Sonderkommando FA 330

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Sonderkommando FA 330

Formation and History. (Jun 44 - ? )

Formed on or about 2 June 1944 at Pillau following the disbanding of 3./Bordfliegergruppe 196.

Equipped with the Focke-Achgelis 330 rotor-kite used for reconnaissance purposes aboard U-boats. Subordinated to Stab/Bordfliegergruppe 196. For additional details concerning the FA 330, see Erprobungs- und Lehrkommando 20.[1]

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. F.Kurowski - Seekrieg aus der Luft: Die deutsche Seeluftwaffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg (Herford, 1979), p.257. Wikipedia has and lists a large amount of information and source material on the FA 330.