Aufkl. Gr. 122 Sep 1942

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Sep 1942 - Elements of the 2(F)./122 temporarily detached at Heraklion flying recce missions over the eastern Mediterranean and Egypt.[1]

4(F)./122 moved forward to Maikop in North Caucasia at the end of August or beginning of September.[2]

1 Sep 1942 - Two aircraft of 3.(F)/122 were recorded as being operational over the southern North Sea. F6+BL was heard between 18.30 and 18.52 hrs Z subsequently landing at Creil at 20.19 hrs Z. F6+HL was heard at 18.40 hrs Z, landing at Creil at 20.32 hrs Z.[3]

3 Sep 1942 – 4(F)./122 recorded at Armawir.[4]

5 Sep 1942 - Hptm. Klaus Otto (2.(F)/122) was wounded during Allied air attack on Fp.Heraklion/Crete.

An aircraft of 5(F)./122 controlled by FAGr 1, and operating under Luftflotte 1, took a series of photographs of the Gulf of Finland together with a number of airfields in the vicinity of Leningrad.[5]

6 Sep 1942 - 5(F)./122 completed it 2000th war flight with a sortie by F6+PN, flying from Gosstkino, to Leningrad and Lake Ladoga. This was flown by the following crew:- Lt. Werner Breese (F), Oblt. Misselwitz (B), Fw. Koch (Bf) and Uffz. Fink (Bm) - see also this page - 5(F)./122 2000th Sortie[6]

5Staffel 122 web copy.jpg The person with a “2” around his neck is Hptm Werner Breese who was awarded the DKiG on 21 Aug 1942 and the Ritterkreuz on 29th Feb 1944. (e-mail 26th August 2005 Stefan Kruse)

8 Sep 1942 – Russian bombing raid on Fp Maikop.

F6+GL of 3.(F)/122 was heard at 07.15 hrs Z and landed at 11.05 hrs Z. This aircraft may have made an intermediate stop at Deelen due to radio transmitter trouble.[7]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
8 Sep 1942 4(F)./122 Ju 88D-5 Destroyed in enemy bombing raid on Fp.Maikop, 95%.

10 Sep 1942 – 4(F)./122 sortie to photograph the airfield at Abascha (Abasha), Georgia. (44 Ost 23721, 42.14.10 N 42.11.40 E)[8]

3.(F)/122 sent out a number of Bf 109 sorties to the Channel – 2 Bf 109 on convoy detection sorties covering Pl. Qu. 1380 -1340/Ost 05. Sortie in Pl.Qu. 1245/05 Ost broken off due to enemy fighter activity.

2 Bf 109s on a photo-reconnaissance sortie to cover the area Margate to Eastbourne – one aircraft abandoned the sortie due to engine trouble and the other aircraft broke off due to heavy condensation encountered at 10,900 m when flying north of Calais.[9]

A number of Ju 88s of 2.(F)/122 operated on reconnaissance sorties to the western Mediterranean, leaving Trapani at approximately 11.00 hrs Z. A least one aircraft got as far as Gibraltar, as confirmed by an air-raid warning at Gibraltar which took place at 17.40 hrs Z. All aircraft had landed by 21.00 hrs Z.[10]

11 Sep 1942 – 2.(F)/122 again operated sorties to the Western Mediterranean and Gibraltar. There was an air-raid warning at Gibraltar at 17.21 hrs Z.[11]

12 Sep 1942 – 3 Ju 88 operated by 2.(F)/122 (including 1 from Westa 26) operated in the western Mediterranean. All aircraft had landed by 11.40 hrs Z.[12]

14 Sep 1942 – 5 Ju 88s of 2.(F)/122 were operating in the western Mediterranean as far as Gibraltar. Gibraltar had an air raid warning at 12.15 hrs Z. These aircraft reported sighting unidentified ship(s) in Pl. Qu. 13 W 5265 heading on an easterly course. All aircraft had landed by 16.30 hrs Z.[13]

15 Sep 1942- 5(F)./122 photo recce sortie to Leningrad. Included photographing the “Maschinenfabrik “Kirow”” (Target code SU 78 2) target was photographed from 7500 m. (36 Ost 00151, 30.14.30E/59.52.30N).[14]

5 Ju 88s of 2.(F)/122 again operating in the western Mediterranean as far as Gibraltar. All aircraft had landed by 18.00 hrs Z.[15]

2 aircraft of 1.(F)/122, probably Me 109s, were sent at different times to photograph Valetta harbour. The first was an early morning sortie with photographs taken at 06.30 hrs Z while the second took place later with photos taken at 13.05 hrs Z.[16]

4 Ju 88s of 1.(F)/122 were detailed for convoy escort.[17]

16 Sep 1942 – 5.(F)/122 recce sortie to Leningrad. Sortie included taking photographs of the Morskoj canal, the OBV canal and the Jekateringovka river.[18]

1.(F)/122 Two sorties to Malta: one in the morning – photographed La Valetta harbour at 09.40 hrs Z; one in the late afternoon - photographed La Valetta harbour at 16.10 hrs Z.[19]

5(F)./122 photographed Awtowo – crew of Lt. Sauermann (B).[20] Also photographed the railway yards at Chwoinaja (34.30.00 E/ 58.54.05N)[21]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
16 Sep 1942 3(F)./122 Ju 88A-4 Damaged undercarriage landing at Fp.Creil, 15%.

17 Sep 1942 – 1.(F)/122 single aircraft on a reconnaissance sortie to Malta.[22]

18 Sep 1942 – Aufkl. Gr 122 reportedly did not fly any operations from Trapani on this day.[23]

1.(F)/122 provided 5 Ju 88s for evening convoy escort.[24]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
18 Sep 1942 4(F)./122 Ju 88D F6+FM Failed to return from a recce to the Kutaisi area in Soviet Georgia, 100%, Oblt. Hans Schirmer + 3 MIA (but all later returned).

19 Sep 1942 - 3 Ju 88s of 1.(F)/122 on convoy escort duties.[25]

21 Sep 1942 – A Ju 88D-5 "trop" of 1(F)./122 reported a damaged fuselage at Fp.Heraklion/Crete, (40%).

22 Sep 1942 – 6 Ju 88s (including 3 from Westa 26) operated by 2.(F)/122 in the western Mediterranean as far as 02º W. These aircraft were up from 06.00 hrs Z and had landed by 12.50 hrs Z. No sightings were reported.[26]

23 Sep 1942 – 5 Ju 88s of 2.(F)/122 (including 3 of Westa 26) for reconnaissance sorties covering the west of Sicily between the North African coasy and 39º N as far as 2º E. No sightings were reported. One aircraft reached as far as 13 W 4623 at 09.53 hrs Z. Al aircraft had landed by 14.50 hrs Z.[27]

Date Unit Aircraft Type Code Wkr.No. Notes
23 Sep 1942 4(F)./122 Ju 88D Damaged at Fp.Maikop, 20%

24 Sep 1942 - 5 Ju 88s of 2.(F)/122 (including 3 of Westa 26) for a similar reconnaissance sortie to that of 23 Sep 1942 covering the west of Sicily between the North African coasy and 39º N as far as 2º E. No sightings were reported.[28]

25 Sep 1942 – 3./122 flew 3 patrols along the Dutch coast.[29]

1(F)./122 had four JU 88s out on convoy escort duties, probably in the central Mediterranean. These aircraft had landed by 11.40 hrs Z.[30]

26 Sep 1942 – 1(F)./122 provided 5 Ju 88s and crews for convoy escort, probably in the central Mediterranean.[31]

27 Sep 1942 – 10 Ju 88s of 2(F)./122 (probably including 3 Ju 88s from Westa 26), daylight sorties to the western Mediterranean, no sightings. One aircraft landed at Elmas, but there were no indications from radio traffic that the sea area west of Sardinia was covered. All aircraft had landed by 16.40 hrs Z.[32]

29 Sep 1942 - 3./122 flew 2 patrols along the Dutch coast.[29] 5(F)./122 sortie(s) to the area south-east of Leningrad.[33]

2.(F)/122 operated 6 Ju 88 sorties to the western Mediterranean.[34]

30 Sep 1942 – 5(F)./122 photographed the rail yards at Babajewo[35]


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  1. LdZ - Ries-Photo Record:176.
  2. LdZ - PRO/London: AIR 40/1977; ADI(K) interr.sum.
  3. HW13/101 SALU 590 via Remi Traconelli.
  4. Luftflotte 4 3.9.42 - Bestand 500 Findbuch 12476 Akte 1 - Unterlagen der Ia-Abteilung des Generalkommandos des I. Flakkorps Befehle und Weisungen der Luftflotte 4 für die Kämpfe bei Stalingrad und das Zusammenwirken mit pg 6
  5. J Calvin - Aerial Leningrad\Photographed\Finnischer Meerbusen 59N29E
  6. Tim Oliver – Werner Breese combat sorties, from the Flugbuch. Contemporary magazine article.
  7. HW13/101 SALU 596 via Remi Traconelli
  9. RL 10 – 385b Tagesgesamteinsatz vom 10 Sept 1942
  10. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  11. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  12. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  13. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  14. J Calvin - aerialmiscellaneous/slides/Leningrad%2015-9-42.html
  15. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  16. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  17. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  19. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  22. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  23. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  24. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  25. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  26. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  27. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  28. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  29. 29.0 29.1 HW13/26
  30. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  31. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  32. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.
  34. HW13/109 via Remi Traconelli.