Stab./Bordfl.Gr. 196

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Stab/Bordfl.Gr. 196

Formation and Organization. (Jul 43)

The Stab was originally formed at the beginning of 1937, but subsequently disbanded in 1938. Nothing is so far known of its existence and formation may never have been fully completed. On 13 July 1943 the Luftwaffe general staff issued orders for the Stab’s reestablishment “with immediate effect” and assigned a target completion date of 1 August 1943. Formation took place at Aalborg (Ålborg) in N Denmark and was completed on 1 September, a month later than the target date.[1]

Denmark and North Germany. (Aug 43 - Apr 45)

1 Mar 44: Oblt. zur See Ulrich Horn, former air officer aboard the auxiliary cruiser Michel, and 9 other personnel and 2 Ar 196 A-3s transferred to Penang Is. Of the NW coast of Malaya to set up a Sonderkommando at the U-boat base there. Its mission was to fly protective cover over U-boats arriving at and departing the Japanese-run submarine base located there. The 2 Arados were supposedly painted all light-blue and carried no markings of any sort. The Sonderkommando was subordinate to Stab/Bordfl.Gr. 196.

24 Mar 44: Gruko Maj. Wiegmink and Maj. beim Stabe Hptm. Ernst Gallmann both KIA (2 Ar 196s shot down?) and subsequently buried at Frederikshavn/N Denmark.

1 Jun 44: Stab transferred from Aalborg to Pillau/East Prussia.

Jul 44: Stab received 2 Ar 196 A-5s in July and these remained on strength until at least the end of 1944. No aircraft were assigned to the Stab prior to this date.

30 Aug 44: Stab transferred back to Aalborg.

Oct 44 – Apr 45: Bordfliegergruppe 196 operating from Bug auf Rügen in the Baltic under Luftflotte 6. The Staffeln had lost their separate identities by late 1944 and official records after that date commonly refer to the Gruppe without specifying the Staffeln separately.

24 Mar 45: Seekriegsleitung (S.K.L.) proposed to Naval Command Norway (M.O.K. Norwegen) this date that Stab and 2./Bordfliegergruppe 196 be transferred to Norway to fly cover for convoys and patrols along the coast, however it’s doubtful if this happened.

29 Mar 45: Stab at Bug auf Rügen u. Fliegerführer 6/Lfl. 6.

Apr 45: Stab ordered disbanded by OKL.

FpN:(L 54493)


Maj. Gerrit Wiegmink (Aug 43 - 24 Mar 44) KIA

Maj. Hermann? Schmidt (Apr 44 - ? )

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2024

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  1. Dierich-VdL; Tessin-Tes; N.Kannapin-FpÜ; J-P.Défieux-Répertoire des Unités Aériennes de la Luftwaffe 1935-1945: Reconnaissance Aéronavale; M.Holm-website; F.Kurowski-Seekrieg aus der Luft: Die deutsche Seeluftwaffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg:250; K.Ries-Luftwaffen-Story 1935-1939:158; M.Holm-website (; BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 2 III (Generalquartiermeister) document Genst.d.Lw. (Gen.Qu.2.Abt.) Nr. 9281/43g.Kdos. dated 13.7.43, and document Nr. 1778/45g.Kdos. (date not determined); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 4 II/32; NARA WashDC: RG 242/T-321 roll 50, frame 876; Jet & Prop magazine, Heft (issue) 2/2000:30.