1.(F)/22 (2nd)
1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr. 22 (2nd Formation)
Formation and Organization. (Nov 38 - Aug 39)
Formed 1 November 1938 at Kassel-Rothwesten (ex-1.(F)/Aufkl.Gr.24) with Dornier Do 17Fs, although the Staffel began replacing these with Do 17Ps in early 1939.[1]
West. (Sep 39 - Apr 40)
1.9.39: Frankfurt-Rebstock with 12 Do 17Ps under Koluft Heeresgruppe C after departing Kassel-Rothwesten on or about 26 August following the order for general mobilization.[2]
8.11.39: (Ob.d.H.) - Do 17P shot down by French fighters and blew up near Bitche/SE of Saarbrücken, 100%, 1 KIA, 1 WIA and 1 captured from crew of Oblt. Hans Blankemeier.
13.1.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Fi 156 crashed on take-off at Bayreuth-Bindlach, 95%, Oblt. Vögler killed + 1 injured.
2.3.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Do 17 shot up and damaged over Belgium on being attacked by 3 Belgian Hurricanes, the crew claiming one of these and the other two damaged, 5%.
2.3.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Do 17P shot down by French Moranes near Bouzonville/France, 100%, Lt. Barchfeld + 2 captured.
Attack on France and the Low Countries (May 40 - Aug 40)
10.5.40: under Koluft Heeresgruppe C with Do 17Ps for the campaign in the West commencing this date, but Staffel's location not known with certainty. Flew reconnaissance over France, possibly from Frankfurt-Rebstock.[3]
20.5.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Do 17P failed to return from an operational sortie.
23.5.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Do 17P returned to base shot up, 30%.
6/40 - 8/40: following the armistice on 22 June, 1.(F)/22 was assigned some Bf 110s and tasked to support the planned invasion of England which was later cancelled. The Staffel is not known to have directly participated in the air offensive against England (Battle of Britain).
West. (Sep 40 - May 41)
1.9.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Bf 110 (4N+CH) crashed at Oostende/Belgium, 40%.
7.9.40: (Ob.d.H.) - Bf 110C (4N+DH) shot up by fighters and crashed near Vlissingen/ SW Holland, 35%, 2 WIA.
26.10.40: based at Lille-North under Luftflotte 2 with Do 17s and Bf 110s.[4]
15.11.40: (Lfl.2) - 2 Bf 110s shot down by RAF fighters during a morning recce mission over the Thames Estuary, both 100%,4 MIA.[5]
12/40: began converting to the Junkers Ju 88.[6]
3.5.41: (Ob.d.H.) - Ju 88A-5 crash landed at Salonika/Greece, 80%. This may have been simply a long-range practice flight during conversion training since the Staffel is not listed as having taken part in the Balkan campaign.
11.5.41: (Ob.d.H.) - Ju 88 crash landed at Fp.Stargard/Pomerania, 25%.
North Russia and Refit in Germany. (Jun 41 - Apr 42)
22.6.41: Insterburg/East Prussia under Koluft Heeresgruppe Nord for the attack on the Soviet Union this date.[7]
3.7.41: (Ob.d.H.) - 14 men of the Staffel's ground staff killed in the crash of a Ju 52 taking off from Insterburg, probably during the transfer of the Staffel to Kaunas/Lithuania; the 4-man Ju 52 crew was also killed.
12.7.41: (Ob.d.H.) - Ju 88D-2 (4N+FH) operating from Kaunas-South failed to return from a recce mission over the Nevel-Pskov area, 100%, 4 MIA.
18.7.41: now at Opochka/120 km S of Pskov.[8]
25.7.41: transferred to Pskov.[9]
8.9.41: (Ob.d.H.) - Ju 88 (4N+KH) failed to return from a long-range recce mission to the Vologda area, 100%, 4 MIA incl. Oblt. Horst Harlan (Beobachter).
2.10.41: transferred to Smolensk to support Operation “Taifun”, the all-out German drive on Moscow for what was hoped would end the campaign in Russia.[10]
29.10.41: (Ob.d.H.) - Ju 88D-2 crashed at Smolensk, 100%, 4 killed.
9.11.41: withdrawn from operations due to the arrival of bad flying weather and returned to the West to rest and refit.[11] The initial move was to Le Culot in Belgium, then at the end of December the Staffel relocated to Hannover.[12]
1.3.42: Hannover - reported 6 Ju 88A-5 and 3 Ju 88D-1 on strength.[13]
1.4.42: moved to Fritzlar around 1 April.[14]
Norway and Finland. (Apr 42 - Jan 45)
23-24.4.42: transferred to Kemi/N Finland and Banak/North Norway.[15]
1.5.42: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D crash landed at Kemi/Finland, 45%.
28.5.42: (Lfl.5) - minor runway accidents at Kemi.
31.5.42: at Banak with elements operating from Kemi.[16]
23.6.42: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88A-5 crash landed at Banak, 20%.
14.7.42: Banak under Fliegerführer Lofoten/Lfl.5 - maritime reconnaissance and recce over the Russian Arctic.[17]
25.9.42: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 crashed near Tamsö Is., 100%, 4 killed.
8.10.42: (Lfl.5) - Ju 52 assigned to the Staffel force landed near Banak due to engine failure, 50%.
25.10.42: Banak with elements detached at Bardufoss - total of 10 Ju 88Ds assigned.[18]
11.1.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 belly landed at Banak after developing technical problems following take-off, 25%.
16.1.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 force landed in the sea at Malangenfjord, 100%, crew safe.
4/43: between mid-March and the end of April 1.(F)/22 gradually reduced its presence at Kemi and began using Banak and Bardufoss exclusively.[19]
29.4.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+PH) FTR from a recce mission along the Kola Peninsula, 100%, Staka Hptm. Rössing + 3 MIA.
30.4.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 crash landed at Banak, 70%.
8.5.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+GH) shot down over Murmansk, 100%, 3 KIA and 1 MIA.
1.7.43: Banak under Fliegerführer Nord(Ost), with one Kette detached at Bardufoss under Fliegerführer Lofoten.[20]
10.7.43: Staffel reported 13(12) Ju 88s on strength, almost all D-1s.[21]
7.8.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 crashed on the northern point of Rolvsöya Is., 100%, Oblt. Karl Scheitterlein + 3 killed.
1.9.43: Banak with 13 Ju 88s.[22]
16.9.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 crashed due to technical problems at Bardufoss, 40%.
4.10.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+EH) FTR- no details:reported, 100%, 4 MIA.
6.10.43: now based at Trondheim-Vaernes, having transferred there on or about 1 October.[23]
16.11.43: Trondheim-Vaernes and Stavanger-Sola with a total of 10 Ju 88s.[24]
26.11.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+HH) FTR and believed shot down by a RAF Mosquito north of the Shetlands, 100%, 4 MIA.
2.12.43: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+FH) shot down into the sea south of Sumburgh in the Shetlands by RAAF fighters, 100%, Hptm. Friedrich Bock (observer) + 3 MIA.
4.1.44: (Lfl.5) - Ju 88D-1 (4N+CH) FTR from recce mission to Jan Mayen Island area, 100%, 4 MIA.[25]
29.2.44: Trondheim-Vaernes with 14 Ju 88s.[26]
30.3.44: Ju 88D shot down by Fleet Air Arm Martlet fighters from the escort carriers Tracker and Activity after spotting and reporting the location of Convoy JW 58 outbound for North Russia from Iceland with 48 merchant ships and a powerful escort force. The plane's report allowed a force of 13 U-boats to be assembled, but the subsequent attacks proved unsuccessful.[27]
10.4.44: Trondheim-Vaernes, with one Kette of Ju 88s in transfer to Gardermoen.[28]
30.6.44: Trondheim-Vaernes and Gardermoen in a total strength of 15 Ju 88Ds and 4 Ju 88As.[29]
7/44: transferred from Trondheim-Vaernes and Gardermoen to Kristiansand-Kjevik at the end of July with orders to begin re-equipping with Ju 188s.[30]
30.9.44: Kristiansand-Kjevik with 8 Ju 88Ds and 3 Ju 188Ds under Fliegerführer 4.[31]
25.12.44: Kjevik under Fliegerführer 4.[32]
20.1.45: leaving its aircraft behind, transferred from Kjevik by ship to Germany and then by train to Jüterbog-Waldlager to begin conversion training on the Arado Ar 234 jet. According to plans, the Staffel was then to move to Italy, incorporate the tiny Kommando Sommer detachment, and take over jet reconnaissance responsibilities for the Italian theater.[33]
Germany. (Feb 45 - Apr 45)
4.2.45: at Jüterbog converting.[34]
26.3.45: Jüterbog - very few Ar 234s were actually delivered to the Staffel, so the conversion process never got very far.[35]
17.4.45: now at Lübeck-Blankensee, but still identified as converting to the Ar 234.[36]
19.4.45: Lübeck-Blankensee - ordered disbanded this date by OKL.[37]
FpN: (L 01154)
Hptm. Winner (Aug 39 - ) 1940?
Hptm. Hans Dietrich ( - Apr 41) 1940
Hptm. Günter Hurlin (DKG) (Apr 41 - )
Oblt. Hans-Joachim Wieser (acting?) ( - ) 6/41, 7/41
Hptm. Ludwig Hensel ( - Apr 42) 1941
Hptm. Hans-Joachim Wieser, 2d appt (May 42 - )
Hptm. Kurd Peters ( - ) 1942, 10/42, 11/42
Hptm. Edmund Rössing ( - 29 Apr 43) MIA
Hptm. Lienhard(?) Fuchs (DKG) (6[38] Mar 45 - Apr 45)
Hptm. Dr. Hans Bonath (Apr 45 - 8 May 45)
Also see:
ADAMS, Gerhard, Lt.
BARCHFELD, Karl-Wilhelm, Lt.
BEUTER, August, Oblt.
BLANKEMEIER, Hans-Joachim, Oblt.
BOCK, Friedrich, Hptm.
BURSCHBERG, Günter, Oblt.
EBERMEYER, Helmut, Lt.
FANKE, H., Lt.
FLUHR, Alfons, Lt.
FRANKE, Helmut, Lt.
FUCHS, (first name?), Hptm.
GALL, Hans-Jürgen Freiherr von, Lt.
GERHARDT, Hans?, Oblt.
HARLAN, Horst, Oblt.
HÄUSLER, Heinz, Oblt.
HEINE, Karl, Oblt.
HERPEL, Oswald, Fhj.Fw./Lt.
HOSS, Johannes, Lt.
JÖTTER, Guido, Lt./Oblt.
KRÖPLIN, Paul, Lt./Oblt.
KRÜGER, Hans, Lt.
LEEDEN, Horst-Georg van der?, Oblt.
LOOS, Walter, Oblt.
LÜTHGENS, Hans-Ulrich, Oblt.
MACK, Karl, Oblt.
MAETZEL, Heinz, Hptm.
MATHIEU, Leo, Oblt.
MEYER, ?, Lt.
NARLAN, H., Oblt.
OPDERBECK, Kurt, Oblt.
PANKE, Helmut, Lt.
PÜTZ, Hans-Reinhold, Oblt.
REINERT, Helmut, Oblt.
REUTER, Walter, Lt.
SCHAGE, ? ., Lt.
SCHLOSSER, Karl-Dieter, Lt.
SCHMIDT, ?, Lt./Oblt.
STAS, Günter, Hptm.
TASCHINSKI, Fritz, Hptm.
VEGAKOB, Heinz, Lt.
VILMAR, Oskar, Lt.
VÖGLER, Hans, Oblt.
ZIMMERMANN, Richard Josef, Lt.
© H.L. deZeng IV, 2021
Additional Notes and Losses
8.7.41: Orders issued to 2.(F)/22 by Koluft 11 – staffel to perform reconnaissance the same roads from Kishinev to Kremenchug and from Rybnitsa to Cherkasy on 8.7.41 by order of the Army Group, as it was ordered in Einsatzbefehl 22.
In addition, lines of fortifications between the Dniester and the Bug are to be photographed, maps for this purpose will be sent to the Staffel by courier aircraft.[39]
10.7.41: 1 aircraft of 2.(F)/22 performed a road reconaissance between the Dnjestr and the Dnjepr. Aircraft took off at 12.09 hrs landing at 16.15 hrs. Sortie was flown between 5 & 6,000m. The aircraft was withing the operational area between 13.05 and 105.30 hrs. Near Tscherkasy heavy and medium flak was encountered with light flak engaging near Balti. Near Tscherkasy two fighters were encountered.[40]
A photo reconaissance sortie took place between 12.05 hrs (take-off) and 16.15 hrs (landing). The evaluation of the photographs identified, that at 13.35 hrs, 3 trains each of 45 wagons heading east between Potasch and Swenigorodka and at a railyard between Potasch and Talnoje 40 wagons were seen. Large numbers of railway wagons were seen in yards at Kirowo, Alexandrija and Golta.[41]
25.2.45: General der Aufklärungsflieger ordered the disbandment of 3.(F)/123, this was part of the emergency programme for the amalgamation of some long-range reconnaissance units. The disbandment was to be carried out by Luftflotte 10. The plans called for the incorporation of 3.(F)/123 personnel into 1.(F)/22 but the rapidly changing situation may have prevented this from being carried out. Both units were based at Jüterbog at this time.[42]
12.4.45: OKL memo recorded that General der Aufklärungsflieger required the staffel to move from Burg to Lübeck-Blanksee with immediate effect.[43]
- ↑ Tessin-op cit; Ries-op cit; Defieux-op cit.
- ↑ Balke-KG2/v.1:397.
- ↑ Dierich-op cit.
- ↑ Foreman-Forg:13.
- ↑ Foreman-op cit:98.
- ↑ Dierich-op cit.
- ↑ Dierich-op cit; NARA WashDC-RG 242 microfilms.
- ↑ Terrence Daniels-private correspondence based on the flight log and papers of his grandfather, Oberfeldwebel Ernst Neumann, a Staffel veteran.
- ↑ Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ Based on Loss Report evidence only – confirmation needed.
- ↑ Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ BA-MA Freiburg: Flugzeug-Bereitstellungen (Aircraft Availability Status Reports – FzB) in: Holm-op cit; all subsequent entries of this type are from this source.
- ↑ Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ LR evidence; Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ PRO London: ADM 223/OIC-SI Report 237.
- ↑ O.Anttonen/H.Valtonen-Luftwaffe Suomessa – in Finland, 1941-1944; Dierich-op cit; NARA-RG 242/T-77; LRs.
- ↑ BA-MA Freiburg: RL 40/Kart.
- ↑ Daniels-op cit.
- ↑ T-77-op cit.
- ↑ AFHRA Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama: Karlsruhe Collection.
- ↑ BA-MA: RL 40/Kart.
- ↑ ibid.
- ↑ ibid.
- ↑ Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) Berlin: casualty reports.
- ↑ BA-MA: RL 40/Kart.
- ↑ Rohwer/Hummelchen-Chronology of the War at Sea 1939-1945:267.
- ↑ BA-MA: op cit.
- ↑ ibid.
- ↑ ibid; Knut Maesel-private correspondence.
- ↑ BA-MA: op cit.
- ↑ NARA: T-312 roll 1070/frame 591.
- ↑ BA-MA: RL 4 II/32; Smith/Creek-Ar 234.Also BA-MA: RL4 II/32: Kriegstagebuch des Generals der Aufklärungsflieger 01.01.45–26.03.45 via Nick Beale.
- ↑ Tessin-op cit.
- ↑ Dierich-op cit.; Smith/Creek:214.
- ↑ AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.625S.
- ↑ PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signal KO921.
- ↑ Bundesarchiv RL4 II/32: Kriegstagebuch des Generals der Aufklärungsflieger 01.01.45–26.03.45 via Nick Beale
- ↑ T312 R372 AOK 11 – Koluft 11 23. Einsatzbefehl für 2.(F)/22
- ↑ T312 R372 AOK 11 – Koluft 11 7. Meldung 17.40 – frame 7947553 pg 0541.jpg
- ↑ T312 R372 AOK 11 – Koluft 11 8. Meldung 19.35 – frame 7947554 pg 0542.jpg
- ↑ Bundesarchiv RL 2-III/68: Aufstellung, Umbildung, Umbenennung und Auflösung.- Sammlung von Verfügungen, Dienstanweisungen, Organisationsplänen und Geschäftsverteilungsplänen, Band 26 (März 1945) (page 041): Telegram of 25 February 1945 via Nick Beale 29.11.2022
- ↑ RL2-III/69 Aufstellung, Umbildung, Umbenennung und Auflösung.- Sammlung von Verfügungen, Dienstanweisungen, Organisationsplänen und Geschäftsverteilungsplänen1934 – 1945 Bd 27 Apr 1945. pg 21