Aufklärungsstaffel (F) Ostsee

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Aufklärungsstaffel (F) Ostsee

Unit Code: (H7 + )

also as: Aufklärungsschwarm "Reval"


Formed about October 1942 for reconnaissance tasks over the eastern Baltic and the Gulf of Finland. Place of formation unknown. Equipped with both Junkers Ju 88s and Focke-Wulf FW 189s. The fact that a Feldpost number was never issued for this unit suggests that it was provisional in nature and formed for some short-term purpose not expected to exceed six months in duration.[1]


14.11.42: (Lfl.1) - Ju 88A-5 damaged due to icing at Fp.Nikolskoye/15 km NNW of Siverskaya, 35% damage. This may have been where the Staffel was formed after orders to this effect were issued in October.

20.1.43: (Lfl.1) - FW 189A-3 (H7+YH) failed to return from a recce mission over the Gulf of Finland, 100%, 3 MIA.

20.1.43: (Lfl.1) - Ju 88A-5 crash landed at Fp.Tallinn-Laksberg, 10%.

26.1.43: based at Tallinn-Laksberg under 3.Fliegerdivision/Luftflotte 1[2] Tallinn (Reval in German)/Estonia was the Staffel's station until it was disbanded.

19.2.43: (Lfl.1) - Ju 88A-5 crashed due to engine trouble - location not reported, 95%, 3 KIA and 1 WIA.

24.3.43: (Lfl.1) - Ju 88A-5 crashed on take-off from Tallinn-Laksberg, 95%, 3 injured.

9.5.43: (Lfl.1) - Ju 88A-5 crashed south of Lavasaari Island in the Gulf of Finland, 100%, 3 KIA and 1 MIA.

26.5.43: still based at Tallinn-Laksberg, but gone from the Luftflotte 1 unit listings dated 26 June and in all probability disbanded by that date. [3].

FpN: Aufkl.St.(F) Ostsee (none found).


(not identified)

Also see:

BEYER, Hans, Lt.

DECHER, Walter Ernst, Lt.

KLEIN (KLEINE?), Walter, Lt.

RECH, Friedrich, Oblt. (Kr.O.)

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2022)


  1. Dierich; micros; LR evidence
  2. microfilms
  3. microfilms

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