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Luftflottenkommando (Air Fleet Command)

The Luftflottenkommando was the highest tactical or field command in the Luftwaffe. It had a Führungsabteilung (Operations Branch) with 3 sections for operations, intelligence and weather, each in turn having up to 10 or more sub-sections; an Oberquartiermeister (Chief Quartermaster) branch with 12 or more sections; a Höherer Nachrichtenführer (Höh. Nafü) (Chief Signals Officer) branch with sections and sub-sections; an Adjutant branch that took care of personnel and troop welfare matters; Kommandant des Stabsquartier (Commandant of Headquarters and Headquarters Troops) responsible for security and related matters; and smaller branches and sections for the Luftflottenarzt (Luftflotte Physician), legal issues, rations, flying safety and for several other functions. The table of allowances for the Stab einer Luftflottenkommando in 1942 (K.St.N. 112 (L) dated 1 July 1942) called for 52 officers, 92 NCOs, 53 other ranks, 58 civilian officials (Beamte) and 90 civilian employees (Angestellte) for a total of 345 personnel, of which 197 were military.[1]

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023

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  1. H.Boog-Die deutsche Luftwaffenführung 1935-1945: Führungsprobleme, Spitzengliederung, Generalstabsausbildung:501; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2/830, “Anlage 3 zu DRdL GenSt GenQu 2.Abt. Nr. 8205/44 g.Kdos. (IIa)” dated 22.2.44.