Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 2

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Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 2

Code: ?

FpNs: none issued.


Formed April 1942 at Poznan (Posen) by renaming the former Schleppschule d.Lw.

The school was organized in 4 Staffeln similar to Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 1, and provided identical instruction. On 9 November 1942, it was ordered to immediately reorganize as an infantry battalion for transfer to North Africa. The next day 756 men under Obstlt. Snowadzki left by train for Reggio di Calabria/Italy, from where they were airlifted to Bizerta/Tunisia on 20 November and incorporated into Lw.Rgt. Barenthin as its I Battalion. Most of these men were lost in the fighting over the next 6 months, or surrendered in May 1943. Meanwhile, the school was rebuilt at Poznan in December 1942. It was ordered disbanded by OKL on 9 September 1944, transferred to Würzburg, and all personnel reassigned to parachute replacement units in October. [1]

Kommandeure (Commanding Officers)

Obstlt. Albert Snowadzki (c. 4/42 - 11/42)

Hptm. Hans-Günther Nevries (1/43 - 11/43)

Hptm. Gerhard Eckstein, acting? ( ? - ? ) early 1944

Obstlt. Albert Snowadzki (2d appt.) (c. 11/43 - 9/44)


Poznan (Posen)/Poland (4/42 – 9/44)

Würzburg (9/44 – 10/44)

Equipment and Returns

Reported 22 DFS 230s on strength 31 Aug. 1942.

Reported 26 DFS 230s on strength 10 Aug 1943.

Representative Losses Ergänzungsgruppe (S) 2


4.10.42: He 111 J forced to land with engine trouble near Freiburg, 30%.

18.11.42: Hs 126 in forced landing at Posen (Poznan), 30%.

27.11.42: He 46 crashed while landing at Posen, 35%.

2.12.42: Avia B 534 crash landed near Gotha/22.5 km W of Erfurt, 30%.

20.12.42: B 534 crash landed at Wertheim airfield/32 km W of Würzburg, 15%.

28.12.42: B 534 crash landed at Wertheim airfield, 10%.

18.1.43: He 45 crashed at Posen due to pilot error, 40%.
2/43 – 8/43: routine DFS 230 glider crashes and accidents that averaged approx. one per week.

1944: the Luftwaffe General Quartermaster (Gen.Qu./6.Abt.) Loss Reports (Verlustmeldungen d. fliegende Verbände) for all of 1944 and parts of 1945 makes a listing of losses for this period unworkable.]

Also see:

BECHER, Heinz, Lt.?

BUCHMANN, Walter, Hptm. Staka.

ECKSTEIN, Gerhard, Hptm. (DKG). Staka then Kdr.

GROTZKE, ? , Hptm. Staka.

GRUBER, August, Hptm.d.R. Staka.

HOEPFNER, Harald, Oblt.d.R.

KRUG, Hans-Werner, Lt.(Kr.O.). Pilot. Ausbildungsleiter in Gruppenstab.

NEVRIES, Hans-Günther, Hptm. Kdr.

SNOWADZKI, Albert, Obstlt. Kdr.


See: Ketley, Barry. Luftwaffe Emblems 1939-1945. Manchester: Crécy Publishing Limited, 2012.

Distinctions and Remarks

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2023).

(1st Draft 2023)


  1. Sources checked: BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); BA-MA Freiburg: Flugzeug-Bereitstellungen (Aircraft Availability Status Reports – FzB) in: M.Holm-website (; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection. AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin P/W interrogations, ADI(K) series, microfilm rolls A5400-05, interrogation; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin CSDIC P/W Interrogation Reports in microfilm rolls A5415-18; British National Archives ULTRA signals; Kannapin, Norbert: Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); Schlaug, Georg: Die deutschen Lastensegler-Verbände 1937-1945: Eine Chronik aus Berichten, Tagebüchern, Dokumenten. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1985, ISBN: 3-613-01065-8, Hb. Dj, 296p. Illus., Maps, Appendices, Glossary of abbreviations, Bibliography.

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