DEFE 3/5

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DEFE3/5 covers the decryption period between 18th November 1943 and 22nd November 1943 – however, some information related to dates outside this period.

Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.

Flifue = FliegerFührer

The link to DEFE 3/5 at the national archives is here.

To download the notes as a pdf document click here

Page Report Date of event Notes
597 VL3 18/11/43 Now known that following were in area 7. Jagddivision on dates given: II./ZG 1 and I./NJG 6 on 03/11/43; II./JG 51 on 05/11/43; III./JG 3 and II./JG 27 on 08/11/43; II./NJG 101 and I./NJG 6 on 10/11/43; II./ZG 76 on 11/11/43.
587 VL7 18/11/43 Now known that aircraft of III./JG 3 operated on defence against Allied aircraft in “Innsbruck area” on 10/11/43 (strong indications without loss)
581 VL9 18/11/43 About 40 bombers with escort attacked Larissa airfield about 12.00 hrs Z 18/11/43. Preliminary reports stated damage small, according to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost intelligence at 13.00 hrs Z. Details not then available.
619 VL10 18/11/43 For 18/11/43 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost reconnaissance orders to Fliegerführer Albania. Photo reconnaissance of Brindisi harbour and airfields of south Apulia not recced in last few days.
613 VL13 17/11/43 Stocks B4 afternoon 17/11/43 Antimachia 39 tons.
577 VL19 15/11/43 Admiral commanding Aegean operations stated evening 15/11/43 that German aircraft equipped with Radar fly night reconnaissance in southern part of “Operational area”, round Rhodes and (strong indications Scarpanto)
573 VL21 17/11/43 Freya in area Fliegerführer Albania damaged by air attack at 11.15 hrs Z 17/11/43.
561 VL27 17/11/43 Fliegerführer Albania intentions evening 17/11/43 for 18/11/43 included Brindisi, Vito dei Normanni, Gioia di Colle, Manduria, (See VL 10), one and a half hours readiness from 05.00 hrs Z for 13./SG 151.

From 11.00 – 13.00 hrs shadowing aircraft in unknown area.

Photo reconnaissance of Manduria airfield carried out on 18/11/43. Photo reconnaissance of Brindisi, San Pancrazio, San Vito and Gioia not carried out owing bad weather.

557 VL29 17/11/43 Mueller 11.30 hrs on 17/11/43 requested no Luftwaffe attacks on Samos until further notice as a surprise was intended.
555 VL30 18/11/43 Reconnaissance intentions Fliegerkorps II evening 18/11/43: night 18-19/11/43, screening west coast, reconnaissance Tyrrhenian. Day 19/11/43, reconnaissance Corsican bays and airfields. Weather permitting photo reconnaissance Ajaccio and Naples.

Reconnaissance Adriatic with screening east coast.

553 VL31 13/11/43 Orders, it is now known, were issued by Fliegerkorps II on 13/11/43 for operation by Ju 88 aircraft.

Take off (fair indications) 14.15 hrs Z – approach route 4337, 1335E; 4227, 1605E; 41 (slight indications) 52, 17 (slight indications 55E. Return route 4207, 1645 E; 4302, 1505E landing at (fair indications) 19.45 hrs Z.

527 VL39 18/11/43 Raids on 18/11/43: Knin railway station by 2 Spitfires at 06.55 hrs Z, 1 locomotive damaged.

Eleusis by 50 Fortresses and 17 Lightnings 09.45 hrs Z, 1 Ju 88 damaged, 10 barrels petrol burnt, airfield serviceable.

Larissa by 33 T/E and 16 Lightnings, 1 aircraft damaged, airfield serviceable. Above accordign to Luftwafgfe intelligence evening 18/11/43.

525 VL40 18/11/43 Evening 18/11/43 intentions Fliegerführer Luftflotte for 19/11/43 were: unchanged, same as for 18/11/43.
509 VL46 18/11/43 To strengthen night fighter defence, temporary transfer of 2./NJG 100 to Rumania projected by Berlin on 18/11/43.

Also transfer of 6th Co. Railway Signals Rgmt 42.

Permanent development, as already projected, of 11 further night fighter areas, however, to be proceeeded with no less urgently owing proposed later withdrawal of radar trains. (Comment: 2./NJG 100 first identified in Russia early October. On 19/10/43 it had a total strength of 6 Me 110 and 6 Ju 88, no details of project for new night fighter areas.)

467-9 VL65 18/11/43 Total Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 18/11/43, 79 sorties.

Able – reconnaissance: Ju 88s 1 probing towards Alex. 3 on Turkey task, one of them total loss owing engine fire. 1 Met Aegean and SW Greece. 1 Offshore Spoartivento – Otranto. 1 Offshore Albania, crashed in sea west of Scutari.

6 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi and Apulian airfields, 2 Me 109 battle reconnaissance east of Tirana.

2 Ar 196 battle reconnaissance islands norht of Leros.

Baker – 6 He 46 area approx 4537, 1715, broke off owing weather.

Charlie – 8 Me 109 scramble Eleusis, 6 Me 109 scramble Chalkis area against raid on Larissa.

Dog – Escort. 4 Ju 88 with one convoy. 9 Arado with air transports.

Easy – 22 Ju 52, 1 W34, 1 Bv 138, 1 Do 24, 4 Arado transport, area Greece, Aegean Islands, Vienna.

Secondly, not included in above, 1 Ju 88 before 07.00 hrs Z 18/11/43 up for photo reconnaissance Haifa broke off owing technical trouble.

425 VL78 19/11/43 Known now that following units were in 7 JD area at dates given.

ZG 76 on 26/10/43 (comment – probably Geschwaderstab)

5./NJG 6.

I & III./ZG 76 7/11/43

II./ZG 1 10/11/43.

419 VL81 18/11/43

Same airfield in Emilia as that mentioned in JP 9632 reported to Fliegerkorps II and KG 30 at 21.00 hrs Z 18/11/43 that it would be fully serviceable on 19/11/43 for night landing.

Comment – on last occasion report was followed by FliegerkorpsII order for all airfields to be serviceable for night landingas bomber ops intended. JP 6932 and 9669 to be compared.

409-411 VL85 18/11/43 Western Mediterranean report on 18/11/43 included:

Firstly by 2. Fliegerdivision, 1 Ju 88 security reconnaissance of western Mediterranean 02.45 – 10.30 hrs Z, sea area west of 5º E to 4º W. 1 Ju 88 from 10.30 – 15.00 hrs Z security reconnaissance western Mediterranean between 3 and 8º E as far as 40º N, visual reconnaissance of harbours on west coast of Corsica, Calvi and Porto.

Secondly, by unspecified units, from 09.10 – 11.45 hrs Z offshore reconnaissance Cape Licosa – Nettuno. From 09.45 – 13.30 hrs Z, route – east coast of Corsica, east coast of Sardinia – Cape Carbonara, Cagliari – blind flight along west coast to northern tip of Sardinia – San Pietro.

1 from 10.10 hrs Z to 13.15 hrs Z offshore east and west Adriatic area Pescara – Monopoli – Bar – Split.

1 Me 410 fromn 10.20 – 11.30 hrs Z, route 4308, 1345E – 4302, 1525E; 4237, 1645E; 4208, 1645E; 4252, 1515E; 4307, 1345E.

1 Me 410 from 09.45 – 11.00 hrs Z sea reconnaissance area of Elba and east coast Corsica and Straits of Bonifacio.

Thirdly, total report of Fliegerführer Luftflotte only 4 reconnaissance and 6 fighters owing weather 18/11/43 (see VL 1) arrived Giulianova 05.00 hrs 18/11/43. At 11.00 hrs Z 19/11/43 naval harbourmaster San Benedetto ordered to send her, if possible, direct to Venice not, repeat, not to Ancona.

401 VL88 19/11/43 Luftflotte 2 Fliegerführer intentions 19.00 hrs Z for 20/11/43 were unchanged, as for 19/11/43
397 VL90 20/11/43 Comment to VL46: the 11 further night fighter areas which are to be permanently developed, are most certainly for Luftflotte 4 and not repeat not for Rumania.

Secondly, each area is an area covered by 1 GCI station.

Thirdly, a radar railway train is a mobile GCI and operates with 1 staffel of twin-engined night fighters. Its mobility gives flexible coverage.

393 VL92 19/11/43 Reconnaissance intentions Fliegerkorps II at 18.30 hrs Z on 19/11/43:

(Able) night 19-20/11/43 reconnaissance off shore both coasts.

(Baker) Day 20/11/43 reconnaissance south Corsica and north Sardinia with Bonifacio Straits, weather permitting. Photo reconnaissance Ajaccio, Olbia, Maddalena, sea reconnaissance Tyrrhenian Sea to screen naval undertaking.

(Comment possible Styptic see VL28 first para). Offshore reconnaissance east coast. Photo reconnaissance of Apulian harbours.

383 VL96 19/11/43 All Fliegerkorps II ARC’s orders morning 19/11/43 to prepare airfields for bomber landings night 19-20/11/43.

Comment – VL81 indicated bomber operation tonight.

367 VL104 18/11/43 Late 18/11/43 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost for night 18-19/11/43 and day 19/11/43 were photo reconnaissance Brindisi harbour and San Pancrazio and Gioia Del Colle airfields, afternoon reconnaissance Ionian Sea.
319 VL120 19/11/43 Fliegerkorps X late on 19/11/43 required information from Battle Group Mueller firstly whether new operation was intended with parachute battalion and parachute company Brandengurg.

(Comment – compare VL33).

Secondly time and place for issue of instructions about intentions for Operation Strapping see JP9970.

317 VL121 17/11/43 GAF Station command at Fabrica (strong indications) Transferred to Boccea

Comment – not located here

on 17/11/43

309-11 VL124 19/11/43 Included in Western Mediterranean Ops on 19/11/43.

Firstly, unspecified units, from 06.00 to 08.00 hrs Z off shore Licosa – Nettuno including Gulf of Salerno, Naples and Gaeta. From 07.00 – 07.30 hrs Z Gulfs of Salerno and Gaeta and off shore as far as 4(F)./122, 1245E. From 07.30 – 11.30 hrs Z route 4052, 0315E; 3952, 0045E; 3807, 0045E; 3807, 0145E; 3952, 0445E.

Evening reconnaissance of East and west Italian coast including Taranto, Brindisi and Naples. At 21.45 hrs Z Naples harbour illuminated.

Secondly, by 2. Fliegerdivision 1 Ju 88 from 10.30 – 15.15 hrs Z security reconnaissance between 3 and 8 degrees East to harbours on west coast of Corsica not recce’d owing weather.

Thirdly, Operations by Fliegerführer Luftflotte no operations by G/A owing bad airfield conditions in first half of day and deterioration in second half.

31 Me 109 sorties in two fighter thrusts in area of front. 1 reconnaissance in front of centre of XIV Pz. K. , and 1 in front of LXXVI K.

One aircraft on photo reconnaissance broke off.

287 VL135 15/11/43 Elements of I./JG 4 had arrived Foligno (see JP9871) by 15/11/43.
251-3 VL143 19/11/43 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost no night ops 18-19/11/43, day 19/11/43 total 70 sorties including 12 reconnaissance; 28 bombers; 3 fighters; 16 escort; 3 transports; 8 sea rescue.

Losses: 1 Ju 88.

Reconnaissance : 1 probing Cyprus – 3412, 3055E, 1 probing Scarpanto – Castelorizo – Alex – 3242, 2935E, 1 Otranto Straits – Spartivento 11.00 – 14.00 hrs Z, 1 West of Peloponnese 05.30 – 08.30 hrs Z, 3 Turkey task of which one broke off, 1 Met Aegean – SW Greece all Ju 88, 4 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi and Apulian airfields.

Bombers: 26 Ju 88 attacked approaching Allied naval formation, 2 Ju 88 bombed Casteloriso.

Fighters: 3 JU 88 escorted bombers.

Escort: 6 Ju 88 and 6 Arados with one convoy, 4 Arado with transports.

Transport: 3 Ju 52 Greece – Crete.

Sea Rescue: 8 Me 109 search off Albanian coast.

Losses: 1 Ju 88 of KG 51 belly landed after attack on naval formation, aircraft burnt ouy, crew saved.

Secondly – on 18/11/43 1 Arado shot down by Spitfire while on search for crashed Ju 88 off Albanian coast crew lost.

247 VL145 20/11/43 Unchanged, as for 20/11/43 were intentions at 19.00 hrs Z 20/11/43 of Fliegerfhrer Luftflotte 2 for 21/11/43.
245 VL146 20/11/43 Time 21.00 hrs Z 20/11/43, reconnaissance intentions for 21/11/43 of Fliegerdivision 2. In morning 1 Ju 88 sea and convoy reconnaissance west of 5º E to North African coast.

1 Ju 88 late afternoon security reconnaissance between 3º and 8º E to 40º N. If weather permits photo reconnaissance or visual reconnaissance of harbours west Corsica.

1 Rotte Ar 196 late afternoon security reconnaissance along coast from Marseilles to Nice.

241 VL148 20/11/43 Reconnaissance orders for night 20-21/11/43 and 21/11/43 for Fliegerführer Albania.

Firstly photo reconnaissance of Bari, Brindisi, Taranto harbours and Manduria and Gioia de Colle airfields.

Secondly Starting at once and continuing till further notice, guerilla airfield at Plevlje is to be photo reconnaissance’d once or twice weekly in accordance with strength and weather. Number of aircraft on airfield and development work watched.

233 VL151 20/11/43 Orders to close reconnaissance kette Mostar evening 20/11/43 for 21/11/43.

Photo reconnaissance Termoli harbour and coast to northwest.

231 VL152 17/11/43 6./SG 3 addressed at Argos on 17/11/43.
229 VL153 20/11/43 Orders to II./SG 3 on evening 20/11/43 for 21/11/43 were no operation.
221 VL157 20/11/43 Landing area, runway and perimeter track at Eleusis closed at 16.00 hrs Z 20/11/43 owing to soft ground and subsided craters.
219 VL158 20/11/43 By 11.30 hrs on 20/11/43 all wounded had been removed from Leros. Air transport for badly wounded requested, in possible seaplanes to Marmari, aeroplanes to Antimachia.
207 VL161 20/11/43 Albania Fliegerführer intentions evening 20/11/43 for 21/11/43.

Able – (comment : Italian area reconnaissance intentions not known, but see VL148 for reconnaissance orders)

Baker – reconnaissance in support of Army.

Charlie – one and a half hours readiness for 13./SG 151.

Serviceability Fliegerführer Albania evening 20/11/43:

NAGr 12 – Aircraft:19 and 9, crews 36 and 24.

13./SG 151 – Aircraft 10 and 7, crews 12 and 8.

Ops KG Ju 88 1 and 1, 3 and 2.

Adriatic Staffel 1 and 1, 1 and 1.

195 VL167 19/11/43 Orders to Fliegerführer Albania for night 19-20/11/43 and day 20/11/43, given at 12.00 hrs Z 19/11/43: photo reconnaissance harbours of Brindisi, Taranto and Bari and of such south Apulian airfields as were not covered in preceding 4 days.

Tasks in order of priotity as given. Chief object of airfield reconnaissance was to establish occupation by 4-engined aircraft.

189-193 VL168 20/11/43 Total sorties by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost on 20/11/43 were 79 comprising:
Reconnaissance ?, Bombers 0, Fighters 4, escort 31 and transports 28.

Reconnaissance : 1 Ju 88 probing reconnaissance Scarpanto – Alexandria in area 05.00 – 08.30 hrs Z, 1 Ju 88 Met and sea reconnaissance Aegean and SW Peloponnese in area 05.30 – 07.00 hrs Z., 1 Ju 88 offshore Italy – Spartivento – Otranto in area 10.30 – 13.30 hrs Z, 1 Ju probing reconnaissance Cyprus 2 Ju special task Turkey and photo reconnaissance. 2 Ju sea reconnaissance round Samos, 2 Ju armed reconnaissance south of Crete 2 Ju armed reconnaissance for submarine fired on off Suda Bay. 2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi, Vito Normanni, 2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Gioia Dei Colle, Bari. These four sorties broken off because of weather.

Fighters – 4 Me scrambled following report of air targets south of Athens.No contact.

Escort – 2 Ju 88 and 11 Ar 196 escorting convoy (strong indications to) Leros without incident, 18 Ar 196 escorting air transports without incident.

Transports – 28 JU 52 in areas Greece, Crete, Rhodes, Leros, Albania, Vienna.

Secondly, no night operations by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost 19-20/11/43.

167-9 VL177 18/11/43 Strength return Fliegerdivision 2 on 18/11/43 as follows:

Crews (Able) total, (Baker) ready, (Charlie) Conditionally ready.

Aircraft: (Dog) Total, (Easy) Serviceable, (Fox) serviceable in 5 days.

I./KG 26 Able 27, Baker 20, Charlie 1, Dog 34, Easy 19, Fox 3.

III./KG 26 Able 23, baker 17, Charlie Nil, Dog 31, Easy 19, Fox 8.

1(F)./33 Able 15, Baker 7, Charlie 1, Dog 13, Easy 5, Fox Five.

2./128 Able 7, baker 4, Charlie 0, Dog 10, Easy 7, Fox 1.

Comment: Note disappearance of KG 100. Last strength return received was on 17/10/43 (JP7479).

Comment from Dog Dog item 3. Available evidence based largely on Yoke gives total about 15 Do 217 located Aegean since end October. Of these about 2 from Stab, 10 from II./ and 5 from III./. Prior to move to Aegean total strength and serviceability about 50 and 30 respectively on 17/10/43. Some evidence 14 Do 217 transferred northwest France last days October probably representing bulk of serviceable aircraft remaining in south France. II./, at least, returned temporarily Istres.

163 VL179 17/11/43 According to report 17/11/43 Stab./JG 77 transferring to Fighter control post West.
149 VL185 21/11/43 Ju 88 attack on 21/11/43 intended by Fliegerkorps II morning same day. Departure base fair indications 14.00 hrs Z approach via 4337, 1335 E, 4227, 1655 E, 41(fair indications 52), 17 (fair indications 15) E. Return via 4207, 1645 E, 4302, 1505 E, landing base (fair indications 21).30 hrs Z.
145 VL187 19/11/43 11./ZG 26 or elements thereof at Gadurra on 19/11/43
143 VL188 20/11/43 Reconnaissance intentions Fliegerkorps II evening 20/11/43: Adriatic and Offshore West, area around Corsica and Sardinia inclusive of Bonifacio Straits. Weather permitting, photo reconnaissance Naples, Maddalena, Bastia and Bari.
135 VL192 20/11/43 Intentions Fliegerführer Albania for 20/11/43 (comment: Orders from Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost in VL167).

Photo reconnaissance Bari, Brindisi, Taranto, Grottaglie, Gioia del Colle, Vito dei Normanni, Lecce and Leverano.

Reconnaissance for army.

13./SG 151 at one and a half hours readiness from 05.00 hrs Z. This unit transferred six Ju 87 to Podgorica. 2 Me 109 unspecified unit shot down.

131 VL194 19/11/43 Detachment of III./JG 27 Antimachia to prepare on 19/11/43 for transfer to Kalamaki.
129 VL195 19/11/43 Construction of blast bays for Stab and 2./NAGr 2 Mostar had not begun by 19/11/843
121 VL199 20/11/43 Fliegerführer Luftflotte total 20/11/43. 8 Fw 190, 09.30 – 1030 hrs Z against minesweepers Gulf of Gaeta, MT, tanks, a fuel depot and unloading at railway station N1465.

12 Fw 190 13.15 – 14.20 hrs Z against Caserta station, bridge N 1773, MT, fuel dumps.

Fairly heavy destruction assumed, especially to tank trucks at stations. 4 aircraft lost by heavy AA. 5 fighters scrambled. 1 reconnaissance each on XIV and LXXVI Pz. Korps front, both broke off.

109-11 VL204 08/11/43 AO for Fighters appreciated on 08/11/43:

German fighters and heavy fighters have been unable to obtain decisive success in defence against against American four engined formations, even the introduction of new weapons (such as FW190 with 6 MG 151, Me 109 with MK 108 and MG 151 underslung wing armament, Me 410 with 3.7 Flak, and two 21 cm mortar) not having appreciably changed the situation. Main reason for this is failure of formation leaders to lead up whole formation for attack at closest range. Goering has therefore ordered setting up of an assault staffel, whose task will be to break up Allied formations by means of all out attack with more heavily armoured fighters in close formation and at closest range. Considered irrelevant at this juncture to discuss whether success to be obtained by shooting down at closest range, by new type of weapon or ramming. Such attack undertaken to be pressed home to the heart of the Allied formation, whatever happens and without regard to losses, until the formation is annihilated. Success of the attack depends not only on the assault thrust, but on the attack by fighters which must follow immediately, and the assault staffel is to serve as a weapon of attack to the fighters, to be only used in closest collaboration with them.

AO for fighters had put the idea of assault staffeln to a group of fighter pilots and volunteers had been forthcoming.

Unit commanders were directed likewise to explain the nature of the tasks and enroll volunteers.

The assault staffel already set up on mobile basis and so could be employed at main points of effort on all fronts in defence of the home country.

105 VL206 20/11/43 Gadurra detachment of III./JG 27 told on 20/11/43 not to dismantle HQ yet. Personnel of HQ to remain until summoned.

Comment – compare return of Cos elements in VL194.

79 VL217 21/11/43 1 aircraft evening reconnaissance and renewed picking up of large convoy “east of Alboran”.

Security reconnaissance and A/S patrol late in afternoon along coast up to Nice. These included in intentions 20.30 hrs Z 21/11/43 of Fliegerdivision 2 for 22/11/43.

Comment – no details known here of his intentions for earlier on 22/11/43.

77 VL218 22/11/43 For the 22/11/43 the intentions of Luftflotte 2 Fliegerführer were unchanged as for 21/11/43.
67 VL223 19/11/43 Aircraft reporting posts Lindo and Plimiri (Rhodes) reported 13.45 hrs Z on 19/11/43 that 5 Ju were dropping (strong indications Mines) from medium height about 20 Km south of Lindo.
65 VL224 21/11/43 Reconnaissance Termoli harbour 09.15 – 11.45 hrs Z 21/11/43: 2 apparent minesweepers.
53 VL227 21/11/43 Arrangements for Fliegerkorps II bombers in VL1865 were to be the same as those for 18 & 19/11/43 according to GOC Flak S mornign 21/11/43. Times of departure and landing were to be different.
47 VL231 21/11/43 Reconnaissance intentions evening 21/11/43 of Fliegerkorps II.

For night 21-22/11/43 screening of both off-shore areas.

For 22/11/43, west and east off-shore reconnaissance and if weather permits photo reconnaissance Bari and Naples.

Sea reconnaissance of Tyrrhenian Sea with photo reconnaissance Palermo.

Reconnaissance of Corsica and Sardinia including Straits Bonifaccio.

43-45 VL232 21/11/43 Sorties by Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost.

Firstly night 20-21/11/43 – no night operations.

Secondly on 21/11/43 total of 52 sorties comprising 10 reconnaissance, 4 bombers, 11 escort, 25 transports.

Details: Able, reconnaissance , 1 Ju 88 probing towards Cyprus broken off with technical trouble and 1 probing towards Alexandria, of these one from 05.50 – 08.33 hrs Z. Route Skarpanto – Alexandria – Castelorizo.

1 Ju 88 special task Turkey. 1 Ju 88 met and sea reconnaissance southern Aegean – SW Greece from 3307, 4245E; 3607, 1715E from 04.15 – 08.20 hrs Z.

1 Ju 88 off-shore Italy, Cape Spartivento – Otranto from 10.40 – 13.30 hrs Z.

2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Brindisi and SanVito Normanni. 2 Me 109 photo reconnaissance Bridisi, Gioia del Colle all four broke off owing weather.

1 Fi 156 battle reconnaissance Berat area.

Baker – Bomber – 4 Ju 87 attacked encampment south of El Basan.

No operations Croatia owing weather.

Charlie – Escort – 3 Arados for one convoy, 89 Arados for air transports.

Dog – Transports – 21 Ju 52, 1 He 111, 1 Do 24, and 2 Arados area Greece – Crete – Rhodes.

37 VL234 21/11/43 GAF appreciated on 21/11/43 that no photo reconnaissance of Naplescarried out since 12/11/43 owing weather.

Same time aware that photo reconnaissance Naples on 12/11/43 revealed 59 merchantmen together 375,000 tons, unknown number (Comment between 10 and 20) coastal cargo ships, 18 small naval craft, 1 landing ship, 35 large landing craft, 13 small landing craft.

23 VL241 21/11/43 Part of Fliegerdivision 2 intentions for 22/11/43 at 20.30 hrs Z 21/11/43 (remainder of which in VL217):

1 aircraft to pick up again eastbound convoy recce’d at 07.45 hrs Z21/11/43. 1 aircraft to pick up large convoy expected to sail through Straits of Gibraltar on evening 21/11/43.

15 VL244 21/11/43 Battle HQ of ARC 9/VII located 21/11/43 at Via Nomentana kilometre 8. Comment – this road runs NE from Rome.
3 VL250 21/11/43 III./JG 53 on 21/11/43 had 50 pilots ready out of 64.