Ergänzungs-Aufklärungsgruppe Ob.d.H.
Ergänzungs-Aufklärungsgruppe Ob.d.H.
Unit Code: none (used a 4-letter Stammkennzeichen or factory registration code, e.g., (AB+CD).
Ordered formed on or about 1 November 1939 as Ergänzungs-Aufklärungsstaffel (H) Ob.d.H with a formation date of 14 November 1939 at Schönfeld-Seifersdorf in Silesia. Later, expanded to a Gruppe with a Stab, Stabskompanie, 1. (Techn.) Kompanie and 2.(H) Staffel, and still later (10 March 1940) this was changed to a Gruppenstab with 1.(F), 2.(H) and 3.(H) Staffeln. Subordinated to Chef Ausbildungswesens (to 1 February 1941). Initially equipped with He 45s, He 46s and Hs 126s.[1]
10.3.40: its organization changed to one (F) Staffel and two (H) Staffeln with the (F) Staffel at Strausberg and then moved to Alperstädt prior to the end of 1940. [2]
3.11.40: Fw 189B crashed at Forsthaus Mandelbeck, 100%.
30.11.40: reported 328 pilots, 217 observers, 37 radio operators and 40 aerial gunners on strength in training, with 18 Hs 45s, 7 He 46s, 2 Fw 189s, 2 Fi 156s, 1 Fw 58, 4 Ju W 34s and 2 C 445s. [3]
1.2.41: subordination changed from Chef AW to Gen.d.Lw. beim Ob.d.H. [4]
4.4.41: He 45D damaged taxying at Fp.Grossenhain, 60%.
5.4.41: Ju 88 A-5 crashed near Erfurt, 100%.
5/41: Stab at Weimar-Nohra. [5]
13.5.41: Ju 88 A-5 force landed near Erfurt due to engine trouble, 60%.
13.5.41: Hs 126B crash landed at Fp.Nellingen, 30%.
19.5.41: Do 17 crashed taking off from Fp.Weimar-Nohra, 100%.
22.5.41: Bf 110 E-3 damaged taxying at Fp.Weimar-Nohra, 35%.
1.7.41: transferred from Weimar-Nohra to Jüterbog-Damm. [6]
21.7.41: Hs 126 damaged taxying at Fp.Jüterbog-Damm, 15%.
8/41: Stab still at Weimar-Nohra. [7]No losses or other entries found for the Gruppe after this date.
1942: 1.(F)/Erg.Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.H. set up a Ju 88 Ausbildungskommando (Training Detachment) at Grossrückerswalde at the beginning of 1942 with the training carried out at Neuruppin. The Detachment was transferred to the Ergänzungs-Fernaufklärungsgruppe on 10 April 1942. [8]
10.4.42: renamed Erg.Nahaufklärungsgruppe at Jüterbog-Damm on this date. [9]
FpN: Erg.Aufkl.Gr. Ob.d.H. (none found).
Obstlt. Gotthardt Kapuste (14.11.39 - 31.3.40)
Oberst Adolf Kuen (1.4.40 - 8/40)
Obstlt. Dr. Hans Weichhold (31.10.40 - 5.6.41)
Maj. Udo-Ernst Haack (6.6.41 - 11.1.42)
Obstlt. Wolfgang Wehl (12.1.42 - 9.4.42)
Also see:
BOPP, Hubert, Oblt., Staka 3.(H) Staffel
DIEHL, Johannes(?), Oblt., Führer Ju-88 Ausb.Kdo./1.(F) Staffel
HOPPE, Günther, Oblt., Staka 2.(H) Staffel
PLATE, Hans, Hptm., Staka 1.(F) Staffel
THIEL, Wermer, Hptm., Staka 1.(F) Staffel
WILLE. Kurt, Hptm., Staka 1.(F) Staffel
© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).
(1st Draft 2022)