebe, acting (20 Dec 44 - 24 Jan 45)

Gen.Maj Walter Storp, acting? (20 Jan 45 - 31 Jan 45?)

Formation. (Jun 43)

Formed June 1943 at Smolensk on the central sector of the Russian Front under Luftflotte 6 to provide tactical air support to the field armies assigned to Army Group Center (Heeresgruppe Mitte).[1]

Central Russia. (Jun 43 - Aug 44)

Jun – Aug 43: Stab at Smolensk.[2]

20 Sep 43: Stab evacuated Smolensk and moved to Komary/SW of Vitebsk and then to Orsha, perhaps in October.[3]

Jan – May 44: Stab at Orsha.[4]

Feb 44: subordinated: III./JG 51, I./NJG 100, III./SG 1, Ln.-Abt. 74.[5]

21 May 44: Division command post (Gefechtsstand) at Bobruisk in strength of 7 officers and 48 men.[6]

28 Jun 44: Stab now at Minsk.[7]

Jul – Aug 44: withdrew across NE Poland via Vilnius, Lida and Grodno.[8]

East Prussia. (Sep 44 - Jan 45)

Sep – Oct 44: Stab at Goldap/East Prussia.[9]

Nov 44 – Jan 45: Stab at Angerburg (Wegorzewo)/East Prussia under Luftflotte 6 and then from 24 Jan 45 under Lw.-Kdo. Ostpreussen. It was primarily in support of AOK 4. Angerburg fell to advancing Soviet forces on 25 January 1945. As the Soviet offensive drove deeper into East Prussia, the Stab transferred to the Oder Front to the east of Berlin.[10]

29 Nov 44: subordinated: NAGr. 3, NAGr. 4, II./SG 1, I. and II./SG 3, IV.(Pz.)/SG 9, NSGr. 6 and Ln.-Abt. 74.

Northeast Germany. (Feb 45 - May 45)

3 Feb 45: Stab now at Fürstenwalde/E of Berlin under II. Fliegerkorps/Luftflotte 6 following its withdrawal from East Prussia.[11]

18 Feb – Apr 45: Stab at Bad Saarow near Berlin under II. Fliegerkorps providing tactical air support to AOK 9 deployed along the Oder Front.[12]

28 Apr 45: Stab now at Rechlin in Mecklenburg NW of Berlin under Luftwaffenkdo. Nordost.[13]

Flugbereitschaft 4. Fliegerdivision

also as: Flugbereitschaft Ahorn

Formation and History. (1943 - 1945)

18 Oct 43: based at Vitebsk in a strength of 48 officers and men.[14]

28 Jun 44: at Minsk.[15]

(further mention not found)

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023

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  1. G.Tessin-Verbände und Truppen der Deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS 1939-1945. Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte; K.Mehner/R.Teuber- Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Führung und Truppe; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-77 Luftwaffenpersonalamt assignment orders); C.Zweng- Die Dienststellen, Kommandobehörden und Truppenteile der Luftwaffe 1935-1945; H.Plocher-The German Air Force Versus Russia, 1943.
  2. Plocher; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-312 and T-311 microfilms).
  3. Plocher; T-312:336/490.
  4. Tessin; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; T-311:225/217.
  5. Tessin.
  6. T-312:336/490.
  7. T-311:228/491.
  8. T-311 and T-312 microfilms.
  9. Tessin; BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 40/Kart.
  10. Tessin; RL 40/Kart; T-311:228/554.
  11. Tessin; T-321:50 (Luftflotte 6 KTB u.Anlagen).
  12. T-321:17/537; T-321:50/876.
  13. ULTRA signal KO1663.
  14. T-313:293/644.
  15. T-311:228/491.