Führer der Luft West
Führer der Luft West
(FpN: L 17100)
Gen.Maj. Joachim Coeler (Jun 39 - Feb 40)
Gen.Maj. Hermann Bruch (Apr 40 - Aug 40)
Formation. (Jun 39)
Formed June 1939 at Jever/North Germany, but formation possibly not completed until o/a 24 August 1939. Stab was responsible for the Luftwaffe’s naval aviation units deployed in the North Sea area.[1]
North Sea Area and Adjacent Waters. (Sep 39 - Aug 40)
1 Sep 39: Stab at Jever - from the outbreak of war, the Stab was tactically under Marinegruppenkommando West (at Wilhelmshaven-Sengwarden) and directed naval reconnaissance in the waters off the coast of Great Britain, and attacks on British shipping.[2]
25 Apr 40: Stab ordered to move from Jever to Sengwarden this date, but the order may have been cancelled.[3]
10 May 40: Stab at Jever - during the attack on France and the Low Countries that began on this date, commanded all Küstenflieger units operating from the German North Sea coast.[4]
13 Aug 40: Stab still at Jever.[5]
27 Aug 40: Stab renamed Stab/Führer der Seeluftstreitkräfte this date.[6]
© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023
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- ↑ G.Tessin- Verbände und Truppen der Deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS 1939-1945. Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte; F.Kurowski-Seekrieg aus der Luft: Die deutsche Seeluftwaffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg; U.Balke-Der Luftkrieg in Europa: Die Operativen Einsätze des Kampfgeschwader 2 im Zweiten Weltkrieg/Teil I.
- ↑ F.Kurowski-op cit.
- ↑ F.Kurowski, p.74.
- ↑ U.Balke-I:406.
- ↑ U.Balke-I:413.
- ↑ F.Kurowski, p.60.