Aufkl. Gr. 122 Feb 1940

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8 Feb 1940 – Deployment for 1.(F)/122 at 12.30 hrs, instructions to follow on the morning of 9 Feb.[1]

10 Feb 1940 – In the operational orders issued by Fl.K.X for 11 Feb, 1.(F)/122 were to expect intructions relating to a transfer.[2]

13 Feb 1940 – 1.(F)/122 orders from Fl.K. X for reconnaissance of St. Peter, M.Qu. 6142 – 5932.[3]

Fl.K. X orders were for 1.(F)/122 to operate sorties to both the Orkneys and the Thames Estuary.[4]

16 Feb 1940 – 3 He 111 of 1.(F)/122 (F6+AH, F6+BH and F6+CH) took off from Ütersen at 11.16 hrs.[5] Three further He 111s (including F6+HH) took off between 11.23 and 11.34 hrs.[6]

3 He 111s of 1.(F)/122 landed at Ütersen between 15.45 and 16.18 hrs. In addition F6+AH, F6+BH and F6+CH landed between 16.43 and 17.18 hrs.[7]

17 Feb 1940 – Orders from Fl.K. X for 1.(F)/122 including sorties covering the following to take place on 18 Feb 1940:

Standlinie 1 = Qu. 6151 – 9141

Standlinie 2 = Qu. 2646 – 8954

Standlinie 3 = Qu. 7871 AF – 8547 AB[8]

18 Feb 1940 – 7 He 111s departed ütersen between 10.14 and 10.34 hrs. In addition 2 further He 111s left between 10.38 and 10.42 hrs.

There were concerns raised regarding F6+AH whose last location at 12.30 hrs was Qu 3643, since that time no further information was forthcoming – it was then established that this aircraft had landed.

F6+CH landed at 14.14 hrs.

F6+DH landed at 16.50 hrs.

F6+HH landed at 16.46 hrs.

F6+FH landed at 17.03 hrs, all at Ütersen.[9]

19 Feb 1940 – 8 He 111s of 1.(F)/122 left ütersen prior to 07.50 hrs, by 13.42 hrs the last of these aircraft had landed.[10]

27 Feb 1940 – At 07.10 hrs a single He 111 of 2.(F)/122 took off from Münster, it landed there again at 11.33 hrs.[11]


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  1. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  2. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  3. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  4. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  5. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  6. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  7. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  8. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  9. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  10. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.
  11. RL29/1 Seenotzentrale Nord (Luft) via Peter Taghon.