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DEFE3/137covers the decryption period between 8th February 1944 and 10th February 1944 – however, some information relates to dates outside this period.

In the page below there are some notes/summaries transcribed from the pages of DEFE 3/137 I hope that these are of assistance to any fellow researchers.

The link to the National Archives for the full copy of DEFE3/136 is here should you need to refer to it.

To download the notes as a pdf document click here

Below is the complete file that can be searched via the Wiki search tool.

Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.

Flifue = FliegerFührer

Note –

  1. Number of pages refer to “GAF sightings” - these are for the most part not included in the summaries below as they do not refer to specific aircraft types or units.
  2. Flivos of Divisions are also not included below
  3. Code “Yoke” appears to refer to “Y” service.
  4. Times are direct from the message i.e. Zulu time.
  5. Page numbers are now prefixed by a number representing the file from which they came – DEFE3 files are now split in “manageable” sizes before you download them. DEFE3/137 is divided into two files so page numbers are prefixed by 1_ or 2_ depending upon the file source.

Page Report Date of event Notes
2_156 VL5754 07/02/44 Luftwaffe Siena reported at 17.00 hrs Z on 07/02/44 – Siena South attacked by 11 Mustangs at 15.30 hrs Z 1 Fw 56, 1 Cant 1007Z destroyed. Aircraft damaged included 2 Hs 126 (comment – information incomplete here. Date of attack not specified. For attack on 06/02/44 see VL5680).
2_155 VL5755 07/02/44 Order from I./SG 4 to Foligno airfield on 07/02/44 that a Hauptmann (comment – of I./SG 4 to proceed by rail to Piacenza and an Oberleutnant to be OC detachment with diciplinary powers of Staffelkapitän. Comment – see VL5440
2_153 VL5757 07/02/44 Marcigliana airfield reported 15.30 hrs Z on 07/02/44 that in consequence of bombing attack phone and teleprinter communications interupted, probably serviceable again morning of 08/02/44.
2_152 VL5758 05/02/44 Strength 3./126 on 05/02/44 (Comment – incomplete) included 5 aircraft serviceable and 3 not ready at Leros, 1 serviceable at Skaramanga.
2_150 VL5760 07/02/44 2 Me 109 arrived (strong indications) Littorio from an airfield in Emilia at 10.30 hrs Z 07/02/44.

2 Me 109 left (strong indications) Littorio for same Emilian airfield at 11.15 hrs Z same day. (comment – compare VL5675)

2_148 VL5762 06/02/44 In process of dispensing the hospitals in Athens as ordered by OKW suggested by Armee Gruppe E that Luftwaffe medical detachment take over Larissa War Hospital. Luftwaffe on 06/02/44 opposed this scheme.
2_147 VL5763 05/02/44 IV./KG 76 strength 05/02/44 27 aircraft ready out of 35, of which 33 on airfield (comment – Francazal – see VL5727)
2_145 VL5765 06/02/44 Further details Flifue Luftflotte 2 sorties on 06/02/44 see VL5721

13 Fw 190 on concentrations at Aprilia.

7 motar aircraft against Nettuno airfield.

81 sighter sorties escort of which 5 missing, also 34 on freelance patrol over beachhead, concentrating on artillery spotting aircraft, and 25 on scrambles.

12 sorties battle reconnaissance, photo reconnaissance beachhead and before centre XIV Pz Korps and offshore Cap Circeo – Civita Vecchia.

2_144 VL5766 07/02/44 I./JG 4 adddressed Fabrica on 07/02/44. Comment – this confirms VL5167.
2_139-140 VL5769 07/02/44 According information of 07/02/44 construction of 3 improvised blast bays at Perugia airfield in collaboration with the flying unit was begun on 07/01/44. They were only partially completed as work was delayed by bombing on 19/01/44 and all airmen were employed to restore runway and landing area.

(Comment – see VL4365)

On 07/02/44 90 airmen from the station and the gruppe were being employed on construction work. Increase in performance by civilian workers not possible for the time being as all Italian workers were reinforcing Organisation Todt for lengthening runway and taxying track.

Arranged with Todt organisation that as soon as number of workers would be available for construction of improvised blast bays and later of permanent ones.

2_113-4 VL5789 07/02/44 Some sorties Luftflotte 2 area on 07/02/44:

One Ju 88 Hehentwiel of .(F)/122 11.15 hrs Z Adriatic reconnaissance from 01.05 – 03.40 hrs Z between Ancona and Termoli without sighting, reconnaissance aircraft of unspecified unit reported at 18.55 hrs Z shipping in position 4122, 1245 E, aircraft of Flifue Luftflotte reported sightings 06.40 hrs Z Nettuno area.

Comment – details in VL5723)

Unspecified aircraft from 06.30 – 08.45 hrs Z reconnaissance between Ancona and Bari (Comment – sightings in VL5705)

2_112 VL5790 05/02/44 Ordered by Luftgau XXX that whenever a Radar position is constructed a dummy aparatus should be set up at a suitable distance from it.
2_109-111 VL5791 07/02/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost area some sorties on 07/02/44.

Fliegerkorps X: 3 Ju 88 from 07.12 – 11.55 hrs Z offshore Ras Azzaz – Benghazi as far as 3352, 1715 E without sighting, (Comment – another rreport gave this reconnaissance from 07.05 – 12.30 hrs Z).

1 Ju 88 from 11.40 – 14.00 hrs Z Otranto-Spartivento without sighting, 1 Ju 88 from 11.10 – 14.10 hrs Z sea reconnaissance Alexandria to 3207, 2945 E to Castelorizo without sighting, 1 Ju 88 from 16.30 – 17.30 hrs Z met and sea reconnaissance 3622, 1515 E – 3752, 1845 E without sighting.

Gadurra detachment: 2 Me 109 from 07.31 – 08.00 hrs Z scramble without contact, 3 Me 109 from 08.15 – 11.00 hrs Z fighter protection for Mausi.

Flifue Albania: 2 Me 109 from 14.30 – 15.35 hrs Z probing reconnaissance Italian coast without sighting.

NAGr 12: reconnaissance of Italian coast impossible at 06.00 hrs Z and 13.30 hrs Z owing clouds.

Miscellaneous: 2 Me 109 from 05.30 – 07.30 hrs Z probing reconnaissance Italian coast without sightings.

Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost reported increased reconnaissance with Mausi operations off Khalkis, Suda and Rhodes harbour, support of Army against guerillas in area SE of Petrinja with unspecified forces.

2_107-8 VL5792 07/02/44 Fliegerdivision 2 some sorties on 07/02/44:

1 Ju 88 from 01.57 - -06.20 hrs Z ASV reconnaissance in Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Sea, no sightings owing breakldown.

2 Ar 196 from 06.00 – 09.00 hrs Z reconnaissance west of Toulon as far as Spanish coast, 2 neutral steamships sighted in position 4207, 0325 E at unspecified time, 3 Fw 190 from 09.30 – 10.35 hrs Z carried out photo reconnaissance Bastia Harbour and airfields Borgo, Biguglia, Lucciana, Capraia Island,.

1 Ju 88 from 12.55 – 17.17 hrs Z reconnaissance between 3 degrees and 8 degrees E to 40 degrees N without sighting.

2 Ar 196 from 14.33 – 17.22 hrs Z reconnaissance west of Toulon as far as Spanish Coast to 42 N without sighting.

3 Fw 190 from 15.24 – 17.00 hrs Z carried out photo reconnaissance Ajaccio harbour and Campo Dell Oro airfield.

2_102 VL5796 31/01/44 IV./KG 30 (13./KG 30) addressed Aalborg West 31/01/44. Comment – first mention this staffel.
2_98 VL5799 07/02/44 Evening 07/02/44 (strong indications) IV./KG 76 had 35 aircraft of which 10 on airfield, 5 serviceable. Comment: VL5762 gave 33 on airfield on 05/02/44. See VL5727 for intended transfer of 23 Ju on 06/02/44.
2_96 VL5801 08/02/44 Morning 08/02/44 III./KG 76 had 19 aircraft serviceable of 27.
2_95 VL5802 07/02/44 160 auxilliary tanks for Me 109 left Bergamo-South airfield on 07/02/44 for base depot Florence-Scandicci. To be at disposal of Koflug 9/VII.
2_94 VL5803 04/02/44 By 04/02/44 6./KG 76 either under training or about to be trained as a Lehrstaffel at Werneuchen. Comment – see VL5741
2_93 VL5804 08/02/44 Viterbo to be supplied by 10/02/44 with 50 kg Italian bombs for 6 operations by a kette of Cr 42. 2 bombs per aircraft and operation.

On 06/02/44 Jafü Upper Italy has asked where 1./NSGr 9 (comment – at Udine in December 1943) could collect electrical bomb release gear for 50 kg bombs. Comment – no evidence of connection between the above two statements.

2_92 VL5805 02/02/44 II./JG 51 had 18 aircraft serviceable of 34 evening 02/02/44.
2_91 VL5806 08/02/44 Flifue Luftflotte 2 intentions for 09/02/44 at 17.30 hrs Z 08/02/44 were unchanged, as for 08/02/44 (comment – not known)
2_90 VL5807 08/02/44 Left Bergamo for Toulouse on 08/02/44: 8 Do 217, 08.30 – 09.00 hrs Z, 1 Do 217 of 6./KG 100 at 09.30 hrs Z
2_85 VL5811 06/02/44 I./JG 53 carried out 1 practice operation with 22 Me 109 on 06/02/44.
2_83 VL5813 08/02/44 Recce order by Flifue Croatia at 14.30 hrs Z 08/02/44 (comment – for 09/02/44) was unchanged.
2_80 VL5816 03/02/44 According (strong indications) I./JG 53 on 03/02/44:

51 operations with 443 Me 109 on 18 days.

13 aircraft serviceable of 25.

Losses by Allied action in air 9 destroyed and 4 damaged.

On ground, unspecified number destroyed and 23 damaged.

Comment – Similar return in VL5695. Suggest operations and losses refer to month of January and strength is at end of month.

2_77 VL5819 07/02/44 Siena South ordered late 07/02/44 to send airfield detachment to Brolio.

Personnel of Brolio transferring immediately to (fair indications) Castiglione Del Lago.

Secondly, Perugia warned similar time to expect occupation from morning 08/02/44 of (fair indications) Castiglione by one fighter staffel.

2_72 VL5823 07/02/44 Flifue Luftflotte 2 intentions for 08/02/44.

Recce – Visual reconnaissance of landing bridgehead to establish Allied reinforcements in Aprilia area SW of Cesterna.

Offshore reconnaissance of Gulf of Gaeta and Orbetello.

Photo reconnaissance of landing bridgehead, road Aprilia – Nettuno and approach march area of 45 US I Div. west of the road, also of bridges across Mussolini canal.

Ground Attack aircraft – Half hour readiness from 05.45 hrs for direct support of army.

Fighters – from first light readiness to take off for airfield defence. Escort for Ground Attack aircraft and free-lance patrol. (Comment – see VL5806)

2_70 VL5825 07/02/44 Recce orders by Flifue Croatia 16.30 hrs Z 07/02/44 (comment – for 08/02/44).

Offshore reconnaissance of Italian East Coast in area Gargano – San Benedetto.

Watch of islands as far as Vis and shipping traffic in this area.

(Comment – see VL5813)

2_65 VL5829 08/02/44 According Luftwaffe Siena South evening 08/02/44, railway station same place attacked with about 50 bombs unspecified time on 08/02/44. Station buildings and road bridge destroyed, 5 tracks interrupted.
2_64 VL5830 08/02/44 5 Henschel of III./LLG 1 arrived Vicenza from Siena South 07.30 hrs Z 08/02/44. (Comment – compare VL5731)
2_59-60 VL5833 08/02/44 Intentions of Fliegerkorps X at 20.30 hrs Z 07/02/44

(Comment compare VL5747 for Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost intentions Luftflotte 2 sphere of influence).

1 Ju 88 night photo reconnaissance Valletta during second half of night.

5 Ju 88 on Sea and same time Met reconnaissance in Sea Area. Firstly, Straits of Otranto – Cape Spartivento, secondly Convoy route Malta – Alexandria, thirdly screening towards Nile Delta at same time photo reconnaissance of Castelorizo.

Fighter patrols in Aegean according air situation.

Convoy escort with all forces.

Sea rescue action by Do 24 at Chios in connection with Swedish steamships Wirel.

Transfer of 6 Me 109 to Gadurra.

2_57-58 VL5834 03/02/44 Now known that according to order from (strong indications) 3rd Luftwaffe Signals Reg.201 to 6 companies under its control in Holland on 03/02/44.

Observations have shown that British bombers (Lancasters) probably have supplementary engine power which enables them after they have been picked up, to escape attack by considerable increase in speed. In future two procedures (comment – one unknown here, the other thought to be ground controlled night fighting) are to be so arranged tactically that German fighters are to approach from a greater height and can equalise increase in the bomber power output by pushing control lever forward for maximum speed. Fighter control officers to be instructed immediately.

2_55 VL5836 07/02/44 According to Luftwaffe late 07/02/44 convoy Petrella , Susanna and 2 harbour defence vessels to leave Suda 05.00 hrs Z 08/02/44 for Milos through 3537, 2145 E 3642, 2415 E arriving about 17.00 hrs Z, speed 7 knots.

(See VL 5784 for intended sailing from Suda to Milos and Piaeus)

Escort continuously by 3 Ar 196 and 1 schwarm of Ju 88 from departure till onset of darkness.

2_54 VL5837 07/02/44 Jafü Balkans under orders 07/02/44 to withdraw immediately “ a further” staffel of I./JG 5 from ops. Staffel to transfer without aircraft to Obertraubling for taking over aircraft.

Comment – see VL 5249 for orders of 30/01/44: 1 staffel of this gruppe to be withdrawn immediately, the other 2 only after training of Bulgarians complated. Bulgarians to take over JG 5 aircraft.

2_49 VL5841 08/02/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost intentions 19.30 hrs Z 08/02/44 for night 08/02/44 and day 09/02/44 for area interesting Luftflotte 2: offshore reconnaissance east and south coasts Italy unchanged. Watch on Malta – Benghazi convoy route.
2_43-44 VL5844 08/02/44 Luftflotte 2 orders 23.00 hrs 08/02/44 for night 8-9/02/44 and day 09/02/44.

Unit unknown here (comment but see para two, firstly).

No ops restoration of serviceability.

OC Close Support Luftflotte 2 (comment presumably Flifue) tasks unchanged.

LG 1 Harassing attacks with single aircraft according weather conditions in Allied beachhead. Bomb load small splinter bombs.

Jafü Upper Italy - Air defence

OC Sea Rescue 2 – no change in tasks.

Unknown special order for unknown unit.

Para 2

Recce orders Luftflotte 2 23.15 hrs Z 08/02/44 for night 8-9/02/44 and 09/02/44:

Fliegerdivision 2 – Search reconnaissance in second half of night, offshore area west Italy.

By day according to weather, to continue photo reconnaissance Corsica. Especially harbours and bays on west coast suitable for accommodating landing craft, as well as airfields.

Recce gruppe 122 (Aufklgr. 122) – first half night, screening offshore west Italy. Adriatic reconnaissance according to weather, taking advantage of moon. Day tasks unchanged.

OC Close Support Luftflotte 2 – battle reconnaissance for 10th and 14th Armee.

2_41-42 VL5845 07/02/44 Evening 07/02/44 strength some units in Rumania. (Comment interpretations based on VL3901)

(Comment III./JG 77) total aircraft 39 Me 109 namely 2 Me 109G-1; 19 Me 109G-2; 18 Me 109G-6. Serviceable 36 namely: 2 Me 109G-1; 17 Me 109G-2; 17 Me 109G-6. Crews 56 and 37 ready.(Comment see VL5659 for strength III./JG 77 on 04/02/44)

(Comment 10./JG 301) Me 109G-6, 12 and 6, crews 18 and 13 (comment see also VL 5659)

(Comment not known) Me 109F-4 1 and 1, crews 4 and 3.

(Comment 10./NJG 6; 11./NJG 6 and 11./NJG 5) Me 110F-4 total 18 serviceable 17, crews 25 and 15.

2_40 VL5846 07/02/44 2 Ar 196 of KFG(?) 126 to transfer on 0802/44 at first light to Leros via Skaramanga. Redevous with Bv 138 in Skaramanga for flight to Leros.

Arrive in Skaramanga about 05.30 hrs Z. This according to orders 22.00 hrs Z 07/02/44.

2_38 VL5848 08/02/44 5 Me 109 arrived Littorio 17.30 hrs Z on 08/02/44 from Tuscania.
2_37 VL5849 08/02/44 17 Me 109 of I./JG 3 scrambled on 08/02/44. 1 aircraft missing.
2_31 VL5852 08/02/44 In bombing attack on Fieri radar 11.40 hrs Z 08/02/44, slight damage, no casualties. According Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost late 08/02/44.
2_26 VL5855 07/02/44 Waters off Rhodes harbour and inward course 185 degrees true from 100 m line to barrage gap suspected of being sowed with ground mines.

5 had been clearted by Mausi according local authority forenoon 07/02/44.

Considered necessary to cover route 50 times before any vessel passed owing to statement by Admiral Argean that period delay mechanism mines may have been dropped. This operation should take 3 to 4 hours.

Departure route for Oria (VL5839 second sentence corrected by Rhodes to read 005 degrees.

2_25 VL5856 08/02/44 II./LG 1; III./LG 1 and IV./LG 1 informed on 08/02/44 that landing was prohibited at Aviano daily between 12.30 and 13.30 hrs Z.

Comment – not clear whether any significance attached to omission of I./LG 1.

2_24 VL5857 07/02/44 Strength and operations JG 3 02-07/02/44

Firstly, strength 07/02/44: I./JG 3 aircraft 34 and 17; crews 39 and 19. II./JG 3 aircraft 40 and 0; crews 47 and 25. Aircraft being flown in.

IV./JG 3 aircraft 45 and 33 crews 42 and 28.

Secondly, operations:

I./JG 3 03/02/44 scamble by 14 aircraft. 04/02/44 4 practice sorties. 05/02/44 36 sorties temporary tactical transfer to Volkel with 18 aircraft. 06/02/44 17 sorties temporary tactical transfer to Volkel with 17 aircraft. 07/02/44 Nil.

IV./JG 3 02/02/44 Nil. 03/02/44 scamble by 19 aircraft 4 pilots missing. 05/02/44 17 practice sorties. 06/02/44 18 practice sorties. 07/02/44 Nil.

2_18-19 VL5860 08/02/44 Flifues Albania and Croatia instructed as follows 08/02/44.

Luftflotte 2 had recently successfully carried out several reconnaissances from San Benedetto to Brindisi with Me 410 without loss, using cloud cover. This type of reconnaissance with cloud cover must also be practicable without especial difficulties for well trained pilots using Me 109. The present type of probing reconnaissance (comment see VL686) gave commands only incomplete picture of Allied coastwise shipping. On the otherhand great interest continued to attach to Apulian coastal reconnaissance particularly of Manfredonia, Bari and Brindisi harbours. Pilots must have a conviction of the importance of their task.

2_16-17 VL5861 07/02/44 OC Air transport Fliegerkorps X appreciation evening 07/02/44.

12 Ju 52 to Heraklion, and back again with 150 armed forces personnel, 8 Ju 52 to Gadurra, and back with 200 Italian military internees. Owing bad weather the intended operation of II./TG 4 to Rhodes could not take place on 06/02/44. The aircraft flew Heraklion operation instead. 1 Ju 52 of IV./TG 1 was hit by German Flak over Rhodes and remained at Gadurra as result minor damage.

Comment see VL 5706 for operations on 05/02/44.

Above operations appear to be for 06/02/44.

OC Air Transport informed Antimachia that on 08/02/44 5 Ju 52 would arrive about 17.45 hrs Z from Athens and 1 Ju from Rhodes. The later JU to be loaded up for return flight with Italianmilitary internees. Comment for Eleusis envisaged as operational airfield for IV./TG 1 see VL4946.

2_15 VL5862 09/02/44 In VL5845 para Easy delete 11./NJG 5.
2_14 VL5863 07/02/44 In accordance with orders of 29/01/44 I./JG 3 had by 07/02/44 appointed an officer responsible for trainingin bomb-dropping, firing on ground discs and fitting of ETC (comment electrical bomb release gear)
2_13 VL5864 08/02/44 Some Fliegerdivision 2 ops on 08/02/44:-

2 Arado from 05.55 – 08.42 hrs Z west of Toulon between coast and 42 degrees N without sighting, 1 Ju 88 from 02.15 – 07.26 hrs Z ASV reconnaissance Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Sea, no targets picked up between 02.30 – 07.10 hrs Z.

4 Arados from 09.52 – 14.54 hrs Z on close escort, 1 Ju 88 from 13.51 – 18.00 hrs Z reconnaissance between 3 and 8 degrees and 40 degrees N without sighting.

2_10 VL5867 08/02/44 At 14.00 hrs Z on 08/02/44 Freya position west of Fieri bombed by 12 of a force of 24 Spitfires. No damage or losses (according to Flifue Albania afternoon 08/02/44)
1_170-2_1 VL5873 08/02/44 Luftflotte 2 units some sorties on 08/02/44:

(F)./122 Adriatic reconnaissance from 00.17 – 02.50 hrs Z Ancona – Bari, same reconnaissance from 06.17 – 08.50 hrs Z without sighting.

Unspecified units: probing reconnaissance of Italian coast to 4127,1635 E from 14.32 – 16.10 hrs Z without sighting. Visual reconnaissance of gun positions at F8826,8725, 8526 at 06.15 hrs Z, fighter aircraft reported M/T sighting and shipping SW of Nettuno at 06.45 hrs Z, from 05.55 – 06.10 hrs Z sighting in Nettuno area by unspecified aircraft. Shipping in Nettuno area from visual reconnaissance at 11.55 hrs Z, shipping in Anzio and Nettuno harbours from visual reconnaissance at 06.30 hrs Z.

Flifue Luftflotte:

16 Fw 190 at 06.44 hrs Z attacked gun positions and dumps on edge of woods at F8528 – 8728 – 8726 – 8526, 14 Fw 190 at 11.00 hrs Z attacked M/T between Anzio and Nettuno, 12 Fw 190 at 15.45 hrs Z attacked wood in area F 8327 – 8624.

On 07/02/44 16 Fw 190 at 07.15 hrs Z attacked Anzio and Nettuno harbours, 12 Fw 190 at 10.40 hrs Z attacked Anzio harbour and town.

1_168-9 VL5874 07-08/02/44 Reports of 07/02/44 and 08/02/44 from Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on free lance night fighting in Bulgaria.

Bulgarian airfield (Comment strong indications Sofia) able ot take aircraft earliest 13/02/44 not equipped for searchlight co-operation. Report called for on date when extemporized operations by Me 109 possible.

Traing of Bulgarian staffel in night flying to begin at once. German staffel to help and be used for operations during training period. (Comment compare however para Charlie below) Object ios protection of Sofia by Bulgarians as soon as possible.

10./JG 301 Ploesti intended for Sofia. This staffel trained in bright night fighting.

In view lack of equipment in para able transfer of this Staffel to Bulgaria considered inexpedient.

Comment – Not clear here how this appreciation affects German collaboration in training programme under para Baker which was expounded on previous day.

1_162 VL5879 07/02/44 IV./TG 1 addressed Eleusis on 07/02/44. Comment see VL5861.
1_161 VL5880 08/02/44 1 aircraft of III./KG 26 left Piacenza for Blanc de Dieu near Istres 09.45 hrs Z 08/02/44.
1_156 VL5885 07/02/44 3 Ju 88 of IV./KG 76 left for Finow on 07/02/44 (comment see VL5727)
1_148 VL5890 07/02/44 Strong indications 7./JG 27 afternoon 07/02/44 had 18 aircraft, 8 serviceable, 6 on Rhodes. 21 pilots, 13 ready, 7 detached.
1_143 VL5894 08/02/44 Strength II./JG 51 evening 0802/44 28 of which 10 serviceable.
1_135 VL5899 09/02/44 Sighted by Luftflotte 2 at 15.00 hrs Z 09/02/44 20 landing craft and 3 merchant ships up to 3,000 tons in position 3907, 0815 E.
1_132-4 VL5900 08/02/44 Effort Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 08/02/44:

Reinforced reconnaissance escort of convoys in Aegean, Mausi operations off Chalkis, Suda and Rhodes harbour.

Support of Army im attacks on guerillas in central and northern Croatia.

Some details of sorties:-

Fliegerkorps X: 3 Ju from 06.20 – 10.05 hrs Z met and sea reconnaissance 60 miles SE Malta- Ras Azzaz, no sighting.

1 Ju from 10.00 – 12.30 hrs Z offshore Otranto-Spartivento, no sighting.

1 Ju from 10.30 – 14.00 hrs Z sea reconnaissance south Rhodes to offshore Alexandria and Turkish coast from Leros to Castelorizo. Castelorizo not covered. No sightings.

2 Me 109 of 2./NAGr 12 up 06.05 hrs Z down 07.05 hrs Z reconnaissance Ortona – Benedetto area.

Flifue Albania:- 2 Me 109 from 14.32 – 16.10 hrs Z probing reconnaissance Italian Coast.

Gadurra detachment: 2 Me 109 from 05.15 – 07.22 hrs Z fighter protection for Mausi. 2 Me 109 from 07.10 – 09.29 hrs Z, 09.08 – 11.34 hrs Z, 11.10 – 13.12 hrs Z, 13.00 – 15.42 hrs Z escorts for shipping convoy. 6 Me 109 from 05.00 – 06.00 hrs Z ferried Kalamaki – Gadurra.

Secondly, ops Gadurra detachment on 07/02/44 further to VL 5791: 2 Me 109 from 09.58 – 11.17 hrs Z free lance patrol Rhodes – Scarpanto – Cos area. 2 Me 109 from 11.55 – 14.22 hrs Z fighter protection for Mausi.

1_131 VL5901 08/02/44 III./JG 53 reported at 12.30 hrs Z 08/02/44 airfield heavily damaged by very heavy bombs. 3 Me 109 slightly damaged.
1_122 VL5909 08/02/44 Operations on 08/02/44 included:-

By I./JG 53: 19 fighters and 6 mortar aircraft scrambled from 11.05 – 13.10 hrs Z. Combats with Fortress aircraft without fighter escort at 12.20 hrs Z 30 Km E of Verona.

By I./JG 4: free lance patrols before 08.30 hrs Z, 11.30 hrs Z and 14.00 hrs Z. 1 Me 109 missing.

Strong indications II./JG 51: rendezvous with formation on return flight only. 1 schwarm broke off. No contact with Allies. 5 landed away from station.

1_119 VL5912 08/02/44 1 at 10.15 hrs Z, 1 at 13.10 hrs Z of I./KG26, 1 at 15.15 hrs Z of III./KG 26 left Piacenza on 08/02/44 for Plan De Dieu.

(Comment – in VL5880 for Blanc read Plan airfield is (orange stroke) Plan De Dieu (Orange Stroke)

1_114 VL5917 09/02/44 Recce intentions Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost (Luftflotte 2 informed) for 10/02/44 evening 09/02/44 offshore reconnaissance east and south coast Italy. Watch on convoy route Malta – Benghazi.
1_110 VL5921 08/02/44 1./NAGr 12 strength evening 08/02/44 10 with 7 serviceable, crews 12 with 7 ready.
1_104 VL5924 09/02/44 Intentions Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost for night 09-10/02/44 and day 10/02/44 on evening 09/02/44.

Fiegerkorps X: photo reconnaissance Levant coast weather permitting. Photo reconnaissance in rest of area impossible owing weather. Sea reconnaissance off Nile Delta on Malta – Benghazi convoy route and south Italy offshore area. Engaging of Allied reconnaissance aircraft and heavy fighter patrols in Aegean.

Flifue Albania: watch on shipping between Brindisi and Gargano. Photo reconnaissance of Apulia not expected to be possible owing weather.

Flifue Croatia: watch on shipping Gargano – Beneditto. Support of army against guerillas.

Jafü Balkans: air defence with main effort Rumanian oil region.

1_103 VL5925 09/02/44 Orders Fliegerkorps X to detachment JG 27 Gadurra at 20.00 hrs Z 09/02/44 for 10/02/44.

11./ZG 26 to operate according to escort order unknown here.

3./NAGr 2 to operate according to weather.

7./JG 27: at Kalamaki, 1 rotte at 3 minutes readiness from first light till dark. At Gadurra to operate ccording to escort order unknown here.

1_99 VL5928 09/02/44 From 09/02/44 the Ops gruppe of Flifue Luftflotte 2 at battle HQ Torre Gaia kilometre stone 14 on Via Casilina. Gruppe Quartermaster and Administrative department at Bagaia 3 Km E of Viterbo. (comment old battle HQ of Flifue see VL4669).
1_97 VL5930 08/02/44 Losses II./JG 51 on 08/02/44 1 aircraft crash landed Tuscania, heavily damaged. 1 crashed in flames. Both after combat with 10 Spitfires at 15,000 ft from 10.15 – 10.25 hrs Z.
1_92 VL5933 09/02/44 Intentions Flifue Luftflotte for 10/02/44 at 21.00 hrs Z 09/02/44.

Recce: visual reconnaissance of bridgehead to establish bringing up of forces in area Aprila and SW of Cisterna. Offshore reconnaissance Gaeta Gulf to Orbetello.

Photo reconnaissance of bridgehead, road (fair indications Aprila – Nettuno and of approach area of 45 US Div. West of the road. Bridge over Musso canal.

Ground attack aircraft: readiness from 07.00 hrs Z for direct army support.

Fighters: readiness from dawn for airfield defence, ground attack escort and free lance patrol.

1_89 VL5936 09/02/44 Devoli on 09/02/44 badly softened. Digging in progress on NE side, duration about 14 days. Landing and taxying on runway only.
1_87 VL5938 09/02/44 III./JG 53 at Orvieto early on 09/02/44. VL5703 refers.
1_86 VL5939 09/02/44 Total sorties by I./JG 53 on 09/02/44 were 1 practice operation with 22 fighters and 8 mortars.
1_85 VL5940 08/02/44 According Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost 18.00 hrs Z 08/02/44, Verona attacked by unspecified aircraft from 1200 – 12.09 hrs Z. Assembley and approach in Lecce – Brindisi area picked up by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost Freya from 08.11 hrs Z.
1_81 VL5942 09/02/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost orders to Fliegerkorps X at 11.00 hrs Z 09/02/44 for night 09-10/02/44 and day 10/02/44

Night photo reconnaissance Bari.

Photo reconnaissance as for 09/02/44 (comment VL5924 compare)

Sea reconnaissance unchanged

Combating Allied reconnaissance and heavy fighter sweeps.

1_77 VL5945 08/02/44 Changes in camouflage painting of aircraft made by individual fighter or heavy fighter gruppen on their own initiative have on several occasions led to confusion with “enemy” aircraft according (strong indications Luftflotte 5 to AOC GAF Finland on 08/02/44.

This has caused perplexities and doubts when “enemy” aircraft sighted. For all fighter and heavy fighter aircraft it is therefore ordered, able in principle no changes may be made.

1_76 VL5946 10/02/44 From Gruppe 126 to Lemnos very early 10/02/44. 9 Ar to operate from Lemnos on 10/02/44. Fuelling to be ensured. 6 Ar to land Lemnos at 06.30 hrs Z, 3 of them to be fuelled immediately.
1_75 VL5947 09/02/44 Arrival times at Gadurra from Athens laid down by OC Air Transport Fliegerkorps X at 15.30 hrs Z 09/02/44:

Unknown number JU 52 about 18.00 hrs Z.

30 Ju 52 about 20.00 hrs Z.

15 Ju 52 about 00.10 hrs Z (10/02/44)

25 JU 52 about 02.45 hrs (10/02/44)

Last aircraft to take off Gadurra on return flight so as to land Athens by 06.30 hrs Z.

1_68 VL5953 08/02/44 Report from Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost to Berlin afternoon 08/02/44:

At 10.37 hrs Z on 07/02/44 triple low level attack by 6 aircraft, probably Beaufighters, with bombs and aircraft armament on Swedish steamship Wiril in Chios harbour. Ship was loaded with food for Greek civil population. Bridge and deck on fire burnt out amidships. Cargo mostly discharged. By time report made, fire extinguished and departure possible. Dead and wounded among Swedish crew and civil population. Ship was lying at a distance from military targets and was clearly showing the prescribed nationality markings.

1_67 VL5954 06/02/44 I./LG 1 (comment – elements not known) at Pordenone on 06/02/44.
1_66 VL5955 09/02/44 According (strong indications II./JG 51) 06.30 hrs Z 09/02/44 airfield (comment see secondly below) U/S owing soft ground. 5 aircraft at Littorio (comment compare last sentence VL 5909).

Secondly, 08.00 hrs Z same day 3 pilots in Foligno detailed to ferry aircraft to unit in firstly were to be informed that Tuscania U/S.

1_63 VL5957 09/02/44 Strength 09/02/44 of (strong indications) 7./JG27.

Aircraft actual strength (strong indications) 15, of which 1 aircraft unserviceable (comment at Kalamaki). 14 aircraft at Rhodes.Pilots 21 of whom 5 ready at base (Comment Kalamaki), 13 pilots at Rhodes. Comment VL 5833 explains increase (in proportion at Rhodes over figures in VL 5890).

1_61 VL5959 08/02/44 No reconnaissance flown by Jafü 5 on 08/02/44
1_60 VL5960 08/02/44 Movements of KG 26 aircraft from Piacenza: 3 Heinkel of I./KG 26 at 13.10 hrs Z 08/02/44; 1 Ju of III./KG 26 15.15 hrs Z 08/02/44; 1 Heinkel I./KG 26 13.00 hrs Z 09/02/44, all for Plan De Dieu. 1 Ju of III./KG 26 13.40 hrs Z 09/02/44 for La Jasse. (Comment this cancels movement report given in VL5912)
1_59 VL5961 08/02/44 Appreciated by Jafü Brittany evening 0802/44 that there had been slight Allied air activity in whole Brittany area that day.8 Fw 190 scrambled, 2 of which were shot down by Typhoons.
1_55 VL5964 09/02/44 On 09/02/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost ordered a check in subordinate commands of security and defence measures of small isolated units, their adequate provisioning and arming, and the reliability of their communications with nearest army unit. These measures taken in view of recent commando undertakings in Aegean and Adriatic Islands.
1_54 VL5965 09/02/44 II./LG 1; III./LG 1 and IV./LG 1 warned on 09/02/44 to beware of fighters east and southeast of Aviano during midday period.

Comment – Parallel in VL5856. Fighter flights possible by I./JG 53.VL 5811 may be relevant.

1_48 VL5969 09/02/44 Orders 20.00 hrs Z 09/02/44 for employment of Flifue Luftflotte units on 10/02/44 included:

SG 4 2 hour readiness from 07.00 hrs Z, 1 schwarm at half hour readiness from same time to attack priority targets of opportunity. JG 53, freelance patrol with concentrated forces against Allied (strong indications artillery spotting) and low flying aircraft. Comment – Flifue intentions in VL5933.

1_30-1 VL5974 09/02/44 Fliegerdivision 2 ops 09/02/44 including 1 Ju 88 from 00.30 – 06.02 hrs Z ASV reconnaissance Anzio area, sightings at 02.45 and 02.50 hrs Z. 2 Ar 196 from 05.53 – 08.20 hrs Z security reconnaissance Toulon – Spanish coast – 42 degrees N, no sighting. 2 Ar 196 from 06.03 to 08.20 hrs Z anti-submarine patrol off Toulon, no sighting.

1 Ju 88 from 12.25 to 16.37 hrs Z security reconnaissance between 3 and 8 degrees E and 42 degrees N. no sighting.

Secondly, sighting in VL5899 clearly also during a Fliegerdivision 2 sortie.

1_27 VL5977 09/02/44 Evening 09/02/44II./JG51 had 28 aircraft of which 14 serviceable. 5 aircraft away from station (comment – at Littorio see VL 5955).
1_26 VL5978 09/02/44 Late 09/02/44, 4./126 had 8 serviceable aircraft of which 2 on Leros.
1_25 VL5979 09/02/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost effort on 09/02/44 included: night 8-9/02/44 no ops by command.

Day 09/02/44:

Fliegerkorps X – Probing reconnaissance towards Alexandria, unspecified aircraft in area 10.45 – 14.45 hrs Z. 1 Ju 88 SE of Rhodes to point 60 miles from Nile Delta, times unspecified, sighting at 11.15 hrs Z. Turkish coast Kastelorizo – Leros by A/C unspecified at times not known here.

1 Ju 88 in ops area 05.45 – 08.10 hrs Z offshore Otranto – Spartivento, sighting at time unknown here.

Flifue Croatia and Albania no ops owing weather.

1_22 VL5982 09/02/44 Later on 09/02/44, return issued correcting that given in VL5957. Total (slight indications) 15, serviceable 2, Rhodes 12.

2 Me 109 operated on shipping escort to Leros 11.34 – 13.40 hrs Z. Up and down Kalamaki.

1_19 VL5985 09/02/44 Flifue Luftflotte 2 late 09/02/44 considered that on that day there had for the first time been concentrated activity by Allied T/E Bombers over battle area.

Flifue total ops. No Ground Attack ops owing weather. 6 fighters on freelance patrol over beachhead.(combat with 6 Spitfires), 6 sorties on visual reconnaissance of bridgehead to determine Allied assembiesfor attack in Aprilia area, unloading at Anzio and Nettuno. Offshore Ischia – Cevita Vecchia and 4 unsuccessful sorties of photo reconnaissance of beachhead.

1_13 VL5990 10/02/44 Further to VL5874: for training of Bulgarian fighter staffel in night flying, (see para Baker), 2 instructors, 4 Ar 96 and 1 Go 145 to be sent to SofiaEast by Air Officer for Flying Training.
1_6 VL5995 05/02/44 4 Ju 88 of I./KG 30 arrived Ghedi from Villaorba of 05/02/44. 1 Ju same gruppe left Villaorba for Bergamo South on 09/02/44.
1_1 VL6000 09/02/44 Runway of 1000 x 150 m completed in centre of airfield at (strong indications) Orvieto by 07/02/44. Second runway on west side of landing area probably ready by 09/02/44.

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