KGr.z.b.V. 10

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KGr. z.b.V. 10

Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 10

(Unit Code: N3+ with letters F-X-Y-Z-Q)

Formation and History. (Nov 39 - Mar 40)

Ordered formed 3 November 1939 at Burg near Magdeburg with a Gruppenstab and four Staffeln and equipped with 53 Ju 52 transports with crews borrowed from a variety of combat and training units. Following just two days of assembly and work-up, the Gruppe was subordinated to KG z.b.V. 172/7.Flieger-Division. From 23 November, while the Gruppenstab remained at Burg, it was decided to detach 1. and 2. Staffeln to schools in the Luftflotte 3 area to undergo instrument flight training while the other two Staffeln at Burg were used for individual transport missions as needed. On 1 December, a Ju 52 belonging to it force landed at Fp. Nordhausen in bad weather and received slight damage (10%). On 12 January 1940, the Gruppe reassembled at Burg, but the especially cold weather caused such severe engine starter problems that operational status could not be achieved. Two months later, on 1 February 1940, another Ju 52 from the Gruppe was nearly totaled (60%) in an accident at Fp. Neubiberg near Munich. Ordered redesignated IV./KG.z.b.V 1 at Braunschweig-Broitzem, taking over the aircraft of the former IV./KG.z.b.V 1, which were outfitted for paratroopers. [1]


Gruppenstab (L 20480)

1. Staffel (L 21860)

2. Staffel (L 22871)

3. Staffel (L 23493)

4. Staffel (L 24278)


Obstlt. Paul Aue (3.11.39 - 12.11.39)

Maj. Theodor Beckmann (13.11.39 - 1.2.40)

Also see:

BURKHEISER, Rudolf, Oblt., Staka 4. Staffel

GEORG, Walter, Oblt., Staka 2. Staffel

LASTIG, Kurt, Oblt., Staka 3. Staffel

THOMSEN, (Otto?), Hptm.d.R., Techn. Offz.

VOGT, Hptm.d.R., Adjutant

WAGNER, Hptm., Staka 1. Staffel

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2022)


  1. G.Tessin-Tes; N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); Hecke, Rudolf - Jet and Prop 2007/05 - Errkentnisse über wenig bekannte Kampfgruppen z.b.V. und irhe Kennzeichen p.14-17.

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