Fliegersonderkommando Ob.d.L.

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Fliegersonderkommando Ob.d.L.

also as: Fliegersonderkommando d. Ob.d.L. (L.P.) Jüterbog

Perhaps the least known and most misleading of all the “Sonderkommandos”, Fliegersonderkdo. Ob.d.L. was the administrative unit for Luftwaffe personnel assigned or attached to manufacturers as test pilots, ferry pilots and for related purposes. It seems to have been little more than an office or orderly room with a couple of clerks and an NCO or an officer. It was first noted in official documents dated March 1943 with location at Jüterbog, but in October 1943 several paybooks (Soldbücher) taken from prisoners have entries placing it in Dedelstorf on both 7 and 23 October. Designated Fliegersonderkommando OKL from June 1944, it was still in existence in March 1945.[1]

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

A.D.I.(K) 545/1944 quotes as follows on Flieger Sonderkommando Ob.d.L Dedelstorf:

18. The source of these notes is a Feldwebel of 6./KG200 recently captured at Arlen while fighting as infantry.

19. P/W was a member of the Sonderkommando for only two days in June 1944, but the Staffel of KG200 to which he was then posted shared the same airfield at Dedelstorf, and P/W consequently gained some knowledge of the Sonderkommando.

20. This unit came under the direct authority of Department LG14 at the RLM: P/W understands that this department is responsible for all special units of the GAF. For administrative purposes the Sonderkommando came under a unit called ’Luftwaffe Staffel Celle’ which also performed administrative services for an experimental unit known as ‘Versuchsstation Pütnitz

(Paras. 18, 19 and 20 do NOT sound right.]


21. The address used by personnel of the Sonderkommando was:- ‘Betriebskompanie LW Staffel Celle’ No FPN was used.


22. The unit, as such, was not engaged on flying, but three or four aircraft were available; these were used mainly by officers of the unit, who put in two hours flying time daily in order to be entitled to the increased rations issued to flying personnel.

23. The non-officer personnel were available for attachments on special duties of various kinds. Some of the pilots formed a pool of RLM Acceptance Pilots, who were sent to factories as and when ordered by Department LG14 at the RLM. P/W mentions Leipheim, Untertürkheim and Dessau as names of the factories to which pilots were sent on acceptance flight duties. Other members of the personnel were appointed, as the need arises, to special duties on the staff of operational units.


The Sonderkommando consisted of three or four officers and some 200 to 250 men, the majority flying personnel. These personnel included all ranks, but Feldwebel and Unteroffizier predominated. P/W believes that the CO is an Oberst Aue.

(Paras 22, 23 and “Strength” sound correct or reasonably correct.)

Does anyone have more on this unit? Is it reasonable to assume that this unit became the 'home unit' for various Luftwaffe pilots seconded to aircraft companies. (Almost certainly.)

Last edited by Steve Coates; 25th March 2010 at 00:22.

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  1. NARA WashDC: RG 242 (T-77 roll 960/frame 2369); AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin P/W interrogations, ADI(K) and CSDIC series; 12 O’Clock High web site posting by Charles Bvaroise dated 13 Aug 2003.