Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1

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Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1

Code: ?

FpNs: none issued.


Formed April 1942 at Langendiebach as a reserve training group by renaming Fliegerschule d.Lw.(S) 1. The school/Gruppe was organized in 4 Staffeln, each in a strength of approximately 160 officers and men (75 flying and 85 ground and administrative). While the school/Gruppe headquarters and staff remained at Langendiebach (near Hanau), the Staffeln used the airfield there, at Frankfurt/M.-Eschborn, and at Zellhausen (30 km SE Frankfurt/M.). The students at the school received Certificate III glider instruction along with infantry training.

Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1 was ordered disbanded by OKL on 9 September 1944, with all personnel seconded to the parachute units or to the Army. [1]

Kommandeure (Commanding Officers)

Obstlt. Ludwig Reeps (4/42 - 10/43)

Maj. Rudolf Hey (6/44 - 9/44)


Langendiebach/NE Hanau (4/42 – 9/44)

also used:

Wertheim am Main (1942 – 2/43)

Zellhausen (2/43 – 1944)

Frankfurt/M. – Eschborn (1944 – 9/44)

Equipment and Returns

Reported 1 Ju 87 and 32 DFS 230s on strength 31 Aug 1942.

Reported 1 Fw 189, 1 Hs 126 and 74 DFS 230s on strength 10 Aug 1943.

Representative Losses Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1


21.8.42: Avia B 534 struck obstacle at Langendiebach airfield, 70%.

24.10.42: Avia B 534 slightly damaged in landing accident at Frankfurt-Eschborn, 10%.
28.10.42: B 534 in forced landing at Zellhausen airfield, 55%.

7.12.42: Me 321 glider reported having technical problems at Langendiebach, 10%.

10.1.43: Ar 65 crashed near Leipzig, 75%, pilot injured.

14.1.43: Ar 65 crash landed at Hildesheim airfield, 30%.

22.2. – 5.3.43: B 534 and DFS 230 crashes and accidents at both Langendiebach and Zellhausen.

3.43 – 9.43: approx. 18 x DFS 230 crashes and accidents at both Langendiebach and Zellhausen, a few severe but mostly minor (less than 50%).

Also see:

BERNETT, Klaus, Lt./Oblt.

FULDA, Wilhelm, Lt. (R). Ausbildungsleiter in Gruppenstab, then Stafü.

HEY, Rudolf, Maj. Kdr.

LEMKE, Walter, Oblt.(Kr.O.).

NEUMANN, Ernst, Oblt.(Kr.O.).

REEPS, Ludwig, Obstlt. Kdr.

REINHARDT, Egon, Oblt.

SANNEK, Helmut, Oblt.

SCHERF, Walter, Maj. Staka.

SCHWEDE, Robert, Oblt.(Kr.O.).

WINKLER, Gerhard, Oblt. (DKG).


See: Ketley, Barry. Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945. Manchester: Crécy Publishing Limited, 2012.

Distinctions and Remarks

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2023).

(1st Draft 2023)


  1. Sources checked: BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); BA-MA Freiburg: Flugzeug-Bereitstellungen (Aircraft Availability Status Reports – FzB) in: M.Holm-website (; NARA WashDC: RG 242 Microcopy T-321 roll 61; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection. AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin P/W interrogations, ADI(K) series, microfilm rolls A5400-05, interrogation; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin CSDIC P/W Interrogation Reports in microfilm rolls A5415-18, especially No. 52 of 20 Jun 1943; British Air Min. Weekly Intel. Sum. 13 Feb. 1943; British National Archives ULTRA signals; Kannapin, Norbert: Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); Schlaug, Georg: Die deutschen Lastensegler-Verbände 1937-1945: Eine Chronik aus Berichten, Tagebüchern, Dokumenten. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1985. ISBN: 3-613-01065-8. Hb. Dj. 296p. Illus. Maps. Appendices. Glossary of abbreviations. Bibliography.

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