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DEFE3/131 covers the decryption period between 19th January 1944 and 22nd January 1944 – however, some information relates to dates outside this period

In the attached file are some notes/summaries gleaned from the pages of DEFE 3/131 I hope that these are of assistance to any fellow researchers.

The link to the National Archives for DEFE3/131 is here should you need to refer to it.

To download the notes as a pdf document click here

Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.

Flifue = FliegerFührer

Note –

  1. Number of pages refer to “GAF sightings” - these are for the most part not included in the summaries below as they do not refer to specific aircraft types or units.
  2. Flivos of Divisions are also not included below
  3. Code “Yoke” appears to refer to “Y” service.
  4. Times are direct from the message i.e. Zulu time.

Page Report Date of event Notes
363 VL4251 18/01/44 Flifue Albania - Intentions for 19/01/44 evening of 18/01/44

Photo Recce Bari Harbour and airfields Gioia del Colle, Grottaglie and guerilla airfield Kolasin.

Leaflet dropping in area northeast and southeast of Tirana.

362 VL4252 18/01/44 Strength 1./NAGr12 evening 18/01/44

Aircraft 13 (8 serviceable).

Crews 13 (8 available).

Airfield conditions for Tirana, Devoli, Podgorica, Skutari and Shijak same as on 16/01/44.

357 VL4254 18/01/44 Athens Tatoi and Eleusis not serviceable for night landings on night of 18/01/44 to 19/01/44 according to ARC Athens evening 18/01/44.
356 VL4255 18/01/44 Intentions Flifue Luftflotte for 19/01/44 issued 18.15 hrs Z 18/01/44

Battle recce earliest possible of landing point and supply roads opposite 94 ID; 15 ID and 44 ID.

Photo recce in front of centre and right wiong of XIV Korps.

Ground attack aircraft to be at half hour readiness for direct support of army.

Fighters, from first light free lance patrol or escort according to situation.

350 VL4258 18/01/44 Panzer Army 2 asked Flifue Croatia early on 18/01/44 to switch main bombing effort against guerilla attacks on Tuzla.
338 VL4267 18/01/44 One Ju of (indications) (F)./122 sea recce African coast between 03 W and 04 E from 14.00 Hrs Z to 21.00 Hrs Z without sighting anything.
335-6 VL4269 18/01/44 II./JG 51 at Campino.

I./JG 77 at Lagnasco informed by a pilot of JG 77 that he was still held up at Florence due to the weather. (Comment appears possible that the 16 Me 109 which arrived Florence from Vitterbo afternoon 15/01/44 belonged to I./JG 77 and were en route to the north)

(Strong indications) 2./JG 53 at Aviano on 16/01/44.

Rear elements of I./JG 53 in Germany ordered on 17/01/44 proceed to Aviano (Comment Unnamed gruppe under transfer to Aviano mentioned in VL 3911 and VL 3992 now appears to be I./JG 53 not I./JG 77 as previously suggested.)

328 VL4272 18/01/44 Railway stations and town of Pisa attacked by 32 aircraft type unknown at 12.30 hrs Z.

Airfield not hit.

Information from Luftwaffe Station Lucca at 15.30 hrs Z.

326-7 VL4273 18/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost total sorties 19; comprising Recce – 7; Bombers – 4; Sea Rescue Search – 2; Transport – 3; Miscellaneous – 3.

Recce 2 Me 109 of NAGr 12 photo recce Lecce approx 10.00 hrs Z simultaneously on ME 109 harassing flight of Italian coastal area missing. 2 Me 109 Met Recce Bari area. One Ju 88 from 12.30 hrs Z to 15.00 hrs Met and Sea Recce offshore area Otranto – Spartivento. 2 Me 109 from 12.45 hrs Z to 13.00 hrs Z sea area Otranto.

Bombers: 3 Hs 126 area south east of Agram, one broke off.

Sea Rescue: 2 Me 109 for overdue Me 109 in sea area Otranto from 13.00 to 14.15 Hrs Z without result.

Transport: 3 Ar 196 with wounded Piskopi – Rhodes.

Misc: 2 Mausi in Aegean without result. 1 Fi 156 leaflet dropping in Tirana..

Supplementary to ops 17/01/44 – 1 Hs 126 against guerilla concentrations in Tuzla area. 1 Hs 126 east of Brod broken off. 1 Hs 126 leaflet dropping in Gradisca area.

321 VL4277 18/01/44 Airfield detachment Drenova informed 1./NAGr 12 that Drenova Nord serviceable for Me 109 in emergency. Drenova Süd unserviceable as still partly softened and holes being filled in.

09/01/44 – Transfer of 1 Ar 66 and 1 Fi 156 of 1./NAGr 12 to Drenova for guerilla untertaking still intended.

303-5 VL4285 18/01/44 Partial Western Med effort on 18/01/44.

Unspecified aircraft recce Garigliano Estuary 07.00 hrs Z and Gulf of Gaeta 09.30 hrs Z.

1 Ju 88 recce Tyrrhenian Sea from 08.30 hrs Z to 11.15 hrs Z. Route Cap Linaro – 4112, 1145E – 3852, 1145E – 3852,1315E – 3907,1345E – 4022, 1345E – 4052, 1315E – 4122, 1145E.

1 Me 410 from 08.45hrs Z to 11.00 hrs Z route – Perugia – Fermo – Cap Gargano – 4133, 1615E – 4122, 1655E – 4157, 1725E – 4232, 1625E – 4312, 1625E – 4312, 1405E – Perugia.

1 Aircraft of Flifue Luftflotte 08.45 hrs to 11 Hrs Z off-shore San Benedetto to Bari.

1 JU 88 off shore Melilla to Cap Bengut.

II Fliegerdivision – 2 Ar 196 06.30 hrs Z to 09.15 hrs Z security recce sea area off Toulon to Spanish coast.

1 Ju 88 from 04.45 hrs Z to 11.15 hrs Z sea recce and picking up convoys in sea area Oran – Alboran.

300 VL4288 18/01/44 II./SG 4 operations on 18/01/44 included 8 aircraft up 10 hrs.

7 aircraft attacked bend Mike 8598 – Mike 8697. One Able Baker exploded in the air.

294 VL4294 19/01/44 To operate under Flifue Luftflotte 19/01/44: ground attack aircraft II./SG 4. Fighters, I./JG 4 and II./JG 51.
286 VL4298 16/01/44 36 Me 109 of II./JG 53 scrambled at 10.30 hrs Z 16/01/44 without interception.

11 Landed Seyring 12.30 hrs Z, 22 Maribor 13.00 hrs Z, returning Seyring on 17/01/44. 3 forced landed on road due to lack of fuel.

285 VL4299 18/01/44 18/01/44 operations Flifue Luftflotte:

Ground attack aircraft in (strong indications three) operatiojns against Allied troops attacking and supplies in front of 94 ID.

83 fighters on escort and free lance patrol over centre and right wing of 76 Korps. 1 Me 109 missing.

Visual recce by 4 and photo recce by 2 aircraft in front of centre and right wing of 14 Korps.

2 aircraft visual recce broke off due to strong fighter defence.

Allied fighter defence particularly strong during whole day.

280 VL4303 18/01/44 Evening strenght Luftwaffe Mission Rumania.

Able : Total 38 (Serviceable 29)

Baker: Total 12 (available 11)

Charlie: Total 23 (available 19)

Dog: Total 2 (available 1)

Easy: Total 10 (Available unknown).

267 VL4312 19/01/44 Luftwaffe Recce 19/01/44 of Dalmation Islands south of Split disclosed near Vis total of 40 small and medium craft.
265 VL4314 17/01/44 Release of Syra airfield mentioned in VL3630 sanctioned on 17/01/44.
262 VL4317 19/01/44 (Strong Indications 19) Me 109G-6 and Mortar aircraft of III./JG 53 scrambled 11.00 hrs Z to 12.30 hrs Z 19/01/44 without interception.

Strength this unit evening 19/01/44

First figure total, second on airfield, third serviceable: Me 109G-6 (slight indications 32), (Fair indications 30), 10-20.

Me 109G-6 Mortar – 14,14 and 6.

Also 5 Me 109G-6 training aircraft of which 4 on airfield.

256 VL4322 18/01/44 Morning 18/01/44 JG 53 and I./JG 53 informed that advanced detachment and flying detachment had arrived at an unspecified destination.

Secondly following according to (strong indications same advanced detachment I./JG 53) : Gruppe quarters in Pordenone, 13 Km south east of Aviano airfield.

Staffel dispersal points not yet allocated, probably to be well separated as airfield very extensive.

Comment VL4269 Baker relevant.

255 VL4323 19/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost intentions for night 19-20/01/44 and day 20/01/44 issued at 20.30 hrs Z 19/01/44.

Bomber operations by Fl.K.X against occupied harbours east coast Italy or east coast Sicily. Further intentions later.

252-3 VL4325 19/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost intentions for night 19-20/01/44 and day 20/01/44 issued at 20.30 hrs Z 19/01/44.

FL.K. X offshore recce Otranto- Spartivento.

Patrol of convoy route Benghazi – Malta.

Weather permitting photo recce Castelorizo with patrol of Turkish territorial waters.

Flifue Albania – Photo recce Bari harbour and airfields Giola del Colle and Grottaglie.

Flifue Croatia – recce and battle operations unchanged.

Luftwaffe Mission Rumania – protection task unchanged.

Luftwaffe Mission Bulgaria – air defence with main effort Sofia.

241 VL4333 18/01/44 11.00 hrs Z 18/01/44 – 4./126 had total of 9 aircraft (6 serviceable and 1 conditionally serviceable). Crews 11 total and 9 ready.
240 VL4334 19/01/44 Flifue Luftflotte intentions for 20/01/44 at 20.30 hrs Z 19/01/44.

Battle recce earliest possible along Via Casilina, in front of 94 D and northern part of Gaeta Gulf.

Photo recce if weather and aircraft situation permit in front of 44 and 94 D.

Ground Attack aircraft to be at half hour readiness for direct support of the army.

Fighters – air defence and protective escort readiness as from dawn.

238 VL4335 19/01/44 Orders for recce on 20/01/44 at 21.00 hrs Z 19/01/44 by Flifue Luftflotte – Allies continued attacks in centre of 94 ID, effecting some penetrations.

Appreciation of situation.

Recce for 20/01/44 as for 19/01/44 apart from early take-off battle recce, further operations as ordered by Flifue Luftflotte.

235 VL4338 19/01/44 According information 19.30 hrs Z 19/01/44 ground attack targets for 20/01/44 to be Minturno Mike 7895 and Bridge Mike 8393.
230 VL4341 19/01/44 Formations of Flifue Luftflotte 2 according to information 18.30 hrs Z 19/01/44 were unable to carry out further ops as they had to land at alternative airfields. (See V:L4342 for Luftflotte 2 effort).
228-9 VL4342 19/01/44 Complete effort Flifue Luftflotte 19/01/44.

9 Ground attack aircraft against locality Mike 8598.

25 fighters on escort to ward off Allied fighter attacks on ground attack aircraft.

28 fighters on free lance patrol over front area of 14 Korps had to be diverted to defend German-held airfields against Allied attacks by 400 bombers and 57 fighter bombers with fighter escort. Allied fighter cover reckoned to be at least tenfold superior to defending German fighter forces.

2 Me 109 missing.

4 sorties on battle recce in front of 14 Korps and sea recce Gaeta Gulf.

2 further aircraft on battle recce in spite of air battles.

Photo recce sortie in unspecified area had to be broken off owing to technical trouble.

No further operations possible as German formations had to land at alternative airfields.

224 VL4346 17/01/44 According IV./JG 27 Mostar on afternoon 17/01/44 strength fo r15/01/44 was 22 aircraft with 6 serviceable. Crews 22 total and 19 ready.

13 aircraft were damaged by bomb splinters.

223 VL4347 18/01/44 Koflug 2/VI informed on 18/01/44 that the last surveys in the Fano Valley were to be made on 19/01/44.
222 VL4348 20/01/44 Now known that recce in VL4267 was made by Fl.D.2 not Aufklgr.122.
214 VL4353 19/01/44 Koflug 9/VII ordered certain manning arrangements for aircraft reporting service, as raids were to be expected from north.
209-210 VL4356 19/01/44 Airfield serviceabilities on 19/01/44.

Jesi ( Iesi) 13.00 hrs Z – in attack 11.30 hrs hits on four hangers and landing area. 15.00 hrs Z perimeter and obstacle lighting unserviceable, emergency night landing possible.

Florence – 16.00 hrs Z – again serviceable, a crashed aircraft removed from runway, latter free for landing.

Viterbo - 17.00 hrs Z after 3 air attacks during the day only the runway was damaged.

Perugia – 18.00 hrs Z – for operational reasons all available forces to be used for speediest restoration of landing area.

On 20/01/44 – 05.30 Hrs Z Airfield (indications Rome – Florence area) again serviceable for landing on marked off runway. 07.30 hrs Z Viterbo closed until further notice citing craters and UXBs.

204-5 VL4360 18/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 18/01/44 additional to VL4273.

2 Me 109 island recce of harbours of Vis., 6 Me 109 scrambled without interception.

No ops night 18-19/01/44.

19/01/44 – 1 Ju 88 offshore Otranto-Spartivento – 3537, 1815E from 08.15 hrs Z to 10.30 hrs Z.

Weather and sea recce south of Rhodes as far as Alexandria from 10.15 to 13.15 hrs Z.

Recce for convoys reported in Straits of Otranto by aircraft reporting posts by 2 Me 110, in area from 14.45 hrs Z.

2 Me 109 recce of sea area north of Corfu – Straits of Otranto, 2 Me 109 from 13.15 hrs Z to 14.00 hrs Z Dalmation Islands south of Split escorted by 4 other Me 109.

203 VL4361 19/01/44 Part of western Med recce effort on 19/01/44:

Unspecified aircraft over the Gult of Gaeta 07.00 hrs Z.

Fl.D.2: 8 Ar 196 06.15 hrs Z to 14.30 hrs Z close escort.

1 Ju 88 from 12.30 hrs Z to 16.45 hrs Z security recce between 3 and 8 degrees E as far as 40 degrees N.

199 VL4365 20/01/44 Employment of 590 personnel for repairs Perugia airfield on 20/01/44 intended evening 19/01/44 by station command. First task to lay strip of runway 40 metres broad on hanger side of airfield(as fewer craters that side).

Restoration of serviceability being speeded but not expected before evening 20/01/44.

193 VL4369 19/01/44 According to Luftwaffe Fl.H.Kdtr Perugia in operation by 2 British parachutists 00.15 hrs same day, one Fi 156 destroyed, one Ju 88 burnt out (Latter aircraft already damaged in air attack on 07/01/44). Following immediate search of all aircraft, explosive charges removed from 4 Ju 88, 1 He 111, 1 Ju 52 and 1 Fi 156. Search for arms, ammunition, explosives and baggage in copse 5 km NW of Perugia airfield was successful.

Considered that parachutists had been dropped in Perugia area some days before.

192 VL4370 20/01/44 Recce orders to Flifue Albania for 21/01/44 at 11.00 hrs Z 20/01/44 – recce Bari harbour.
184 VL4377 19/01/44 According (strong indications Flifue Croatia) transfer of 6 Me 109 of IV (strong indications JG 27) carried out on 19/01/44.

Comment – strength Mostar 15/01/44 in VL4346. Transfer 4 aircraft to Skoplje on 15/01/44 in VL4091.

161 VL4392 18/01/44 Requested on 18/01/44 that initial issue field kitchens for for Jafü Bulgaria and JG 5, be sent to Bojuishte from Rumania.

Secondly Jafü Greece no longer in Athens (comment new location not known).

Thirdly, according to preliminary orders on 19/01/44 subordinated for operations and discipline to Jafü Balkans: Jafü Rumania, Jafü Bulgaria, JG 27.

Staffeln of JG 27 operating under X Fl.K. and Flifue Croatia to retain present subordination.

Battle HQ Jafü Balkans at Otopeni.

Fourthly, Information on 19/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost moving to Belgrade Pancevo, to take over from evening 21/01/44.

160 VL4393 20/01/44 Intentions of Flifue Luftflotte 2, 20.30 hrs Z 20/01/44 for 21/01/44.

Able – Recce. Battle air recce in front of right wing of XIV Pz K.

Photo recce in front of 44 ID and 5 Gerb.D.

Baker – Ground Attack. From first light half hours readiness for direct support of army.

Fighters – from first light air defence and escort.

155 VL4397 20/01/44 Luftwaffe recce on 20/01/44 of Dalmatian Islands showed total of 65 medium and small boats at Vis. No traffic between islands.
146 VL4405 17/01/44 According to IV./JG27 Mostar on 17/01/44 strength of detachment on 16/01/44 was aircraft 8 (serviceable 6), pilots 18 (ready 15).

9 aircraft off strength to workshops, 4 to Skopklje. Comment VL4346 for strength 15/01/44 mentioning bomb damage.

141 VL4409 20/01/44 Perugia still closed at 18.30 hrs Z 20/01/44 for night 20-21/01/44. (VL4365 to compare).
135 VL4413 20/01/44 Intentions Flifue Albania for 21/01/44 issued 20.00 hrs Z 20/01/44.

Photo recce Bari harbour and guerilla airfieldKolasin.

Serviceability same time 1./NAGr12 – aircraft 13 (8 serviceable), crews 15 (10 ready).

Condition of airfields as on 18/01/44. Comment VL4425 gave this.

134 VL4414 20/01/44 Take of for second ground attack operation on 20/01/44 against Minturno coincided with heavy Allied raid on German airfields.

Owing to heavy Allied raids on 20/01/44 aircraft had to land on alternative airfields and no further ops could take place.

Above information according to Flifue evening 20/01/44.

Comment – unclear if para 2 refers to fighters as well as ground attack aircraft.

133 VL4415 20/01/44 Total effort Flifue Luftflotte 2 on 20/01/44.

22 ground attack sorties in 2 operations on Minturno (of which 12 at 12.00 hrs Z).

Of german fighters (comment – numbers unknown) on escort, two missing, one shot down.

3 fighters scramble.

2 aircraft photo recce and 2 aircraft on battle recce.

126 VL4421 19/01/44 Repair of Mostar airfield progressing, but airfield still closed to visiting aircraft according to Koflug Sarajevo evening 19/01/44.
109-112 VL4432 19/01/44 Setting up of Jafü Balkans with location in Belgrade area ordered by C-in-C Luftwaffe.

For this purpose Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost issued the following orders on 19/01/44.

First – Oberst Woldenga ( Comment, probably hitherto Jafü Rumania, former Kommodore of JG 27 – ARM comment confirmed in Luftwaffe Careers Summaries) to take over with immediate effect duties of Jafü Balkans and in this capacity is immediately subordinated to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost in every respect. Subordination for supply under Feld Luftgau XXX from moment of transfer to Belgrade area.

Secondly - Jafü Balkans will form for himself a planning staff out of existing staff of Jafü Rumania in such a way that Jafü Rumania remains fully efficient.

Thirdly – until final battle HQ in Belgrade area is ready Jafü Balkans will improvise a battle HQ in concert with AOC Luftwaffe Rumania.

Fourthly - Jafü Balkans will employ, in accordance with instructions of Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost, the fighter forces, subordinated to him, either directly or via the Jafüs who are likewhise subordinated to him. Present main task is protection of Rumanian oil region against Allied attacks. Secondary tasks: protection of Rumanian and Bulgarian capitals and of Belgrade, and engagement of all Allied bomber formationsflying into the southeastern area, in as far as this is consistent with the main task. To this end close liaison is to be maintained with Jafü Austria (comment – which is under JD 7).

Fifthly – Following subordinated to Jafü Balkans for operations and administration: Jafü Rumania; Jafü Bulgaria; JG 27. Other subordination in territorial and supply matters and servicing remains unchanged for these staffs and units. Similarly the staffeln of JG 27 occupied on other tasks in the sphere of X FL.K. and Flifue Croatia remain as before subordinated to these authorities.

The preliminary orders in VL4392 were from Jafü Balkans to Jafü Bulgaria and JG 27, they were issued in accordance with the above.

105 VL4436 20/01/44 A few sorties West Med 20/01/44.

1 Ju from 05.00 hrs Z to 10.00 hrs Z security recce between 03 and 08 East as far as 40 North.

2 Ar 196 from 06.30 hrs Z to 09.45 hrs Z security recce and submarine hunt area Toulon – Hyeres.

1 Ju from 13.00 hrs Z to 17.00 hrs Z security recce between 03 and 08 East as far as 40 North.

2 Ar 196 13.30 hrs Z to 16.15 hrs Z security recce and anti-submarine patrol area Toulon – Hyeres.

Recce by unspecified aircraft Gaeta Gulf from 12.00 hrs Z to 13.00 hrs Z.

90 VL4442 20/01/44 III./JG 53 strength evening 20/01/44.

First figure total, second on airfield, third serviceable: Me 109G-6 32;30; 22.

Me 109G-6 Mortar 14;14;unknown.

Also 5 training aircraft with 3 on airfield.

86-87 VL4445 20/01/44 Partial Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost effort 20/01/44.

No night operations night 19-20/01/44.

Flifue Croatia: apart from 2 Me 109 on island recce including Vis in forenoon no operations due to weather.

1 Ju offshore Otranto-Spartivento from 07.00 hrs Z to 09.00 hrs Z.

1 Ju sea recce convoy route northwest of Benghazi from 06.30 hrs Z to 09.45 hrs Z.

Some details 19/01/44 (comment further to VL4360)

2 Ju 52 Mausi swept two mines Salonika.

(Fair indications total of) 8 aircraft on sea recce.

Flifue Croatia 5 Me 109 scrambled without interception.

6 Do 17 supplied ammunition to Tuzla.

1 Hs 126 on recce, 2 Hs 126 attacked guerillas.

A total of 13 Me 109 sorties from Mostar and 4 He 46 from Butmir.

76 VL4451 20/01/44 Strength 4./126 morning 20/01/44 for 21/01/44

Aircraft 9 (serviceable 7) Crews 11 (Ready 9)

74 VL4453 19/01/44 IV./JG 27 (Comment – Mostar) had 6 aircraft serviceable out of 8 and 9 pilots ready out of 11.
73 VL4454 21/01/44 According Koflu 9/VII on 21/01/44 at 07.30 hrs Z – Trevi would probably be occupied on 22/01/44 temporarily by a close (NAGr) staffel.

11.00 hrs Z – 15 tons B4 fuel to be taken at once from Perugia to Trevi.

68 VL4457 21/01/44 Fl.H.Kdtr Perugia reported morning 21/01/44 200 heavy bomb craters. No light roller on airfield to repair taxying area. (VL4409 compare)
65-66 VL4459 20/01/44 No operation Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost night 20-21/01/44.

Total operations on 20/01/44 33 sorties of which 5 recce; 12 fighters; 12 escort; 2 sea rescue search; 2 miscellaneous.

Recce: 1 Ju convoy route NW Benghazi.

1 Ju weather and sea Otranto- Spartivento

1 Ju photo recce Castelorizo 12.15 hrs Z.

Patrol Turkish Coast 11.45 hrs Z to 13.15 hrs Z.

2 Me 109 island recce south of Split.

Fighters: 12 Me 109 scrambled Skoplje 10.55 hrs.

Escort: 12 Ju with air transports.

Sea Rescue: 2 Arados searching for missing He 111 northern Aegean.

Miscellaneous: 1 Fi 156 leaflet dropping Tirana.

1 Fi 156 leaflet dropping south of Podgorica.

Comment – some of above details in VL4445

63 VL4461 21/01/44 Addressed Piacenea on 21/01/44 I./SG 4. (Comment VL3478 gave transfer of elements SG 4 to Guidonia from Piacenza on 07/01/44)
54 VL4465 20/01/44 II./JG 51 ordered 14.00 hrs Z 20/01/44 to report how many aircraft damaged by bombs on an airfield (strong indications are satellite of Ciampino North).

15.00 hrs 21/01/44 Ciampino South runway serviceable.

50-51 VL4467 21/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost issued 15.00 h rs Z 21/01/44 orders for night 21-22/01/44 and day 22/01/44:

X Fl. K – offshore Otranto to Straits of Spartivento. Patrol convoy route between Malta and Benghazi. Probing recce towards Nile Delta.

Operation against east Italian or East Sicilian harbours.

Flifue Albania – photo recce Bari Harbour continuous watch on guerilla airfiled Berame and shooting up of aircraft dispersed on airfield.

Flifue Croatia – Patrol of islands and shipping traffic between islands. Battle recce at army request. Support of army in operations against guerillas.

Luftwaffe Rumania – protective task unchanged.

Luftwaffe Mission Bulgaria – air defence main effort Sofia.

49 VL4468 21/01/44 Arrived Lavariano between 14.00 hrs Z and 15.00 hrs Z 21/01/44: 5 Me 109 from Forli. 5 Me 109 from Ravenna.

Comment – no evidence of unit, may be I./JG 53, see VL4322

43 VL4472 20/01/44 Return to 3./NAGr 12 Larissa afternoon 20/01/44 3 Me 110 all serviceable.

Comment – location of elements making return not known.

18 VL4489 21/01/44 Intentions fro 22/01/44 of Flifue Albania at 19.00 hrs Z 21/01/44

Photo Recce Bari and guerilla airfield Kolasin, watch on guerilla airfiled Berane. (Comment VL4467 compare)

Strength 1./NAGr 12 evening 21/01/44 13 aircraft (8 serviceable); 15 crews (8 ready)

At 11.30 hrs Z on 21/01/44 12 Spitfires attacked dummy Freya south of Cap Pali.

Tirana and Devoli airfileds serviceable on runway only.

Podgorica and Scutari serviceable for all classes

Sciak closed.

9 VL4495 21/01/44 Alternative airfield to be called Eleusis East under construction on 21/01/44 east of Eleusis.

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