Luftwaffe Air Corps Subordinate command to a Luftflotte
Operational units within a Luftflotte command area were organized into subordinate operational commands known as Fliegerkorps. Through these Fliegerkorps the Luftflotten executed the operational directives.
Each Fliegerkorps was a composite, mobile command with its own geographical area of control and operations.
A Luftflotte could command one to three Fliegerkorps, depending upon the size of the command area and the nature of operations.
A Fliegerkorps could be detached at any time for operations in another Luftflotte area.
The make-up of a Fliegerkorps was very flexible, both as to number and type of aircraft, but would normally have consisted of three to five bomber Geschwader, one to four fighter Geschwader, in addition to a varying number of short- and long range reconnaissance Gruppen.
The most important department of the Fliegerkorps command was that of operations. Although the Fliegerkorps also had adjutant, legal, administration, signal, and supply departments, it depended almost entirely upon the Luftgau for administrative and supply services.
The Fliegerkorps were numbered nonconsecutively in Roman numerals.
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