Luftwaffen-Auffangstab West

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Luftwaffen-Auffangstab West

(Air Force Collection and Processing Staff West)

(FpN: L 49611)


Gen.Maj. Hans Korte (Mar 45 - May 45)

Formed o/a March 1945 and located in the Luftgaukommando VI area. The Stab would have been responsible for rounding up and processing Luftwaffe stragglers and other Luftwaffe personnel. No further information has been found regarding its specific activities.

Leitstelle beim Luftgaukdo. V/Lw.Auffangsstab West


Gen.Maj. Erich-Erdmann Fitzau (Mar 45 - Apr 45)

This branch, which only existed for around a month, was probably located in Stuttgart. It would have had the same mission as its parent, only in the Luftgaukdo. V area in Baden-Württemberg.

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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