Luftgaukommando 4 (1st)

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Luftgaukommando 4 (1st Formation)


Gen.Maj. Hans, Graf von Sponeck? (1 Apr 36? - 12 Oct 37?)


Luftkreiskommando II Berlin (1 Apr 36 - 12 Oct 37)

Subordinate Commands and Units:

Luftwaffe ground organization (air bases, etc.), Flakartillerie (antiaircraft) forces and the civil air defence organization within its territory of responsibility.

Formation and History. (Apr 36 - Oct 37)

Formed 1 April 1936 in Berlin as Luftgaukommando 4 (with an Arabic number). On 12 October 1937 the Arabic number was changed to a Roman number and it became Luftgaukommando IV. Luftgaukdo. IV covered the area of Brandenburg in northern Germany. On the same date its number was changed from Arabic to Roman (12 October 1937), Luftgaukdo. IV was renumbered Luftgaukommando III (Berlin).[1]

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023

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  1. G.Tessin-Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939: Altes Heer, Freiwilligenverbände, Reichswehr, Heer, Luftwaffe, Landespolizei (Osnabrück, 1974); K-H.Völker-Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1933-1939: Aufbau, Führung und Rüstung der Luftwaffe sowie Entwicklung der deutschen Luftkriegstheorie (Stuttgart, 1967); H.Boog-Die deutsche Luftwaffenführung 1935-1945: Führungsprobleme, Spitzengliederung, Generalstabsausbildung (Stuttgart, 1982); R.Suchenwirth-The Development Of The German Air Force, 1919-1939, USAF Historical Studies No. 160 (New York, 1968); C.Zweng-Die Dienststellen, Kommandobehörden und Truppenteile der Luftwaffe 1935-1945 (Osnabrück, 1999).