DEFE3/134 covers the decryption period between 28th January 1944 and 31st January 1944 – however, some information relates to dates outside this period.
In the page below there are some notes/summaries transcribed from the pages of DEFE 3/134 I hope that these are of assistance to any fellow researchers.
The link to the National Archives for DEFE3/134 is here should you need to refer to it.
To download the notes as a pdf document click here
Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.
Flifue = FliegerFührer
Note –
- Number of pages refer to “GAF sightings” - these are for the most part not included in the summaries below as they do not refer to specific aircraft types or units.
- Flivos of Divisions are also not included below
- Code “Yoke” appears to refer to “Y” service.
- Times are direct from the message i.e. Zulu time.
Page | Report | Date of event | Notes |
341-342 | VL5001 | 27/01/44 | Flifue Luftflotte’s appreciation of ops on 27/01/44.
4 powerful ops by ground attack aircraft, fighter bombers and mortars against Anzio landing, concentrating all forces and utilising all technical facilities. 18 tonnes bombs droppedand 18 mortar bombs fired. In some cases results not observed in detail owing considerable smoke and strong defence by fighters and Flak. Assumption that Allied air losses considerably in excess of crew claims confirmed by “Yoke”. Allies used 400 fighters, but attacks on German bomb carrying aircraft beaten off by escort in bitter combats – 5 German fighters lost. 8 sorties in completion of beachhead mosaic, 2 offshore Anzio – Civita Vecchia tpo depth of 80 km from 09.30 to 10.15 hrs Z and 2 photo recce in front of left wing of 44 I.D. Some details of attacks on Anzio harbour. 12 Fw 190 attacked 07.40 hrs Z. 16 Me 109 with bombs and mortars attacked 10.15 hrs Z. 12 Fw 190 attacked 13.30 hrs Z. |
340 | VL5002 | 28/01/44 | Further comment to VL4869 no evidence since AWL 1376 to strengthen equation of the two unidentified gruppen with NJG 6 |
336 | VL5006 | 27/01/44 | Recce of area northeast of Zara and islands off Zara between 05.50 – 06.50 hrs Z 27/01/44.
Approximately 120 -140 ferry boats and single masted sailing vessels and 10 – 12 motor freighters anchored near Pasman, Zut, Kormat, IZ, Uljan and especially Dugi. |
331 | VL5010 | 27/01/44 | Stab of Koflug 9/VII on 27/01/44 with all its departments at Montefiascone at northern exit on the road to Orvieto. Comment – this ARC controls all GAF stattion commands in western Italy up to Gulf of Genoa. |
329 | VL5012 | 28/01/44 | Arrangements made 09.00 hrs Z 28/01/44.
(fair indications on 28/01/44) a fighter gruppe (strong indications to arrive) Foligno. Perugia and Foligno envisaged as unloading airfields for transport geschwader. (strong indications unloading preparations to be made)(comment – other arrangements made in this connection but unknown here). |
312 | VL5024 | 28/01/44 | 3 Me 109 left Lagnasco 15.00 hrs Z 28/01/44 for Lavariano.
2 of these aircraft flew from Treviso to Lagnasco on 22/01/44. 9 Me 109 arrived 14.30 hrs Z 27/01/44 at Orvieto from Villaorba. |
307 | VL5027 | 27/01/44 | 3 Ju seaplanes and 3 Ar 196, with about 35 men, shot down off Mikonos at 13.00 hrs 27/01/44 by Allied aircraft. According Admiral Aegean late same day. |
306 | VL5028 | 28/01/44 | Perugia was ordered afternoon 28/01/44 to stop supplying C3 to Trevi (comment see VL4454 para able) and to send 22 tonnes C3 to Foligno. |
302 | VL5031 | 28/01/44 | 10 Me 109 left an airfield (Fair indications in Emilia) for Littorio between 13.10 and 14.30 hrs Z 28/01/44 |
299 | VL5033 | 27/01/44 | Nettuno landing point photo recce 09.30 – 10.15 hrs Z 27/01/44
1 destroyer, 20 small naval vessels, 1 LSI, 36 LST, 17 LCT 350, 27 LCT 120, 2 LCT 250, 5 Liberty ships, 1 Hospital ship. Inshore east of Nettuno (fair indications 8) medium landing craft, 14 landing pontoons. |
290 | VL5039 | 28/01/44 | Atack on Aviano 10.30 to 10.35 hrs Z 28/01/44. Fragmentation bombs on hangers and buildings, numerous fragmentation bombs on northeast part of airfield. In north hangers 14 dismantled aircraft hit, in south hangers 13 fuselages hit. 1 trailer and 1 tank truck hit, 1 trailer burnt out. |
289 | VL5040 | 28/01/44 | On 28/01/44, I./JG3 had 33 aircraft, 21 serviceable, 38 pilots, 21 ready.
II./JG 3 45 and nil serviceable, crews 46 and 29. IV./JG 3 aircraft 45 and 30, pilots 43 and 29. |
288 | VL5041 | 28/01/44 | Flifue Luftflotte intentions 21.30 hrs Z 28/01/44 for 29/01/44.
Recce: offshore Tiber mouth to landing point, visual of landing bridgehead. Weather permitting mosaic of that part of landing bridgehead not covered on 28/11/44, visual sea area Orbetello as required by results of night recce. Ground attackaircraft readiness from first light to engage Allied disembarkations. Fighters readiness from first light for fighter bomber operations and escort. |
286 | VL5043 | 28/01/44 | Stab./JG 77 addressed Caselle on 28/01/44. |
274 | VL5052 | 28/01/44 | On orders Luftflotte 2, stab photo abteilung 10th Armee subordinated to Flifue Luftflotte until Allied landing bridgehead cleared up. Subordination for ops to NAGr 11 in order to concentrateall elements engaged in recce and preparation of photos in area Flifue. In formation 28/01/44. Comment VL4232 refers. |
266 | VL5058 | 28/01/44 | Orders Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost to Fliegerkorps X for night 28-29/01/44 and day 29/01/44 at approximately 12.00 hrs Z 28/01/44.
Night photo recce Bari. Performance particularly important to establish whether landing behind front also to be expected in the Adriatic. Photo recce in order of importance: (1) Harbours and airfields Levant coast. (2) Harbour Port Said. (3) Augusta and Malta (4) Harbours and airfields Tobruk area. Screening of Dodecanese towards Nile for timely establishment of approaching shipping formations. Remaining sea recce and offensive tasks unchanged. |
263 | VL5060 | 28/01/44 | Fighter control post South (comment presumably at Viterbo see VL4642) to warn NAGr 11 and SG 4 direct in event of Allied raids, according information 28/01/44. |
262 | VL5061 | 28/01/44 | Orders Fliegerkorps X to detachment JG 27 Gadurra late 28/01/44 for 29/01/44:
11./ZG 26, 1 schwarm half hours readiness from 06.00 hrs Z for harbour protection Porto Lago. Remainder rest, but at readiness for Allied raids. 3./NAGr2, on demand according weather. 7./JG 27, fighter patrols in Athens and Rhodes area according air situation. For Rhodes schwarm, protection of Porto Lago harbour. Comment – VL4651 refer. |
261 | VL5062 | 29/01/44 | More recce orders Flifue Luftflotte for 29/01/44 (VL5041 refers).
One rotte readiness from first light for visual recce, as according Abwehr information an undertaking in area Orbetello possible. Photo recce to be flown, for comparative purposes, of road Anzio to north and north east (includingdirection of Aprilia and Cisterna) |
253 | VL5066 | 28/01/44 | Unserviceable for landings until further notice, Targeorul-Nou. Information 28/01/44. |
238-240 | VL5079 | 28/01/44 | Some sorties by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost 28/01/44.
Firstly, Flifue Albania: Leaflet dropping northern Albania by 1 W34 from 06.00 – 07.00 hrs Z. 2 Me 109 of 1./NAGr 12 up 07.30 hrs Z for photo recce Bari, overdue. Probing recce Gulf Manfredonia by 2 Me 109 up 14.20 hrs Z down 15.40 hrs Z. Secondly, Flifue Croatia: Recce recce Mostar to 75 km west of Vis by 2 Me 109 of 2./NAGr 12 up 05.45 hrs Z down 06.45 hrs Z. Cape Gargano to Termoli by 2 Me 109 from 05.45 to 06.15 hrs Z. Mostar – Vis – Mostar by 2 Me 109 up 10.20 hrs Z down 11.30 hrs Z. Recce by unspecified aircraft Vis to Pelagosa from 13.30 hrs Z to 14.00 hrs Z and Cape Gargano to Termoli from 14.15 – 15.00 hrs Z. Recce 2 Me 109 Cape Gargano to Termoli up 14.50 hrs Z down 15.45 hrs Z. Thirdly, Fliegerkorps X recce North west Benghazi by 1 Ju 88 from 05.45 hrs Z to 09.15 hrs Z. Recce Turkish coast by unspecified aircraft Castelorizo to Cos from 11.40 – 12.30 hrs Z. South of Rhodes to Nile by 1 Ju 88 from 12.00 – 14.50 hrs Z Fourthly, no ops Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost night 27-28/01/44. |
234-6 | VL5081 | 28/01/44 | Incomplete West Med report 28/01/44
Fliegerdivision 2: 1 Ju on ASV recce Anzio area 02.00 – 08.00 hrs Z. 2 Ar 196 from 06.00 – 09.00 hrs Z security recce West of Toulon as far as Spanish coast – no sightings. 1 Ju up 11.45 hrs Z down 16.15 hrs Z security recce between 03 and 08 East as far as 40 North. West coast of Corsica not covered, no sightings. 2 Ar 196 up 14.15 hrs Z down 17.00 hrs Z, security recce west of Toulon as far as Spanish frontier, no sighting. 1 Ju ASV recce area Corsica – Anzio (strong indications in area) from 21.00 to 22.00 hrs Z. 1 Ju Hohentwiel night recce from 23.30 hrs Z 27/01/44 to 02.45 hrs Z 28/01/44 East Coast of Italy between Ancona and Bari, no sightings. 1 Ju 88 of Westa 26 up 22.00 hrs Z28/01/44 down 002-03.00 hrs Z 29/01/44, route perugia – Civita Vecchia – Gaeta Gulf to a point 70 km over sea to the west – Civita Vecchia landing at either Forli, Villafranca or Udine. 1 Ju recce Tyrrhenian Sea from 11.00 – 15.00 hrs Z, no sightings. 1 Me 410 from 15.45 – 16.30 hrs coastal recce including Ancona-Ortona, no sightings. 1 Me 410 screening of west coast Italy and Civita Vecchia as far as Capri, time in area included from 07.30 – 08.30 hrs Z. |
232 | VL5083 | 28/01/44 | Strength IV./KG 76 Toulouse-Francazal evening 28/01/44.
Aircraft actual 35, on airfield 33, serviceable 15, detached 2. Crews actual 96, conditionally ready 85, not ready 7, detached 4. |
231 | VL5084 | 27/01/44 | Some western front air sorties.
Air recce arranged for night 26-27/01/44 and day 27/01/44 for convoy sighted by aircraft at 11.20 hrs Z in about 56 N, 10 W. 1 Bv 222 due to fly out neat 4420, 0130 W at 10.15 hrs Z 27/01/44, inward fligth at time unspecified, landfall same area. 1 Ju 290 due to cross coast outward in same area at 20.45 hrs Z on 26/01/44, back 10.45 hrs Z 27/01/44 and 1 due out at 05.45 hrs Z on 27/01/44, in at about 21.30 hrs Z on 27/01/44 same area. |
218 | VL5095 | 28/01/44 | On 28/01/44 ops Flifue Luftflotte.
3 ops with ground attack aircraft, fighter bombers and mortar aircraft against Allied landings Nettuno- Anzio with fighter escort. 1 Fw 190 and 2 Me 109 missing. No further ops as aircraft landed at alternative airfield in base area. Fighter: scramble against Allied formation in base area. Only one aircraft making contact since take off delayed through refuelling. Recce: 2 aircraft offshore and ove beachhead. (comment see also VL5055) No photo recce as aircraft became unserviceable on take off. |
217 | VL5096 | 28/01/44 | Aircraft left Littorio for Viterbo on 28/01/44 as follows:
3 Fw 190 at 14.00 hrs Z 10 Me 109 at 14.00 hrs Z to 15.00 hrs Z. |
215 | VL5098 | 28/01/44 | Airfield serviceability according Flifue Luftflotte 2 evening 28/01/44.
Serviceable - Siena North and Osa for Me 109 and Fw 190. Trevi, Orvieto and Guidonia for all classes. Mala Grotta (just west of Rome), Fianoromano, Littorio, Fabrica and Viterbo for Me109, Fw 190 and Ju 52 Closed – Viterbo West and Tuscania because of soft ground. Rieti because of craters. Foligno (fair indications serviceable) for all classes. |
210 | VL5101 | 28/01/44 | Total ops Flifue Albania on 28/01/44 as in VL5079 firstly plus search by 3 Me 109 from 10.15 – 11.30 hrs Z and 12.00 – 13.15 hrs Z for 2 Me 109 of 1./NAGr 12 overdue. |
199 | VL5107 | 28/01/44 | Serviceability 4./126 on 28/01/44: aircraft 7 of 8, crews 9 of 11. |
189 | VL5113 | 29/01/44 | In attack from above unbroken cloud at 11.30 hrs Z 29/01/44, bombs dropped 4 to 5 km north of Siena South airfield. No damage. |
185 | VL5116 | 29/01/44 | Serviceability of IV./JG 3 on 29/01/44: Aircraft 25 of 45. Pilots 28 of 43. |
180 | VL5120 | 29/01/44 | Late 29/01/44 intentions Flifue Luftflotte for 30/01/44.
Offshore recce Tiber mouth as far as landing point. Visual recce over beachhead. Comparitive photo recce areas of main effort at bridgehead. Ground attack at half hour readiness from 06.00 hrs Z for operations over disembarkation point. Fighter at normal readiness for standard tasks. |
169 | VL5128 | 29/01/44 | Considered by Flifue Luftflotte 29/01/44 that owing to change in tactics of attack, a surprise was affected in 2 operations against unloading points south east of Nettuno.
Further attacks impossible owing to fog and Allied raids in base area. 3 Me 109 missing. |
160 | VL5137 | 29/01/44 | Orders 11.30 hrs Z 29/01/44. Half staffel 1(F)./22 to transfer back from Stavenger Sola to Trondheim Vaernes if weather favourable.
Comment – Staffel based Vaernes. Part transferred to Stavenger by 24/11/43 |
153 | VL5143 | 29/01/44 | By Flifue Luftflotte 2 orders for 30/01/44 at 20.00 hrs Z 29/01/44, addressed to JG 53 for all fighter gruppen, SG 4 and NAGr 11.
Support for defensive fighting in landing bridgehead by attacks on unloading activity on lines of afternoon attack on 29/01/44. SG 4 at half hour readiness from 06.00 hrs Z against unloading points. JG 53, all subordinate gruppen to ensure airfield protection from fist light. Fighter bomber and escort tasks in direct consultation with SG 4, take-off from 06.30 hrs Z weather permitting. Targets as in afternoon attack by SG 4 on 29/01/44. Recce as in separate order Comment compare intentions in VL5120. |
140 | VL5150 | 29/01/44 | Effort 2. Fliegerdivision included on 29/01/44:
1 Ju 23.10 hrs Z on 28/01/44 – 05.15 hrs Z 29/01/44 ASV recce Corsica – Anzio. On 29/01/44 1 Ju 03.50 – 08.50 hrs Z security Ligurian Sea and offshore north and north west Corsica. 2 Arados 05.45 – 08.30 hrs Z security west Toulon to Spanish coast. 2 Arados 06.35 – 09.25 hrs Z anti submarine patrol off Toulon to 06.30 E. 1 Ju 13.30 – 17.40 hrs Z security between 3 and 8 degrees E to 40 N 2 Arados – 14.10, 15.00 – 17.00 hrs Z security recce west Toulon to Spanish coast. 4 Fw 190, 14.25 – 15.30 hrs Z security sea area north west Corsica. |
139 | VL5151 | 28/01/44 | Possibly incomplete Fliegerdivision 2 report 28/01/44:
1 Ju on ASV recce Anzio area02.00 – 08.00 hrs Z. 2 Arados from 06.00 – 09.00 hrs Z security recce west of Toulon as far as Spanish coast, no sightings. 1 Ju up 11.45 hrs Z down 16.15 hrs Z security recce between 03 and 08 E and 40 N. West coast of Corsica not covered. No sightings. 2 Arados up 14.15 hrs Z down 17.00 hrs Z, security recce west of Toulon as far as Spanish frontier, no sightings. 1 Ju ASV recce area Corsica- Anzio (strong indications in area) from 21.00 – 22.00 hrs Z. |
133-5 | VL5155 | 28/01/44 | Intentions western Europe included on 28/01/44:
4 JU 52 up 09.00 hrs Z for area 4607, 0115 W. 1 JU 88 at 12.30 hrs Z out 4627, 0145 W, returning 16.20 hrs Z in 44802, 0445 W. 16 Me 410 out over Nieuport at 21.00 hrs Z, in at 22.10 hrs Z. 13 unspecified aircraft in over Boulogne at 22.05 hrs Z. Secondly, before 03.30 hrs Z aircraft of FAGr 12 were in area 5417, 1255 W and 5332, 1505 W. Intentions of 29/01/44: 1 He 111 out 00.01 hrs Z, in at 07.30 - 08.30 hrs Z over 4452, 0115 W. 1 Ju 88 at 04.00 hrs Z in 4737, 0245 W for ops in 44537, 0345 W. 8 Ju 88 out over 4742, 0335 W between 07.00 – 07.30 hrs Z 5 Fw 190 out over 4817, 0435 W from 07.45 hrs Z returning between 09.15 – 09.45 hrs Z. 2 Fw 190 200 up about 08.45 hrs , returning about 16.00 hrs Z via 4437, 0115 W. 10 aircraft up at 11.00 hrs for Mausi operation in Weser – Elbe estuary. 8 Ju 88 out at 15.40 hrs Z over 4742, 0325 W, in at 18.00 hrs Z over 4742, 0335 W. |
119 | VL5161 | 29/01/44 | Luftflotte 2 recce 29/01/44 included 1 Ju 11.30 – 14.25 hrs Z Perugia – Maddalena – Olbia – Perugia.
1 Me 410 14.00 – 16.00 hrs Z Foligno – 4212, 1125 E – 4137, 1225 E – 4042, 12235 E – 4202, 1235 E – Foligno. 1 aircraft up Forli 18.30 hrs Z screening Italian west coast. Visual recce by unspecified aircraft 06.30 hrs Z area SSW Anzio, 08.00 – 08.15 hrs Z and 11.15 – 12.15 hrs Z landing point Nettuno. |
116-8 | VL5162 | 29/01/44 | On 29/01/44 some sorties Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost:
Of Fliegerkorps X, 3 JU Met and Sea recce Sollum to NE Benghazi 3357, 1735 E, in area 06.30 – 09.50 hrs Z. Photo Recce Haifa about 08.00 hrs Z. Offshore Spartivento – Ortranto time and aircraft unspecified. Flifue Albania, 2 Me 109 05.45 – 07.30 hrs Z recce Italian coast including Gargano area. 2 Me 109 10.30 – 11.45 hrs Z Barietta – Gargano. 2 Me 109 14.45 – 15.50 hrs Z probing coast Bari area. Of Flifue Croatia – 2 Me 109 from Mostar 05.45 – 06.45 hrs Z recce Italian coast Cape Gargano – Ortona. Area Pescara – Benedetto not covered owing engine trouble. 2 Me 109 from Mostar 14.30 – 15.40 hrs Cape Gargano – Termoli. Further to sorties 28/01/44 given VL5079 – 2 Me 109 from 07.30 – 08.30 hrs Z, from 10.15 – 14.15 hrs Z, from 12.45 – 13.15 hrs Z. On Ju 52 Mausi escort Rhodes harbour. Last 2 contacted Baltimores. 6 Ju and 3 Ar operated on sea rescue. |
114-5 | VL5163 | 29/01/44 | According to I./JG 53, He 111 of Geschwader slightly damaged in raid on Aviano on 28/01/44. Suggested it be ferried to Povoletto (comment – 5 m NE Udine) as this airfield ready.
Secondly (strong indications same Gruppe) learned on 29/01/44 from Stab./JG 53 that 5 signals M/T had been despatched, remainder to follow on 30/01/44. Thirdly, according Stab./JG 53 evening 29/01/44, as long as (strong indications I./JG 53) subordinated to Jafü Upper Italy oit is to send certain returns to the Geschwader. Fourthly (strong indications IV./JG 53) according to orders 28/01/44 from Stab./JG 53, to report how many young pilots could be taken over for the (slight indications supplementary) training for II and III gruppen at the same time. Fifthly a pilot to return after convalescent leave to Fabrica, according to orders I./JG 4 on 29/01/44. |
111 | VL5165 | 29/01/44 | Orders to Flifue Albania morning 29/01/44 for night 29-30/01/44 and for 30/01/44 were recce unchanged.
Secondly, orders from Fliegerkorps X evening 29/01/44 for 30/01/44 to detachment JG 27 Gadura: 11./ZG 26 to operate in accordance with convoy escort order. 3./NAGr 2 available, weather permitting. 7./JG 27, one schwarm from 06.00 – 15.00 hrs Z at 3 minute readiness for defensive patrol over Milos Harbour. Rhodes area fighter patrols according to situation with protection of Porto Lago Harbour the main task. |
110 | VL5166 | 23/01/44 | Fighter control station at Aalborg on 23/01/44.
Secondly on 24/01/44, 2(F)./130 addressed at Tronheim. |
109 | VL5167 | 29/01/44 | Approximately 150 personnel of 1./NAGr 11 at Fabrica on 29/01/44.
Comment – firstly, note not known whether flying personnel included, secondly compare VL4959. At same time approximately 450 personnel of JG 4 on airfield (comment VL5163 to be seen. |
103 | VL5172 | 29/01/44 | Flifue Albania intentions late 29/01/44 for 30/01/44.
Offshore recce Italian coast. Strength 1./NAGr 12 total aircraft 10; serviceable 4. Crews 11, ready 7. Attack by 12 Spitfires 09.30 hrs Z 29/01/44 North of Durazzo bombs dropped 1 km south of Radar. Apparatus apparently not spotted. |
101 | VL5174 | 30/01/44 | I./JG 27 strength on 30/01/44
51;40; 40; 31 (for suggested interpolatioon see VL4941) |
100 | VL5175 | 30/01/44 | Of Fliegerführer Luftflotte 2 the intentions at 21.00 hrs Z 30/01/44 for 31/01/44.
Recce offshore Tiber Mouth to landing point. Visual recce over landing bridgehead. Ground attack from 06.00 hrs Z half hour readiness. Operations against Allied unloading points. Fighters – from first light take off readiness for escort and air defence. |
93 | VL5179 | 30/01/44 | Orders of 30/01/44.
I./KG 76 to Villa Orba, arrival expected on 30/01/44 (comment last located north Germany.) Unspecified elements of KG 30 to Bergamo. 3 of II./KG 100 and 1 of Stab./KG 100 arrived Bergamo from Istres midday 30/01/44. |
86 | VL5185 | 29/01/44 | To Fliegerkorps X orders for night 29-30/01/44 and day 30/01/44, given morning 29/01/44.
in so far as not carried out on 29/01/44, unchanged. Comment VL5058 to see. |
83-84 | VL5187 | 29/01/44 | Strength on 29/01/44, first figure total aircraft, second serviceable, third total crews, fourth crews ready.
11./ZG 26 – 17;8;15;10. Stab./FAGr 4 1;1;2;1 1(F)./122 – 8;4;10;6 2(F)./123 – 17;8;23;unknown Westa 27 – 5;3;6;3 3./NAGr 2 – 11;7;16;11 1./126 – 8;4;9;4 2./126 – 9;7;12;6 3./126 – 10;7;12;9 Part staffel Milos – 4;3;4;3 4./126 – 9;8;11;9 III./JG 27 (comment presumably 7th Staffel) 17;14;27;16 II./TG 4 48;22;52;35 See Trans St. 1 – 9;8;12;5 See Trans St. 3 5;4;5;5 4./MS Gr 1 – 4;3;4;4 |
81 | VL5189 | 25/01/44 | Indent made on 25/01/44 Luftwaffe Station Vechta for ammunition for II./KG 6 (comment this Gruppe at Le Culot in October )
Secondly, IV./KG 54 at Langenhagen on 25/01/44 (comment at Gardelegen in December). |
78 | VL5192 | 29/01/44 | When 4 Spitfires attacked Siena South at 15.00 hrs Z 29/01/44, 2 Me 109 damaged and 1 Gruppenkommandeur injured.
Comment this officer known to belong to I./JG 77 in July 1943. |
77 | VL5193 | 30/01/44 | Total report Flifue Luftflotte 2 on 30/01/44 2 fighters scrambled. No furthe roperations owing fog. |
70 | VL5199 | 30/01/44 | II./JG 3 late 30/01/44.
No aircraft serviceable out of 40 (fair indication 5), pilots 28 ready out of 47. No ops on 30/01/44. |
65 | VL5203 | 31/01/44 | (extract) From 03.00 hrs Z 1 Hohentwiel aircraft to be oncourse ahead of convoy. Air protection to be provided from dawn. |
64 | VL5204 | 30/01/44 | Albania Flifue
Intentions late 30/01/44 for 31/01/44 Offshore recce Italian coast. Strength 1./NAGr 12 3 serviceable of 10 aircraft; 7 of 11 crews. Ops orders afternoon 30/01/44 Albania Flifue for night 30-31/01/44 and for 31/01/44 were offshore recce unchanged |
60 | VL5206 | 30/01/44 | For NAGR 12 Mostar orders by Flifue Croatia 18.00 hrs Z 30/01/44 recce orders unchanged. |
54 | VL5210 | 30/01/44 | Please substitute following for VL5179.
I./KG 76 being sent by C in C Luftwaffe to Villa Orba with key personnel, arrival expected on 30/01/44 (comment last located north Germany.) KG 30 (comment not known how much) transferring to Bergamo according KG 76 on 30/01/44 3 of II./KG 100 and 1 of Stab./KG 100 arrived Bergamo South from Istres midday 30/01/44. |
51-2 | VL5212 | 30/01/44 | Alternative and emergency landing ground on East Coast Italy near the front.
All dimensions in metres Firstly airfields with Station Commands and Airfield detachments: Jesi – 900 x1300 m; Rimini – 1500 x 1000 m; Ravenna - 1500 x 1000 m; Pomposa – 880 x 500 m; Forli – 1420 x 800m; (Slight indications Fano) – 900 x 900 m. Airfields without detachments: Pescara – 500 x 800 m; Colonella – 900 x 800m; Fermo – 900 x 300m; Loretto – 900 x 400m; Ancona – 600 x 900m. Above information to Fliegerkorps X Kifissia and Fliegerführer Albania, Tirana from Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 30/01/44 |
49 | VL5214 | 29/01/44 | Addition to rain damage VL5192 4 more Me 109 damaged Siena North. 1 SM 200 of II./JG 77 shot down near Pari about 40 km north of Grosseto. |
48 | VL5215 | 31/01/44 | Orders for air protection convoy in VL5203. Close escort on 31/01/44 until arrival by 3 Arados followed by 3 Arados to screen Stampalia Harbour until 08.00 hrs Z plus 1 schwarm JU 88 on harbour protection of Stampalia from 07.00 hrs Z. |
42-3 | VL5220 | 30/01/44 | On 30/01/44, 10./JG 5 addressed Gossen and 12./JG 5 Herdla. Ops orders for 31/01/44 to above units and IV./JG 5 from Jafü Norway.
10./JG 5 to fly continuous escort for intention Bergen – Aalesund from first light until convoy off Haugsholmen. 11./JG 5 and 12./JG 5 on air defence. If a recce aircraft flies into Norwegian area all staffeln to arrange for a rotte to take off with auxiliary tanks and to order them to fly over their airfield at 26000 ft. 1 Ar 196 of (See)./131 up 07.00 hrs Z 30/01/44 from Aalborg See. Task air escort of a convoy from Skagen to Fullehuk. (Comment Norway) |
38 | VL5223 | 24/01/44 | II./LG 1 had 34 crews 24/01/44. Fully ready 4.
Comment Gruppe located Wiener Neustadt September. Still in Luftgau 17 06/01/44. |
37 | VL5224 | 30/01/44 | Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost orders to Fliegerkorps X approximately 13.00 hrs 30/01/44 for nights 30-31/01/44 and day 31/01/44.
Night photo recce Bari Harbour. Photo recce by high flying Ju 88 in following priority order – Port Said Harbour; Harbours and airfileds Tel Aviv, Jaffa, Gaza; Harbour and airfields Malta; Recce by 1 rotte Me 109 of Tobruk harbour and airfields. Sea recce and patrol of convoy route unchanged Engaging of Allied recce and heavy fighter sweeps. |
36 | VL5225 | 28/01/44 | Flifue Albania by 28/01/44 had been promised by Berlin that 4 Me 109 with GM 1 would be available for 1./NAGr 12 in Devoli by middle February. Comment – GM1 is an auxiliary power boosting system for operation at high altitude. |
23-25 | VL5233 | 30/01/44 | Fliegerdivision 2 operations 30/01/44 included -
1 Ju 88 from 02.35 – 08.50 hrs Z ASV recce Elba and Anzio area. 2 Arado 196 from 10.15 – 13.10 hrs Z security recce sea area west Toulon to Spanish coast. 1 Ju 88 recce 12.50 – 17.15 hrs Z from base to 4307, 0445E to 4037, 0345 E to 4052, 0315E to 3907, 0415E to 3952, 0515E to 3907, 0615E to 3952, 0645E to 4122, 0515E to 4152, 0645E to 4252, 0445E to Base. 2 Ar 196 on recce 14.00 – 16.45 hrs Z from base to 4237, 0545E to 4232, 0305E to 4222, 0325E to 4312, 0415E to Base. 1 Ju 88 on recce 14.10 – 18.20 hrs Z from Base to 4307, 0445E to 4252, 0615E to 4352, 0915E to 4307, 1015E to 4337, 0815E to 4252, 0845E to 4237, 0745E to 4237, 0845E to 4152, 0745E to 4137, 0815E to 4307, 0445E to Base. 2 Ar 196 on anti-submarine recce 14.10 – 17.00 hrs off Toulon to 0630E |
20 | VL5235 | 30/01/44 | Some west European sorties on 30/01/44:
Air protection for Destroyers in area south of Lorient to be expected after dawn. 2 aircraft of 3./KG 40 to be on recce 06.00 – 20.00 hrs Z, 2 aircraft of 1./196 to be on security patrol 07.00 – 14.15 hrs Z. 1 Ju 88 of Flifue North West up 08.15 hrs Z from Vaernes for Met recce in Jan Mayan area. 1 Ar of ./131 up 08.15 hrs Z from Hortenrelief escort for convoy. |
18-9 | VL5236 | 30/01/44 | Sorties by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost included:
By Flifue Albania probing recce Cape Gargano to 2 Me 109 up 11.00 hrs Z down 13.00 hrs Z no afternoon recce Italian coast because on aircraft dropped out with engine trouble. Flifue Croatia recce coast from Ortona to Benedetto from 06.15 – 06.25 hrs Z. 1 Rotte of 2./NAGr 12 recce Italy down 10.35 hrs. 1 Me 109 up 15.00hrs Z down 16.00 hrs Z on recce Mostar to Pelagosa to 20 km east of island Pianosa to Mostar. Also ops by 3 Me 109 at Butmir and 1 Hs 126 at Rajlovac. 2 Me 109covering east tip Cape Gargano from 05.30 – 07.10 hrs Z By Fliegerkorps X offshore Otranto to Spartivento by JU 88 from 07.00 – 08.45 hrs Z. Met and sea recce by (comment – fair indications 3) Ju 88 from 06.10- 09.45 hrs Z covering 3447, 1625E to 3342, 1835E and 3302, 2245E. 1 Ju 88 Rhodes to around 50 miles north of Nile Delta from 12.20 – 15.20 hrs Z. Photo recce Bari not carried out night 30-31/01/44 owing fighter defence. |
14 | VL5240 | 31/01/44 | III./KG 26 Montpelier was asked (comment in context unknown here) by Air Control Pisa for a decision to whether take-off should take place. |
13 | VL5241 | 30/01/44 | Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost informed Army Group E on 30/01/44
Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost has at present time no forces available for attack on Castelorizo In area of Greece there are at present time average of about 10 serviceable fighters task of which is in first place provision of fighter escort for German sea and air convoys. Operations for attacking Allied MTBs must therefore continue to be confined to “exceptional cases”. |
12 | VL5242 | 29/01/44 | Evening 29/01/44 JU 52s in Gadurra were ordered to take off on return flight in such a way that last aircraft should land at tatoi, Eleusis or Kalamaki half an hour after first light. |
10 | VL5244 | 31/01/44 | Aviano AMC on 31/01/44 urgently requested from Villafranca arrival report of 8 Fiat G50 and 4 CR42 which left on 27/01/44. |
8-9 | VL5245 | 29/01/44 | Strong indications order of battle of units in Rumania under Jafü Balkans according to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 29/01/44:
III./JG 77 10./JG 301 (freelance night fighting staffel) 2./NJG 100 Operations Schwarm Galatz 1st Rum. Night fighter Staffel 51st Rum. Fighter Staffel 52nd Rum. Fighter Staffel 7th Gruppe Rum. JG 1.(53rd, 57th and 58th Rum. Fighter Staffeln) 1st Gruppe Rum JG 2 (43rd, 63rd and 64th Rum. Fighter Staffeln) 6th Gruppe Rum JG 2 (59th, 61st and 62nd Rum. Fighter Staffeln) |
3-4 | VL5249 | 30/01/44 | Orders on 30/01/44 from Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost to Jafü Balkans
the staffel of I./JG 5 that had transferred back to Rumania to transfer as quickly as possible to Regensburg-Oberstraubling to tak eover new aircraft. Progress made in taking over aircraft to be reported daily to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost. Immediately afterwards the staffel to be employed in Rumania to protect the oil district. Withdrawal of the other 2 staffeln from operations at Sofia to take place only after training of the Bulgarians has been completed. (Comment – compare VL3515) Final decision on the transfer back to Rumania to be taken by C in C Luftwaffe. The state of readiness of the Bulgarians at the conclusion of their training together with the taking over of the aircraft of I./JG 5 to be reported to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost. |
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