Transportstaffel VIII. Fliegerkorps

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Transportstaffel VIII. Fliegerkorps

(Unit Code: V1+)

Formation. (Apr 40)

Formed 17 April 1940, probably in the Grevenbroich area/34 km NW of Köln, as the Luftwaffe was preparing for the all-out German offensive in the West that began on 10 May 1940. Other details concerning its formation are not known.[1]

West, Balkans and Russia. (Apr 40 - May 45?)

25 May 40: Ju 52 blew a tire on landing at Fp. St-Pol-Bryas/NE France and crashed, 50%.[2]

16 Feb 41: in transfer from France to the Balkans via Wiener-Neustadt.[3]

17 Mar 41: transferred from Târgsorul Nou/Romania to Krumovo/Bulgaria.[4]

11 May 41: Ju 52 crash landed at Salonika/NE Greece, 20%.

17 May 41: Ju 52 destroyed on the ground at Athens during an enemy air attack, 100%.

25 Jun 41: Staffel ground personnel losses reported at Vilnius/Lithuania.

7 Sep 41: Staffel based at Fp. Soltsy/36 km N of Dno in the Lake Ilmen area and operating under Qu./VIII. Fliegerkorps. Generally had a strength of 12 Ju 52s.[5]

21 Sep 41: air crew member WIA near Lyuban/SE of Leningrad.

5 Jan 42: Ju 52 strafed on the ground by a Russian fighter at Motkovo, 100%, crew safe.

25 Jan 42: 3 Ju 52s bombed on the ground at Fp. Smolensk-North, all 100%.

3 Mar 42: Ju 52 shot up by a fighter and force landed at Rzhev, 100%, 3 WIA.

26 Nov 42: Ju 52 (V1+MB) reported missing - no details, 100%, 4 MIA.

15 Jan 43: Ju 52 crashed at Fp. Stalingrad-Pitomnik due to engine trouble, 15%.

20 Apr 43: Ju 52 accidently shot down by German Flak in the vicinity of Losvaya (NE of Dnepropetrovsk?), 100%, 3 WIA.

1944-45: no information found. Some claim it was disbanded in September/October 1944, but its Feldpostnummer was never deleted which suggests it existed to the end of the war.

FpN:(L 33164)


Hptm. Otto Schöberl (Schöbel) (23 Apr 40 - 18 Feb 42) 10/41

Also see:

COLLANI, Günther, Maj. Passenger.

STADLER, Anton, Oblt./Hptm.

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2022)


  1. G.Tessin-Verbände und Truppen der Deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS 1939-1945 - Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte; N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; E.R.Hooton-Phoenix Triumphant: The Rise and Rise of the Luftwaffe:208; U.Balke-KG 2/Teil 1:402.
  2. BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs).
  3. BNA HW 5/8.
  4. BNA HW 5/10.
  5. K.O.Hoffmann-Ln: Die Geschichte der Luftnachrichtentruppe/Bd. II:137.

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