Staffel z.b.V. Reich

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Italic textStaffel z.,b.V. Reich

Code: ?

FpN: L 00 985 (*26 Jan 1945 by renaming 2./LLG 1).


The Staffel was hastily assembled at Giessen in October 1944 from assets of the disbanded 2. Staffel of LLG 1, and then transferred to Altenstadt in October. On 6 January 1945, it was ordered to Papa in W Hungary for resupply operations into surrounded Budapest. To its last flight on 11 February, it dispatched 73 DFS 230s, of which 41 landed successfully in Budapest. It was transferred to Alt-Lönnewitz at the end of February and incorporated into Schleppgruppe 1 as 4 Staffel. [1]

Commanding Officers

Hptm. Klaus-Dieter Reich (9/44 - ? )


Giessen/N Frankfurt (9/44 - 10/44)

Altenstadt/NNE Hanau (10/44 - 1/45)

Papa/Hungary (1/45 - 2/45)

Alt-Lönnewitz/NE Leipzig (2/45 - 2/45)

Equipment and Returns

Reported 18 Do 17s and 18 DFS 230 gliders on strength Dec. 1944.

Representative Losses Staffel z.b.V. Reich

(see under Additions)



Distinctions and Remarks


© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2023).

(1st Draft 2023)


From -

The following is a list of Wk.Nr of DFS 230s lost by Staffel z.b.V. Reich in the vicinity of Budapest. These losses occurred during the period 18 Jan 1945 to 04 Feb 1945. The exact date is not reported. The source is the Genst.Gen. Qu. 6. Abt.returns.0086, 0108, 0424, 2086, 21279, 21293, 21349, 21352, 22143, 22156, 22166, 22179, 22200, 22203, 22213, 22346, 22857, 22902, 25128, 25259, 25293, 25358, 25362, 25364, 25506, 25509, 25510, 27040, 27058, 27085, 27213, 27282, 27345, 27407, 27462, 27518, 27589, 120151, 120161, 122814, 122888, 127225, 170003, 170004, 170005, 170006, 220406 and 221288.[2]

The following glider pilots were reported missing in action by Staffel z.b.V. Reich during the same time period. Possibly lost with the above gliders, used in ground fighting with infantry or did not survive the final catastrophe when the enclave collapsed.

Ltn. Wachter, Ofhr. Müller, Fhr. Dörner, Fhr. Reinholdt, Ofw. Filins, Ofw. Haupt, Ofw. Kleinke, Fw. Jung, Fw. Kazzacher, Fw. Lindemann, Fw. Schilling, Fw. Tiethmüller, Uffz. Berger, Uffz. Busch, Uffz. Drescher, Uffz. Held, Uffz. Herda, Uffz. Irion, Uffz. Itter, Uffz. Jäger, Uffz. Kröger, Uffz. Kusserow, Uffz. Lienemann, Uffz. Martin, Uffz. Mayer,Uffz. Noack, Uffz. Ochsenfatth, Uffz. Petri, Uffz. Pickard, Uffz. Roholick, Uffz. Savenburg, Uffz. Schwarze, Uffz. Schödel, Uffz. Steinbart, Uffz. Thicke, Uffz. Toth, Uffz. Verpott, Uffz. Veit Hans, Ogefr. Günther, Ogefr. Hess, Ogefr. Hoffmann, Ogefr. Keck, Ogefr. Körner, Ogefr. Rüdel, Ogefr. Schäfer, Ogefr. Schirmeier Ogefr. Schlöppmann and Ogefr. Spichtilger.[3]

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  1. Sources checked:BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); BA-MA Freiburg: Flugzeug-Bereitstellungen (Aircraft Availability Status Reports – FzB) in: M.Holm-website (; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection. AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin P/W interrogations, ADI(K) series, microfilm rolls A5400-05, interrogation; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin CSDIC P/W Interrogation Reports in microfilm rolls A5415-18; British National Archives ULTRA signals; Kannapin, Norbert: Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); Schlaug, Georg: Die deutschen Lastensegler-Verbände 1937-1945: Eine Chronik aus Berichten, Tagebüchern, Dokumenten. Stuttgart: Motorbuch Verlag, 1985. ISBN: 3-613-01065-8. Hb. Dj. 296p. Illus. Maps. Appendices. Glossary of abbreviations. Bibliography..
  2. Norbert Schuchbauer 10th July 2005 posting to TOCH, source is the Genst.Gen. Qu. 6. Abt
  3. Norbert Schuchbauer 10th July 2005 posting to TOCH, source is the Genst.Gen. Qu. 6. Abt