Ergänzungs-Aufklärungsgruppe (F) Ob.d.L.
Ergänzungs-Aufklärungsgruppe (F) Ob.d.L.
Unit Code: none (used a 4-letter Stammkennzeichen or factory registration code, e.g., (AB+CD).
Formed 14 November 1939 at Brandis as Erg.Aufklärungsstaffel (F) Ob.d.L., and then later expanded to a Gruppe with a Stab, Stabskompanie, 1. (Techn.) Kompanie and 2. (F) Staffel, and still later (1 February 1941) this was changed to a Gruppenstab with 1.(F) and 2.(F) Staffeln. Subordinated to Höh.Kdo. d.Aufklärungs- und Ergänzungseinheiten/Ob.d.L. [1]
20.12.39: equipped with Do 17 E and Do 17 F.
1940: transferred from Brandis to Berlin-Döberitz during the second half of 1940. [2]
30.11.40: reported 39 pilots, 70 observers and 40 radio operators on strength in training, with 4 Do 17Fs, 4 Do 17Es and 4 He 111Es. [3]
7.3.41: 2.St. - Do 17P crashed at Fp.Döberitz, 60%.
23.3.41: Ju 88 A-5 (PB+GN) crashed between Fp.Aslau and Fp.Küpper in Silesia due to unknown causes, 100%, 4 killed.
7.4.41: 2 Ju 88 A-5s collided on the runway at Fp.Neuruppin, 30% and 15%.
13.5.41: Bf 110 C-5 crashed at Fp.Döberitz, 60%, 2 injured.
7.6.41: Ju 88 A-5 crash landed at Fp.Küpper, 10%.
16.7.41: Fw 58 crashed taking off from Fp.Jüterbog-Waldlager, 50%.
8/41: still at Berlin-Döberitz - no losses or other entries found for the Gruppe after this date.
10.4.42: renamed Erg.Fernaufklärungsgruppe this date. [4]
FpN: Erg.Aufkl.Gr.(F) Ob.d.L. (none found).
Maj. Friedrich Prager (14.11.39 - 1940)
Maj. Alfred Wenz (21.8.40 - 13.4.42)
Also see:
KLINKICHT, Arnold, Hptm., Staka 2.(F) Staffel
MARQUARDT, Erich, Hptm., Staka 2.(F) Staffel
MOLLER, Viktor, Hptm., Staka 1.(F) Staffel and 2.(F) Staffel
© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).
(1st Draft 2022)