Magirusbombe (WB 151/20)
This was a weapon container with two MG 151/20s mounted in it, each with an ammunition supply of 150 rounds per gun (? see below). This armament was to be mounted under the Ar 234B’s fuselage ETC rack and occupied the bomb recess.[1] It could be jettisoned at any time.
In total the Magirusbombe installation weighed 245 Kg this was made up as follows:
Magirusbombe (including 2 x MG 151/20 and systems) = 150 Kg.
Fairing= 15 Kg.
Ammunition (2 x 200 rounds)= 80 Kg.[2]
This installation was used on the Ar 234 B-2/N nightfighter conversions as well as on Erich Sommer’s Ar 234 B (NM+BR, T9+EH, W Nr: 140142).[3]
Examples of Ar 234 B-2/Ns[4] fitted with Magirusbomben were:
W.Nr. 140145, SM+FE – Flown by Hptm. Bisping with Hptm Vogl as the radar operator.
W.Nr. 140146, SM+FF – Flown by Oblt. Bonow with Ofw. Marchetti as the radar operator.
See Also