Kdo. Götz
First Formation
Formed as a detatchment of 1./Versuchsverband Ob.d.L., it's primary mission was to hunt, at night, for Soviet tankers and supply ships in the Black Sea.
The unit was to use the Lichtenstein S anti-shipping radar on specially equipped Ju 88A-4s.
Kdo.Götz appears to have been formed at Orly during Feb 1943.
17 Feb 1943 - transfered to Sarabus which was to become it's operational base. The unit consisted of four Ju 88s and one He 111, it drew it's supplys from, and used the administration facilities of, 4.(F)/122 (Hptm. von Wedelstedt) which was also based at Sarabus.
Sometime following the arrival at Sarubus the He 111 (Bösandt) crashed during a night training flight.
Given that this unit operated at night all national insignia were painted over with what apears tohave been temporary black paint as were the undersurfaces of the Ju 88s.
14 Mar 1943 - Ju 88A-4 (T5+UB) - Götz/Sommer witness the destruction of a Soviet tanker by an E-Boat.
17 Mar 1943 - Ju 88 piloted by Horst Götz and carrying Erich Sommer as part of the crew was damaged on take off when the airfield was attacked by a Russian bomber and the Ju 88s starboard undercarraige leg slipped into a bomb crater.
29 Mar 1943 - Having returned the Ju 88, damaged on 17 Mar 1943, to the Henschel works at Schönefeld Götz returned to Sarabus with Ju 88 T9+FL - Götz's route took him from Oranienberg via Lemberg to Sarabus.
12 Apr 1943 - Ju 88 (Götz/Sommer) took off with extended range tanks fitted. This was for a longrange sortie to Poti harbour. Unfortunately, both tanks had to be jettisoned shortly after take-off as they had caught fire.
26 Apr 1943 - Ju 88 (Lt. Dumke) crashlanded due to wing icing.
14 May 1943 - Kdo Götz departed Sarabus for Oranienberg it's role being taken over by 4.(F)/122 whose crews had been retrained by Kdo. Götz for this purpose.
Second Formation
Formed on four Ar234B-1s in late Sept. 1944.
Established at Rheine.
This was a reconnaissance unit for operations across the North Sea to the British East Coast harbours between the Thames and Great Yarmouth.
Sd Kdo Götz was formed with personnel drawn from the 1. Staffel of the Versuchverband Ob.d.L
19 Feb 1945 – Kdo. Götz handed over it's responsibilities to 1(F)./123 now commanded by Hptm. Horst Götz.
The personnel from Kdo. Götz now formed the basis for Kdo. Sommer.
First Formation
Smith, J. Richard; Creek, Eddie and Petrick, Peter - On Special Missions
Second Formation
Posting by Ferdinando D'Amico to a bulletin board