DEFE 3/13

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DEFE3/13 covers the decryption period between 16th December 1943 and 20th December1943 – however, some information relates to dates outside this period.

In the page below are some notes/summaries transcribed from the pages of DEFE 3/13 I hope that these are of assistance to any fellow researchers.

The link to the National Archives for the full copy of DEFE3/13 is here should you need to refer to it.

To download the notes as a pdf document click here

Below is the complete file that can be searched via the Wiki search tool.

Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.

Flifue = FliegerFührer

Note –

  1. Number of pages refer to “GAF sightings” - these are for the most part not included in the summaries below as they do not refer to specific aircraft types or units.
  2. Flivos of Divisions are also not included below
  3. Code “Yoke” appears to refer to “Y” service.
  4. Times are direct from the message i.e. Zulu time.

Page Report Date of event Notes
305 VL2002 16/12/43 Strong indications authority receiving advice in VL1961 was not GAF Station Command 37/VI but authority at Zara.
304 VL2003 16/12/43 Modification 06.00 hrs Z 16/12/43 to orders for 3./126 (comment see VL1973): anti-submarine patrol to begin 1 hour repeat 1 hour before leaving Turkish territorial waters. (Comment see also VL1992)
300 VL2007 15/12/43 Damaged at (Strong indications) Zara before 12.00 hrs Z 15/12/43: 1 BR 20; 1 CA 164, neither repairable. 1 CR 42; 1 Caproni, 1 BR 20. Damage to huts and dwellings. As further attacks considered likely fighter protection requested (Comment VL1961 and VL2002 refer)
296-8 VL2009 15/12/43 Total effort Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 15/12/43 was 74 sorties of which 14 reconnaissance, 12 bomber, 7 fighter, 12 escort, 25 transport, 4 minesweeping.

Details, Recce – 1 Ju 88 sea route towards Alexandria with photo reconnaissance Castelorizo, 1 Ju 88 offshore Otranto-Spartivento. 1 Ju 88 weather and sea reconnaissance SW of Peloponnese, 4 Me 109 patrol of islands south of Split, 2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Termoli, 2 Me 109, 2 Do 17, 1 Hs 126 anti-partisan.

Bombing – 8 Ju 87, 4 Hs 126 andi-partisan.

Fighters – 2 Me 109 scramble Kalamaki 08.00 hrs Z, 5 scramble Mostar 09.15 hrs Z (comment – contrast 12 sorties in VL1994).

Escort – 8 Ar 196 with air transport Phaleron – Leros – Stampalia. 4 Me 109 escort for Ju 87.

Transport – 21 Ju 52 and 2 Ar 196 areas Greece, Aegean, Serbia, Croatia. 2 Ju 88 supply dropping Stampalia – Levitha.

Miscellaneous – 2 Ju 52 minesweeping off Heraklion. 2 ditto off Danube Delta. Comment some details in VL1994.

Secondly, supplementary operations on 14/12/43 6 Me 109 over east Adriatic Islands, 1 Bücker 131, 2 Do 17 anti-partisan, 3 Ju 87 with escort of 4 Me 109 and Ju 87 formation (comment, compare VL1943 with escort of 2 Me 109 in attacks on east Adriatic Islands.)

287 VL2015 15/12/43 Sorties by Fliegerführer Luftflotte on 15/12/43.

24 Ground attack in 3 operations incliding 1 against Allied tank attack on San Pietro 2 against strongly held localities.

59 fighters on escort.

3 fighters on training flight engaged Allied medium bomber formation with fighter escort. 4 aircraft photo reconnaissance in front of XIV Pz Korps.

285 VL2017 14/12/43 Instructions of 14/12/43 of Flifue Luftflotte 2 in VL1960 were to be given to I./JG 77 by JG 53.

Secondly, Flifue Luftflotte 2 sent off on 12/12/43 a fitter for “I./JG 53 and I./JG 77” Comment by DDI 3 above indicates that on 14/12/43 I./JG 77 was in area of Flifue and on 12/12/43 probably on same or neighbouring airfield as I./JG 53. (Compare VL1806 for move of latter on 12/12/43 to Centocelle). This information modifies view expressed in AWL 1221 para Able. Now thought possible that I./JG 77 still in battle area. Thus Flifue not necessarily yet reinforced by I./JG 4.

283 VL2019 12/12/43 Quartermaster of FeldLuftgau 30 on 12/12/43 warned Flifue Albania, ARC Sarajevo, OC Flak Albania and Flak 550 Mostar that there would be no further allocation of M/T fuel in December. The next delivery would be on January 5th. Greatest economy must be practiced.
277 VL2025 16/12/43 Photo reconnaissance of Lecce on 16/12/43 not carried out by 2 Me 109 of Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on account broken cloud at 3,000 ft. Photo reconnaissance Brindisi carried out by two other Me 109 same day, but owing partial cloud, comparison with earlier occupation impossible.
273 VL2031 16/12/43 For 17/12/43 intentions Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost evening 16/12/43 were unchanged as for 16/12/43.
269 VL2030 16/12/43 Of Luftflotte 2 intentions for night 16-17/12/43 and day 17/12/43 at 22.00 hrs Z 16/12/43:

Firstly screening of both sea flanks and naval undertaking.

Secondly, close support units to support 10th Army withconcentrated forces.

See reconnaissance weather permitting.

Photo reconnaissance Naples and Salerno.

261 VL2038 15/12/43 Ops by III./JG 53 on 15/12/43:

From 11.45 – 13.00 hrs Z 28 Me 109 including 7 mortar aircraft operated, Allied formation of about 30 Fortresses, 20 Lightnings and 20 Thunderbolts contacted over Ravenna. Allied fighter protection described as very good, and air battle with escort unsuccessful. Take off during apporoach flight of Allied formation not possible for reasons (comment, not known here). Same time strength III./JG 53, 50 Me 109, 7 Mortar, 5 training, on airfields 48, 7, 5, serviceable 34, 60

259 VL2040 16/12/43 Ops Flifue Luftflotte on 16/12/43: by staining all available forces and utilising good weather conditions over eastern part of front, 4 operations by ground attack formations carried out against strongest AA defence. 3 aircraft on photo reconnaissance of left wing LXXVI Korps, patially carried out owing weather and fighter defence. 1 Me 109 lost, 2 Fw 190 force landed in german territory.
253 VL2046 16/12/43 Orders to Flifue Croatia 16.00 hrs Z 16/12/43 for 17/12/43.

Photo reconnaissance Manfredonia Harbour. Recce within scope of Focus, Penitent and Gadabout.

Recce of harbours on Islands Korcula, Vis, Hvar and Brac and watch shipping traffic between them.

251 VL2048 16/12/43 Decentralisation ordered 16/12/43 as according position on 10/12/43 Mostar airfield had an excess of 24 aircraft and Mostar South had 1 aircraft.
244 VL2052 16/12/43 Orders to Flifue Albania evening 16/12/43 for 17/12/43 – engagement of Allied fighter and heavy fighter sweeps.
232 VL2059 16/12/43 Photo reconnaissance of Harbours and Airfields inApulia were orders to Flifue Albania morning 16/12/43 for 17/12/43
231 VL2060 16/12/43 Strength Flifue Albania later 16/12/43

1./NAGr 12 Devoli 7 and 6, crews 17 and 10.

8./JG 27 Devoli 1 Me 109 and 0, crews 2 and 2.

13./SG 151 2 Ju 87 and 0, crews 5 and 3.

11./JG 27 Podgorica 7 Me 109 and 4, crews 9 and 6.

I./LG 1 Podgorica 1 Ju 88 and 1,

Duty flight 5 various small aircraft and 5, crews 4 and 2.

Adriatic Staffel 1 and 1, crews 1 and 1.

229 VL2062 16/12/43 Measures in VL1260 and VL1272 repeated on 16/12/43 by ARC Agram.

Non-operational flights to be adjusted so that aircraft arrive in affected zone in evening and leave in morning.

Secondly, on 16/12/43 Luftgau 30 considered necessary the provision of further parking facilities in Croatia: ARC Sarajevo to find suitable landing places.

Comment – VL 2048 compare.

223-4 VL2067 16/12/43 No ops by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost night 15-16/12/43.

Day 16/12/43 ops included 1 Ju 88 probing reconnaissance to Alexandria in area 09.15 – 12.00 hrs Z.

1 Ju 88 offshore Spartivento – Otranto in ops area 01.00 – 09.00 hrs Z (approx).

20 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi, 2 Me 109failed photo reconnaissance Lecce.

Unspecified aircraft reconnaissance south of Rhodes and Turkish coast from northern tip of Rhodes to Mandalya Bay, 09.15 – 12.00 hrs Z.

1 Ju 88 10.30 – 13.30 hrs Z weather SW of Peloponnese.

3 Ar 196 anti submarine partol.

Sorties in area ARC Sarajevo totalled 20 Me 109, 7 Ju 52, 1 HS 126, 1 Fi 156 from (fair indications) Sarajevo, 4 Hs 126, No He 46, 9 Ju 87 from Butmir, none from Rajlovac.

Ops Flifue Croatia (partly included above item) 6 Me 109 on island reconnaissance. 12 Ju 87, 2 HS 126 anti-partisan. 7 Me 109 scramble.

1 Me 109 lost, 3 overdue at 17.00 hrs Z.

221 VL2069 16/12/43 Pescara ordered on 16/12/43 to report whether work on runway completed and instruction of airfield prepared.
213-4 VL2076 16/12/43 Western Med effort 16/12/43 included Flieger Division 2 -

1 Ju 88 west of 6 East to Balearics, 06.00 – 11.15 hrs Z.

2 Ar 196 close escort, details unspecified. 07.00 – 09.15 hrs Z.

1 of 1(F)./33 between 03 East and Corsican west coast and between 41 N and Nice, 13.30 – 17.30 hrs Z.

Flifue 8 Fw 190 on M/T and camps 06.30 – 07.15 hrs Z (comment see also VL2040)

Other Luftflotte 2 aircraft:

1 aircraft north of Sicily and off Sardinian east coast, 10.00 – 13.30 hrs Z route 4202, 1005 E – Bastia – 4322, 0945 E – 4232, 0825 E – 4(F)./122, 0845 E – 4(F)./122, 0715 E – 4332, 0935 E flown 09.30 – 11.00 hrs Z.

Offshore Bari – about 4307, 1345 E from 11.00 – 13.45 hrs Z.

199 VL2089 18/12/43 3./126 Leros were to reckon on carrying out anti-submarine patrol off Vathi Bay fro Drache convoy on 18/12/43 at firth light and again before onset of darkness. Take off on special orders. See VL1919 for last reference. No further details.
198 VL2090 17/12/43 Fliegerkorps II reconnaissance intentions 18.00 hrs Z 17/12/43 for same night and 18/12/43.

No night reconnaissance owing weather.

On 18/12/43: sea reconnaissance and photo reconnaissance according weather.

Secondly, on 17/12/43 by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost Met reconnaissance Otranto – Spartivento by 1 Ju 88, Met reconnaissance Bari area by 2 Me 109 and photo reconnaissance Brindisi – Lecce, latter not carried out owing weather.

194 VL2093 17/12/43 Flifue Luftflotte 2 intentions at 17.30 hrs for 18/12/43 unchanged as on 17/12/43
189 VL2097 15/12/43 Preparations for defence of Luftwaffe stations under ARC 9/VII in progress on 15/12/43. These included formation of emergency units and setting up of defensive installations for turning the stations into strong points.

Comment – evidence only available in respect of ARC 9/VII but similar arrangements presumably being made in other ARC’s also.

187-8 VL2098 17/12/43 Luftflotte 2 to C in C Luftwaffe on 17/12/43

Orders given for employment of 1 heavy flak abteilung in Fiume area after removal of flak protection at the “Bomber base” (Comment – presumably refers to bomber bases in northern Italy).

To be protected in Fiume area: 1 Torpedo (fair indications ) factory priotity 1, 1 shipyard and 1 lubricating oil works both priority 2.

Information from armaments and war production staff Italy showed there were , at Porto Marchera 11 factories priorit 1 and 1 factory priority 2 including following industries:-

Mineral oil; lead and zinc production; Coke works; Sulphuric Acid; Nitrogen; Galss, Aluminium; light metal alloys; calcium and carbide and high grade steel.

No flak protection was avavailable for these important industrial installations.

In view of repeated attacks on Trento reinforcing of Flak to 2 heavy Abteilung urgently demanded.

183 VL2102 16/12/43 Fuel in tons Luftflotte 2 on 16/12/43.

Stocks: B4, total 6984 made up of 3045 in field fuel tank depots, 3939 on airfields including 3618 in norther area and 321 in centre.

C3 total 1201.

Consumption: B4 87; C3 12.

180 VL2105 17/12/43 According Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost very early on 17/12/43 a bomber operation on Apulia not possible on 16/12/43 because of bad weather on target. Comment – no further details.

Compare VL2000.

169 VL2113 16/12/43 Complete report Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 16/12/43 (comment some details in VL2067) 72 sorties comprising 19 reconnaissance, 15 bomber, 17 fighter, 3 escort and 18 transport.
166 VL2116 17/12/43 Resulting from enquiry of 11/12/43 concerning fighter forces for Sturdy II, Panzer Army 2 informed by Flifue Croatia 17/12/43 that fighter forces were being employed to capacity for Prenitent (comment contrast CL2103), 5 fighters were serviceable at present. Aircraft serviceability on 20/12/43 (comment VL2065 refer) would depend on the flying of 12 more aircraft, weather permitting, from Wien Aspern to Mostar. Prospects considered meagre.
158-9 VL2123 17/12/43 Entire report Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost 17/12/43, 59 sorties comprising 14 reconnaissance, 3 bomber, 16 fighters, nil escort, 19 transport, 7 miscellaneous.

Recce: 1 Ju SE of Rhodes and Turkish territorial waters.

1 Ju offshore Spartivento- Otranto.

2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi and Lecce (not carried out), 2 Me 109 weather Bari, 2 Me 109photo reconnaissance Antivari.

6 Me 109 Dalmatian Islands.

Bombers – 3 Hs 126 armed reconnaissance Croatia.

Fighters: 4 Me 109 scramble Podgorica at 08.30 hrs Z against 5 Spitfires and 1 flying boat near Cap Rhodoni.

3 Me 109 missing, 8 Me 109scramble from Mostar.

4 Me 109 scramble from Mostar, 2 missing.

Transports – 19 Ju 52 usual area.

Miscellaneous – 2 Me 109 on unsuccessful search for 3 Me 109 missing above.

1 Fi 156 on unsuccessful search for further 2 missing Me.

4 Ju 52 on Mausi operation in areas Russe and Petrovani (comment – both on Danube SW of Bucharest) without success.

149 VL2132 16/12/43 III./JG 53 evening 16/12/43 had 46 Me 109 and 6 mortar aircraft of which on airfields 42 and 6. Serviceable 26 and 3.
138 VL2141 16/12/43 Forli serviceable for night landing night 16-17/12/43.
135 VL2144 12/09/43 Now known that on 12/09/43 orders were given for a survey of airfields in the “east Albanian area”.

Object was to find airfileds for bombers and close support units, if airfields in west Croatia could no longer be used.

Following to be investigated in first instance: Pristina, Drenovo Tetovo (comment: 75 miles NE of Monastir, due west of Skoplje 4115 N, 2105 E respectively.

Secondly moves away from Albanian coastal airfields not undertaken till 09/11/43 (see JP9769)

On 09/11/43 ARC 3/VIII was at Skoplje, comment this ARC formerly in South Russia.

133-4 VL2145 17/12/43 Ops western Med on 17/12/43 included.

Firstly Fliegerdivision 2, 1 Ju 88 from 06.20 – 11.00 hrs Z sea reconnaissance west of 5 degrees E to 38 degrees N, visual reconnaissance of Algiers not carried out owing insufficient cloud cover. From 06.00 – 08.45 hrs Z 2 Arados for close escort.

From 09.45 – 12.30 hrs Z 2 Arados anti-submarine patrol.

From 13.15 – 17.15 hrs Z 1 Ju 88 security reconnaissance between 3 and 8 degrees E to 40 degrees N.

From 13.30 – 16.15 hrs Z 2 Arados anti-submarine patrol.

Secondly, Fliegerkorps II, 1 from 09.00 – 13.23 hrs Z offshore Ortona – Brindisi, and from 09.30 – 13.00 hrs Z route Vis – 4(F)./122, 1855 E – 4122, 1705 E – 4147, 1745 E – 4147, 1645 E – 4157, 1625 E – 4222, 1635E – 4207, 1535 E – 4217, 1505 E – Vis.

Intended photo reconnaissance on 17/12/43 not carried out owing weather conditions (comment photo reconnaissance of Naples and Salerno was intended see VL2030).

Thirdly, Flifue Luftflotte, 18 fighters flew free lance patrol over XIV Pz Korps.

No other ops owing weather.

119 VL2152 18/12/43 Berre and Istres serviceable for night landing. Both completely serviceable according information 11.00 hrs Z 18/12/43 (strong indications to Luftgau 28)

Lonate serviceable for all classes. Serviceable for emergency night landingaccording information 06.00 hrs Z 18/12/43.

Comment – significance not known here.

118 VL2153 18/12/43 Grosseto closed all classses at 10.30 hrs Z 18/12/43 owing bomb craters.
105 VL2162 15/12/43 Zara damage on 15/12/43 according information same date included 53 barrels B4, 20 barrels captured Italian fuel, 3 barrels Rotring burned out by aircraft armament fire. (Comment : other damage in VL2007 but dtails not complete).
102 VL2165 18/12/43 For 19/12/43 intentions Flifue Luftflotte evening 18/12/43 were unchanged, as for 18/12/43.
93 VL2173 10/12/43 6./KG 51 wa sin communication with “base” at Weiner Neustadt on 10/12/43. No indication of area in which located on that date, but apparently not with its gruppe.
90 VL2176 18/12/43 No operations by Fliegerführer Luftflotte (strong indications) in support of XIV Korps on 18/12/43 owing weather and airfield conditions.
70 VL2193 18/12/43 Orders to Flifue Croatia 14.30 hrs Z 18/12/43 for 19/12/43. Photo reconnaissance Manfredonia Harbour, reconnaissance for current undertaking against partisans, reconnaissance of island harbours and watch on shipping traffic between islands.
67 VL2196 18/12/43 Attack by 4 Spitfires with bombs on Podgorica 13.45 hrs Z 18/12/43 caused no damage according Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost evening 18/12/43.
66 VL2197 18/12/43 According operations day report for 18/12/43 of Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost issued 23.00 hrs Z 18/12/43 no bomber ops against Apulia owing bad weather over target area.
63-4 VL2199 18/12/43 Complete report Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 18/12/43 was 30 sorties comprising 6 reconnaissance, 4 fighters, 15 transports, 5 miscellaneous.

Some details, firstly reconnaissance:

1 Ju 88 screening SE of Rhodes from 11.15 – 13.45 hrs Z, 1 Met reconnaissance NW of Benghazi from 10.30 – 14.30 hrs Z, 1 offshore Otranto – Cape Spartivento from 10.30 – 12.45 hrs Z. 2 Me 109 Met reconnaissance Apulia, 1 Hs 126 Glina area.

Secondly, fighters 4 Me 109 from Kalamaki 2 up 07.10 hrs Z and 2 up 07.30 hrs Z fighter sweep Milos area without interceptions.

Thirdly, Transports:

15 Ju 52 area Greece – Aegean – Croatia.

Fourthly, Miscellaneous:

Three Ju 52 mine detonating SW of Russe (comment 2 sorties not specified.)

55 VL2207 19/12/43 Early 19/12/43 Lonate serviceable for all classes and for emergency night landing.
54 VL2208 18/12/43 Some detail of Western Mediterranean effort 18/12/43.

Firstly, Fliegerdivision 2 -

1 Ju 88 from 06.15 – 11.15 hrs Z security reconnaissance west of 5 degrees East to 38 degrees North.

2 Arados 06.15 – 09.00 hrs Z anti-submarine patrol off Toulon.

1 Ju 88 of 1(F)./33 from 12.45 – 17.45 hrs Z visual reconnaissance between 3 and 8 degrees East to 41 degrees North.

2 Arados 13.25 – 16.15 hrs Z visual reconnaissance between Toulon and Perpignan.

Secondly, by Fliegerkorps II, 1 Ju 88 from 06.15 – 11.00 hrs Z from Perugia down west coast of Italy along north coast Sicily up west coast Sardinia and Corsica.

1 from 06.30 – 08.00 hrs Z offshore Bari to Ortona.

1 from 17.45 – 19.30 hrs Z north Tyrrhenian Sea and west coast of Corsica.

46 VL2214 17/12/43 During large undertaking in Srajevo area (comment – presumably Focus) Flifue Croatia from 20/11/43 – 17/12/43 flew 186 sorties of which 111 bombing.

46 tons bombs dropped.

42 VL2218 17/12/43 II./SG 4, see VL1424, addressed on 17/12/43 at Guidonia.
31 VL2229 19/12/43 According Foligno airfield detachment 17.00 hrs Z 19/12/43: Allied attack 12.30 hrs Z, approach roads to airfield quarters destroyed, railway station and aircraft factory heavily hit, railway line to Perugia and Ancona destroyed. Civilian casualties. Foligno airfield fully serviceable.
30 VL2230 18/12/43 According Fliegerkorps II at 14.30 hrs Z on 18/12/43. III./JG 53 (comment Reggio Emilia) to transfer on 19/12/43 with all serviceable aircraft including Me 109 mortar aircraft to Villa Orba.

Advance detachment to leave that day (on 18/12/43). Transport Ju’s to be provided.

27 VL2233 19/12/43 Evening 19/12/43.

II Fliegerkorps intentions:

Night 19-20/12/43 screening both offshore areas.

Day 20/12/43 – Only sea reconnaissance in first instance, photo reconnaissance dependent on weather.

Flifue Luftflotte 2 intentions for 20/12/43: unchanged as 19/12/43.

26 VL2234 18/12/43 Recce orders 12.00 hrs Z 18/12/43 for 19/12/43 to Flifue Albania included photo reconnaissance harbours and airfields Apulian area.
24 VL2236 19/12/43 Harbour reconnaissance Oran not carried out according Fliegerdivision 2 at 12.00 hrs Z 19/12/43 owing unfavourable weather.
5 VL2249 19/12/43 21.00 hrs Z 19/12/43 reconnaissance intentions Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost for 20/12/43 in area in which Luftflotte 2 interested, were unchanged, as on previous day.

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