Aufkl. Gr. 122 Mar 1941

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1 Mar 1941 – 2.(F)/122 sent an aircraft out at about 10.30 hrs Z for a reconnaissance to the southern North Sea.[1]

2 Mar 1941 – 2 aircraft from 1.(F)/122 at Lille flew early morning weather and shipping reconnaissance covering the Norfolk coast, Harwich to the Wash and East Anglia. These aircraft were heard between 07.15 and 09.08 hrs Z.[2]

2 aircraft from 4.(F)/122 flew midday sorties to the southern North Sea.[3]

8 Mar 1941 – An aircraft of 1.(F)/122 operating from Lille, reported a convoy sighting 40 km north of Cromer.[4]

AufklGr 122 had at least 1 aircraft out on an armed reconnaissance sortie to the Norfolk coast from The Wash to Yarmouth – aircraft “in area” between 10.40 and 11.20 hrs Z. One aircraft is likely to have attacked the armed trawler Nadine off Yarmouth. Nadine claimed this aircraft as probably shot down.[5]

2.(F)/122 had a single aircraft operating in the Channel near Le Havre at 15.45 hrs Z.[6]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
8 Mar 1941 4(F)./122 Ju 88A-5 F6+BM 0404 Shot down by Spitfires of 266 Sqdn, crashed in the sea off Skegness at 10.13. Lt G. Neumann, Obgfr.F. Benker, Uffz. A. Schuler and Uffz. K. Lessmöllmann all KIA.

9 Mar 1941 – AufklGr 122 had an aircraft operating in the Thames Estuary in the early morning, this aircraft had landed by 08.16 hrs Z.[7]

1.(F)/122 had an aircraft off East Norfolk on a weather sortie. This aircraft was “in area” between 15.45 and 16.20 hrs Z.[8]

The morning Thames Estuary sortie was flown by an aircraft from 4.(F)/122 operating from Brussels. This aircraft landed by 13.45 hrs Z.[9]

1.(F)/122 operated a sortie down the Norfolk Coast and as far as Clacton on shipping reconnaissance – the aircraft operated between 18.52 and 21.00 hrs Z. [10]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
10 Mar 1941 5(F)./122 Ju 88A-5 Severely damaged in a landing accident followed by a collision at Fp.Jersey, 80%.
10 Mar 1941 5(F)./122 Ju 88A-5 Severely damaged in a landing accident followed by a collision at Fp.Jersey, 50%.

11-12 Mar 1941 – 5(F)./122 reported an Bf 110 missing from a sortie to Portsmouth.

12 Mar 1941 – An aircraft of 1(F)./122 attacked a 4,500t freighter between Lowestoft and Harwich. The attack was made with 2 SC 250 bombs. One hit the ships bow and the other landed ahead of the bow.[11]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
12 Mar 1941 5(F)./122 Bf 110 F6+FN Failed to return from a recce to Portsmouth and possibly shot down by Spitfires, 100%, 2 MIA.

13 Mar 1941 – 2.(F)/122 sent out an aircraft on a sortie to the southern North Sea – the aircraft departed between 11.00 and 11.30 hrs Z.[12]

14 Mar 1941 – 3(F)./122 supplied an aircraft that took part in night operations against a convoy off Lowestoft.[13]

At 22.50 an aircraft of 1(F)./122 attacked a ship east of Cromer with 2 SC 250 bombs. One hit was claimed against the 6,000t ship with a bomb striking amidships causing an explosion and smoke.[14]

15 Mar 1941 – at 03.21 hrs and aircraft of 1(F)./122 attacked a 4,000t freighter north of Cromer with 1 SC 250 bomb. The aircrew claimed a hit amidships with an explosion and smoke.[15]

5.(F)/122 sent out an early morning weather and sea reconnaissance sortie sovering Portland and part of the Channel. The aircraft departed at 06.20 hrs Z and had landed by 07.50 hrs Z.[16]

1.(F)/122 had an aircraft out, at 09.45 hrs Z, on a weather sortie covering the southern North Sea and the Norfolk coast. This aircraft had landed by about 10.40 hrs Z.[17]

3.(F)/122 had six aircraft out on possible armed shipping reconnaissance in the early evening, no attacks on shipping were recorded and the aircraft had all landed by 22.00 hrs Z.[18]

17 Mar 1941 – 1.(F)/122 had a number of aircraft out during the day on sea and armed reconnaissance covering: Thames to Scheldt eastuaries; Thames Estuary; Norfolk Coast and off Yarmouth. Those on armed reconnaissance sorties reported unsuccessful attacks.[19]

18 Mar 1941 – Aufklgr. 122 had an aircraft out between 18.14 and 19.28 hrs Z on a sea reconnaissance to the East Anglian coast between Yarmouth and Harwich.[20]

19 Mar 41 - 2 men from the 3(F)./122 ‘s ground echelon were wounded during an RAF bombing raid on Amsterdam-Schiphol.

1.(F)/122 sent out a weather sortie to the southern North Sea departing Lille at 19.00 hrs Z and landing back there at 20.10 hrs Z.[21]

5.(F)/122 sent out an aircraft on an unsuccessful attempt to photograph Portsmouth. The aircraft departed Ploermel at 11.45 hrs Z landing back there at 13.15 hrs having covered the area between the Isle of Wight and Beachy Head.[22]

6 aircraft from 3.(F)/122 landed at Schipol between 23.00 hrs Z and 01.50 hrs Z 20 Mar 1941.[23]

20 Mar 1941 - 1.(F)/122 had an aircraft out on the mid-afternoon east coast sortie to Yarmouth.[24]

Ju 88A-5 of 1(F)./122 crash landed at Lille-Vendeville suffering 70% damage.[25]

21 Mar 1941 – 5(F)./122 Ju 88 (F6+HN) flew the evening Channel reconnaissance covering the area between Brighton and Portland. The aircraft departed Jersey at 18.40 hrs and returned there at 20.30 hrs.[26]

1.(F)/122 had an aircraft out on the morning weather and sea reconnaissance flight covering the English East Coast between the Thames Estuary and the Humber.[27]

22 Mar 1941 - Ju 88 of 2(F)./122 crash landed at Brussels-Evere with 25% damage.

25 Mar 1941 – Ju 88 (F6+HN) of 5(F)./122 flew the early evening Channel reconnaissance sortie – covering the area between Brighton and Portland. The aircraft departed Jersey at 18.05 hrs and returned almost 2 hrs later at 19.55 hrs.[28]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
27 Mar 1941 5(F)./122 Bf 110E-3 2317 Crash landing due to enemy action – Theville FP – 100%[29]

29 Mar 1941 – an aircraft of 1(F)./122 attacked the tanker “Oiltrader” (5550t) east of Great Yarmouth. The aircrew reported that they attacked from a low altitude (10m) and obtained two direct hits causing a high column of fire and the ship to list. “Oiltrader” sank at 52-34N, 2-01E[30]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
31 Mar 1941 4(F)./122 Bf 110C-5 Crashed near Antwerpen after being damaged in combat, probably by AA-fire from a ship, 65%, 2 WIA.


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  1. HW13/95 SALU 11 via Remi Traconelli
  2. HW13/95 SALU 12 via Remi Traconelli
  3. HW13/95 SALU 12 via Remi Traconelli
  4. HW13/95 SALU 14 via Remi Traconelli
  5. HW13/95 SALU 14 via Remi Traconelli
  6. HW13/95 SALU 14 via Remi Traconelli
  7. HW13/95 SALU 15 via Remi Traconelli
  8. HW13/95 SALU 15 via Remi Traconelli
  9. HW13/95 SALU 15 via Remi Traconelli
  10. HW13/95 SALU 15 via Remi Traconelli
  11. Anlage 8 Lagebericht 577
  12. HW13/95 SALU 22 via Remi Traconelli
  13. Bowyer – Air Raid p164
  14. Anlage 8 Lagebericht 577
  15. Anlage 8 Lagebericht 577
  16. HW13/95 SALU 23 via Remi Traconelli
  17. HW13/95 SALU 23 via Remi Traconelli
  18. HW13/95 SALU 23 via Remi Traconelli
  19. HW13/95 SALU 26 via Remi Traconelli
  20. HW13/95 SALU 27 via Remi Traconelli
  21. HW13/95 SALU 29 via Remi Traconelli
  22. HW13/95 SALU 29 via Remi Traconelli
  23. HW13/95 SALU 29 via Remi Traconelli
  24. HW13/95 SALU 30 via Remi Traconelli
  25. LdZ
  26. Werner Breese Combat Sorties – compiled by Tim Oliver from Werner Breese's Flugbuchs
  27. HW13/95 SALU 30 via Remi Traconelli
  28. Werner Breese Combat Sorties – compiled by Tim Oliver from Werner Breese's Flugbuchs
  29. Remi Tracanelli – via e-mail 10/04/05
  30. Anlage 8 Lagebericht 577 and