Stab/Seenotgruppe d.Lw.

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Stab/Seenotgruppe d.Lw.

Formation and History. (Aug 40? - Jun 42)

Formed August 1940(?) at Bad Zwischenahn as a Stab for all of the Seenotstaffeln and as a reception and processing center for all air crew and technical personnel entering the Seenotdienst. The personnel were assigned to the Seenotgruppe after basic training with a Fliegerausbildung-Rgt. and then were sent on to various flying and specialty schools for further training. The Stab was subsequently at Norderney, Amsterdam-Schellingwoude, Kiel-Holtenau and Bug auf Rügen, but the dates of transfer are not known. Disbanded 1 June 1942 when the Seenotstaffel became independent.[1]

FpN: (L 21186)

Kommandeur: Maj. Ulrich Klintzsch (Aug 40 - Jun 41)

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2024


  1. Dierich-VdL:283-97; D.Jung/B.Wenzel/A.Abendroth-Die Schiffe und Boote der deutschen Seeflieger 1912-1976:185-89; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection, unpublished manuscript “Geschichte d. Seenotdienst 1939-45”; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence documents, A.I.3.(E) intelligence study “Organisation of the Air/Sea Rescue Service in the G.A.F.” dated 31.1.1944 with later supplements.

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