6./MSGr. 1

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6./MSGr. 1

also as: Ergänzungsstaffel/MSGr. 1 (to 29 Feb 44)

Erg.Minensuchstaffel (29 Feb 44 to 18 Oct 44)
6./Minensuchgruppe 1 (after 18 Oct 44)

Formation. (Apr 43)

Formed at the end of April 1943 at Wesermünde (Blexen)/3 km W of Bremerhaven as an Ergänzungsstaffel for the Minensuchgruppe with, initially, 6 Ju 52s. Later, in 1944, it became more of an operational Staffel than an Ergänzungsstaffel. Throughout its existence it had an average strength of 6 to 9 Ju 52s.[1]

North Germany and Denmark. (Apr 43 - May 45)

2 Aug 43: Ju 52 damaged its undercarriage while landing at Fp. Wesermünde, 20%.[2]

Oct 43: transferred from Wesermünde to Langeoog in the West Frisian Islands.[3]

Jun 44: at Norderney and Langeoog in the West Frisian Islands - engaged in clearing mines along the North Sea coast of Germany.[4]

Sep 44: transferred to Danzig-Langfuhr and remained there until the second half of March 1945. From there, mainly engaged in mine-clearing in the Bay of Danzig and off the northwest coast of Latvia.[5]

18 Feb 45: Ju 52 shot down by enemy aircraft in the Bay of Danzig area (exact location not reported), 100%, 4 KIA and 1 WIA.

10 Mar 45: Danzig-Langfuhr - Fliegerführer 6 asked Admiral Eastern Baltic if operations by 6./MSGr. 1 were still needed as none had been requested for the past two weeks. The shortage of fuel was a serious problem and Russian air superiority would make fighter escort absolutely necessary for any future operations by the Staffel. The Staffel was transferred a week or two later.[6]

29 Mar 45: 6./MSGr. 1 now at Peenemünde under Fliegerführer 6/Luftflotte 6.[7]

28 Apr 45: moved west to Aunø/82 km SW of Copenhagen and still nominally under Fliegerführer 6/Luftflotte 6. Surrendered there a week later.[8]

FpN:(L 62116)


Oblt. Siegfried Kolossa? (1943?)

Oblt. Gustav-Adolf Qeißner (29 Apr 44 - May 45?)

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2024

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  1. Dierich-VdL; Tessin-Tes; N.Kannapin-FpÜ; S.Carlsen/M.Meyer-Die Flugzeugführer-Ausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945/Bd. II:523; H.J.Nowarra-Minensuchgruppe Mausi: Mit der Tante Ju im Kampfeinsatz:et seq; M.Holm-website ww2.dk.
  2. BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs).
  3. S.Carlsen/M.Meyer-op cit.
  4. PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence documents.
  5. AIR 40-op cit; PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signal HP9096; Tessin-op cit.
  6. ULTRA signal BT7008.
  7. NARA WashDC: RG 242/T-321 roll 50, frame 876.
  8. AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.625S (British Air Ministry) OKL document; S.Carlsen/M.Meyer-op cit; M.Holm-op cit.