also as: Ujagd-Übungsstaffel
Formation and History. (Sep 44 - May 45)
Said to have been formed at the beginning of September 1944 at Parow/5 km N of Stralsund on the North German coast from assets of Kampfbeobachterschule 4 (See), then in the process of disbanding at Parow. Equipped with Do 18 flying boats outfitted with advanced FuG 18 combination voice and navigation radio equipment, it was subordinated to Ausbildungs-Fliegerführer Ostsee. The Staffel’s principal duty was to assume the role of anti-submarine hunter and to take part in training exercises with U-boats in the Baltic. It may also have been based at Pillau in East Prussia, or at least operated from there. Undoubtedly, it also flew anti-submarine patrols over the Baltic in search of the increasing number of Soviet subs that operated there from 1944 on. Disbanded at Großenbrode/62 km E of Kiel at war’s end.[1]
FpN:(none known)
(not identified)
© H.L. deZeng IV, 2024
- ↑ S.Carlsen/M.Meyer-Die Flugzeugführer-Ausbildung der Deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945, Bd. II:521; K.Born-Rettung:242.