Bevollmächtigter für die Lufttorpedowaffe
Bevollmächtigter für die Lufttorpedowaffe
(Deputy for the Aerial Torpedo Arm)
Oberst Martin Harlinghausen (6 Jan 42 - 8 Nov 42)
Oberst Karl Stockmann (Mar 43 - Dec 44?)
Established late December 1941 or early January 1942 under General der Kampfflieger by reorganizing and upgrading the Lufttorpedoinspizient (Aerial Torpedo Inspectorate) that was already in existence. Although nominally under Gen.d. Kampfflieger, the Bevollmächtigter himself reported directly to Reichsmarschall Göring until 18 June 1943. This small staff was responsible for overseeing the development of aerial torpedo warfare, especially against enemy shipping, tactics, hardware improvements, readiness of units, etc. In November 1944 it was still shown on organizational charts as being under Gen.d.Kampfflieger.[1]
Flugbereitschaft Bevollm. für die Lufttorpedowaffe
Dates of formation and disbandment not known.
17 Aug 43: a He 111H-11 assigned to this Stab was destroyed on the ground during an Allied bombing of Fp. Salon in South France, 100%.
© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023
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- ↑ Boog:255, 270 and 618.