DEFE 3/19

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DEFE 3/19 covers the decryption period between between 8 January 1944 and 12 January 1944 – however, some information relates to dates outside this period

In the page below are some notes/summaries gleaned from the pages of DEFE 3/19 I hope that these are of assistance to any fellow researchers.

The link to DEFE 3/19 at the national archives is here should you need to refer to it.

To download the notes as a pdf document click here

Note the date of the event refers to a date in the message not necessarily the date of the message.

Flifue = FliegerFührer

Note –

  1. Number of pages refer to “GAF sightings” - these are for the most part not included in the summaries below as they do not refer to specific aircraft types or units.
  2. Flivos of Divisions are also not included below
  3. Code “Yoke” appears to refer to “Y” service.
  4. Times are direct from the message i.e. Zulu time.

Page Report Date of event Notes
349 VL3503 07/01/44 (fair indication ) Pistoia airfield surveyed by III./JG 53 and found unsuitable.
343 VL3507 06/01/44 6 Fw 190 up Piacenza for Guidonia in the afternoon. “No direct evidence to connect these aircraft with I Gruppe” (?)
336 VL3511 07/01/44 II./JG 53 reported operations against formation of 25 Lightnings. 2 Pilots missing, 5 Me 109 force landed. Comment – Gruppe last reported Syring on 19/12/43.
334-5 VL3512 06/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – 35 sorties comprising 3 recce; two fighter; 21 escort and 9 transport.

Recce – one Junkers weather and sea recce southwest of Greece. One Ju sea recce Spartivento – Otranto.

Fighters – Two Me scrambled from kalamaki at 09.30 hrs against Allied recce aircraft in area of Cap Sunion.

Escort – 6 Ju and 15 Ar 196 for one convoy in the Aegean and sea patrol.

Transports – 6 Ju 52 and 3 Ar in areas Greece; Crete; Aegean; Vienna and Croatia.

331-3 VL3513 06-07/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – no night operations
07/01/44 One Ju 88 operated, co-ordinates given, at 09.00 hrs Z.

One Ju 88 operated, co-ordinates given, at 10.00 hrs Z.

One Ju 88 operated, co-ordinates given, at 12.00 hrs Z.

Two Me 109 photo recce Bari not carried out.

IV./JG 27 Mostar - single aircraft scrambled; defensive patrol by 9 aircraft and one rotte on escort duty.

Flifue Croatia: 2 Me 109 on Island recce; 4 Hs 126 recce area Sekovici-Vlasenice – Bratlinjaq; 4 Me 109 scrambled Gradisca area without contact; two Fiat of Croatian Fighter Staffel on guerillas in D.Vakuf – Bugojno – G. Yakuf areas.

06/01/44 Effort on this date included one Ju 88, co-ordinates given, at 09.00 hrs Z

One Ju 88, co-ordinates given, at 08.00 hrs Z

one Ju 88, co-ordinates given, at 13.45 hrs Z

No operations by IV./JG 27

329 VL3515 08/01/44 According to Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – laid down by Hitler that the most urgent task is strengthening of Bulgarian fighter forces.

Simultaneous strengthening of Rumanianfighter forces requested by Luftwaffe Rumania has proved impossible.

Normal flow of replacement Me 109 to be regarded as assured.

After strengthening and training of Bulgarian Fighter units completed (probably by end February), I./JG 5 to be moved back to Rumania.

328 VL3516 06/01/44 Transfer of luftwaffe radar company from Mostar to Dubrovnik to take place on 12/01/44 owing to overburdened railway.
315 VL3527 09/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – orders. 12.45 hrs Z – Flifue Albania – photo recce Apulian harbours and airfields, in so far as not covered on 08/01/44.

Order of priority – Bari, Brindisi, Taranto, airfields of 4-engined bomber units.

Flifue Croatia – 15.00 hrs Z – photo recce manfredonia – Termoli. Watch on Island of Vis with photo recce, in particular to establish wireless stations and airfields.

301 VL3537 08/01/44 Perugia airfield serviceable again 08.30 hrs. landing only on runway, taxying on runway and perimiter track.

Serviceable for emergency night landing. Only landing strip lighting.

273 VL3555 08/01/44 Serviceability 1./NSGr 7 - 19 He 46 (15 serviceable on the airfield)

Crews total 18 with 14 available.

268-9 VL3559 08/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – Ju weather and sea recce offshore Tobruk-Ras Aamer from 06.45 to 08.45 hrs Z.

One Ju 88 same task, Ras Aamer – Benghazi from 07.15-10.45 hrs Z.

One Ju same task Sicily – NW of Benghazi 06.00-09.00 hrs Z.

One Ju same task Spartivento – Otranto from 06.15-08.30 hrs Z.

Two Me 109 weather recce Bari area from 06.45 – 07.45 hrsZ

One Ju weather and sea recce from 10.00-12.45 hrs Z sea area SW of Cyprus.

One Ju same task from approximately Derna to Tobruk in area until 14.45 hrs Z.

One Ju, same task, from Appollonia – Benghazi in area from 14.45 – 15.45 hrs Z.

266 VL3561 06/01/44 Photo Recce of Calvi airfield by a single Me 110 of 2(F)./122 identified 8 single engined aircraft and one heavy fighter (type not recognised). Further progress on runway construction had been made since a previous photo recce sortie of 24/12/43.(Comment AM – note that Flugzeugbestand und Bewegungsmeldungen for 2(F)./122 does not indicate any Bf 110 on strength therefore, this is taken to be a Me 410).
258 VL3568 08/01/44 Six Ju 88 of 7./KG 76 arrived Aviano from Hoersching at 10.00 hrs Z. Comment III./ KG 76 last identified as being at Hoersching on 15/12/43
257 VL3569 08/01/44 Order issued to transport 15 tons C3 from Perugia to Rieti.
251 VL3574 06/01/44 Luftwaffe Rumania fuel return.

B4 – 440 tons

A3 – 38 tons

C3 – 10 tons

K1 – 137 tons

Lubricants – 58 tons

In supply depots

A3 – 121 tons

B4 – 933 tons

C3 – 14 tons

lubricants – 400 tons

Issued from Tank depot Teleajan to odessa

B4 – 388 tons

Lubricants – 24 tons

240 VL3580 08/01/44 KG 76 (Aviano) to drop bombs from 11.00 – 15.30 hrs Z on 09/01/44 – according to 1./NSGr 9.
237 VL3583 06/01/44 4./126 strength – aircraft 9 (serviceable 5); crews total 11 (ready 9)
235 VL3585 08/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost – sorties totalled 41.

Recce – 10

Bombers – 10

Escort – 6

Transport – 12

various – 3

Nine Ju 87 and one Hs 126 area west of Virovitica.

Six Ar 196 escorted 12 Ju 52 Greece – Crete area.

Two W34 and one Fw 58 flew supplies into Prijedor.

234 VL3586 08/01/44 KG 76 mentioned in VL3568 left Aviano for Hoersching at 11.50 hrs Z.
226 VL3592 09/01/44 Luftflotte 2 aware at 19.15 hrs Z of following recce intentions of Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost.

Photo recce of taranto and bari.

Sea recce against carrier group.

Watch over and attacks on Allied convoy off North African coast.

Offshore off SE coast of Italy.

223 VL3594 08/01/44 Sorties by Flifue Croatia – 42, including :

Four Hs 126 recce for “Jackass”

Two Do 17, five He 46, two Fiat G50 attacked belioeved guerilla HQ in Gmici, 2 km NNW Prozor.

Four Me 109 against shipping near Hvar and Solta.

Eight Me 109 scrambled during an attack on Metrovic at 11.00 hrs Z.

During an attack on mostar german fighters were refuelling and could not intervene – damage to hangers and buildings.

Attack on Devoli caused slight damage to landing area.

220 VL3597 09/01/44 Recce orders fro Flifues Croatia and Albania for 10/01/44 were unchanged (see VL3527)
213 VL3601 09/01/44 Advanced elements of an airfield detatchment en route for Agram-Pleso.
210 VL3603 09/01/44 Flifue Albania strength

1./NAGr 12 aircraft 14 (8 serviceable); crews 14 (11 available)

13./SG 151 aircraft 1 (0 serviceable); crews 1 (1 available).

Adriatic staffel aircraft 1 (1 serviceable); crews 1 (1 available)

196 VL3610 09/01/44 In Perugia air raid of 07/01/44 80% of telephone lines destroyed. 09/01/44 repairs expected to be finished that evening.
195 VL3611 09/01/44 Intentions (strong indications Flifue Luftflotte 2) for 10/01/44 issued 18.00 hrs Z.

Recce – airfields and harbours Corsica.

Photo recce and battle recce according to weather.

Early mornign operation and further operations in direct support of the army.

Fighters from first light on freelance patrols, escort for ground attack and air defence.

192-4 VL3612 09/01/44 In connection with intended offensive against guerilla forces Pz Armee 2 suggested to Flifue Croatia attacks on following supply targets – Island of Vis, harbour and supply installations. Guerilla supply ships in area Vis – Lagosta and at islands of Hvar; Brac and Solta.As well as presumed supply routes between Vis and Senj – Karlobag, Senj and Jablanac harbour with guerilla supply transports plying from there in SE; E; NE and N (strong indications)

railway between Drvar and Mlinistra. Supposed HQ of Tito in Dreznica and 8 km SE.

By the evening of the 09/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost agreed to suggestion to attack supply base Vis, beginning of attack left to Flifue Croatia’s judgement. Attacks to be carried out on several consecutive days.

IV./JG 27 reinforced by arrival of eight Me 109. (indications that a further seven to follow.) Beyond that further strengthening of fighter forces not to be expected.

Bulgarians expected to provide six Ju 87 – further Bulgarian Ground attack forces not available.

Use of Me 109 for recce purposes over guerilla areas could not be expected except in cases of urgency and then only following consent or orders of Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost

188-191 VL3613 09/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost appreciation up to 19.00 hrs Z.

On basis of recce results and radio intercepts east and west bound Allied convoys passed each other off Apollonia on nights of 8/9 Jan at 23.00 Z..

First wave of german bombers sighted them at this time as a widely scattered convoy.

Second wave went out about 5 hours later and in bad visibility only sighted a single cargo vessel.

Both convoys picked up again on the morning of the 9th. - one off Tobruk (course east) and the other off Ptolemais (course west)

JU88 with Hohentwiel performed preliminary recce for attack on convoys north of Cyrenaica. Convoy of approx 20 cargo vessels with several escorts on westerly course “dog foxed” (DF’d). 3 Lux lights dropped and bombers guided by “dog fox” (DF) signals.

A second operation against the convoy off North Cyrenaica with 12 Ju88 from I./LG 1 from Eleusis. One broke off early with technical problems; one landed with bombs; one made low level attack at 03.30 hrs Z one single large cargo vessel; one made glide attack at 03.50 hrs Z on a medium sized cargo vessel sailing alone. Remainder found no shipping targets and eight Ju 88s attacked the alternative an airfield at Apollonia, villages and AA positions from Cyrene to Apollonia.

Recce by five Ju 88 offshore Tobruk to Benghazi and convoy route as far as 60 miles against a carrier formation. Sightings at 07.15 hrs Z of 24 merchantmen main course 130 degrees. At 07.35 hrs Z 27 large merchantmen and six escort vessels.

181 VL3619 09/01/44 Flifue Luftflotte operations: 34 fighters in three ops on freelance patrol western area – no contacts owing to the weather conditions.
180 VL3620 09/01/44 Flifue Luftflotte orders of 18/12/43 no Storch ambulance aircraft to fly further south than Orvieto.
166 VL3630 09/01/44 NOIC Syra applied to Luftgau Athens for decision whether this airfield was required or whether it could be returned to cultivation. Airfiled 350 m x 160 m capable of beign extended to three times the size.
165 VL3631 07-08/01/44 2 Fliegerdivision sorties. 2 Ju 88 sea recce20.45 hrs Z to 03.40 hrs Z along the African coast.

08/01/44 during the day 1 Ju 88 security recce 13.00 hrs Z to 17.20 hrs Z.

4 Arado between 06.15 hrs Z and 16.15 hrs Z security recce and anti-submarine patrol sea area off Toulon.

Day 09/01/44 one Ju 88 security recce 05.00 hrs Z to 11.00 hrs Z. Two arado between 09.00 hrs Z to 13.00 hrs Z on close escort. One Ju 88 recce along convoy route west of 01 degree west, up 14.00 hrs Z down 21.20 hrs Z – in target area 17.00 to 18.30 hrs Z.

157 VL3637 09/01/44 Flifue Albania intentions 10/01/44 - Met recce Bari-Brindisi. Photo recce harbours Bari, Taranto; airfields Gioia Del Colle, manduria, Pangrazio, Vito, Grottaglie, Lecce, Leverano, guerilla airfiles BeraNE AND Kolasin. Photo recce Pdgorica, Devoli and Scutari.
149 VL3644 08/01/44 Flifue Luftflotte to carry out on 09/01/44. Photo Recce in front of Left wing 334 ID and 26 Pz D to pick up Allied approach march and concentration areas. PR Agnone which, according to wireless recce is main unloading area for 2nd Moroccan and 7th Algerian Rifle Divisions.
138 VL3655 09/01/44 Actual strength of III./JG 53 39 Me 109 (of which 35 on airfield) and 22 Me 109 Mortar.
131 VL3660 09/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost operations – to 17.30 hrs Z one Ju 88 off shore Otranto – Spartivento. Four Me 109 PR Brindisi. Operating against convoy – One Hohentwiel Ju 88 Recce, first bomber operation of 12 Ju 88 of III./LG 1 from Heraklion, second operation 12 Ju 88 of I./LG 1 from Eleusis eight of which attacked alternative targets Apollonia area. Five Ju 88 off shore recce Tobruk- Benghazi and convoy route.

Croatia – from Butmir 6 He 46 and 5 Hs 126. From Mostar 3 Me 109, 1 Hs 126 and two Ju 52 transport sorties.

Supplying of German troops in Zlatar with 800kgs of ammunition by two JU W34.

110 VL3678 10/01/44 Intention Fliegerkorps X at 22.00 hrs Z for 11/01/44.

Screening of Dodecanese towards Nile Delta night and day. Photo recce Alexandria and Cyprus.

(indications off shore recce) Otranto – Cape Spartivento.

Watch on Allied shipping routes – Malta – Benghazi with strong forces.

Secondly Flifue Albania to PR harbours and airfields Apulia, otherwise unchanged.

106 VL3682 10/01/44 Intentions Flifue Luftflotte for 11/01/44 at 19.30 hrs Z.

Flifue to support defensive fighting as requested by 10th Army.

II./SG4 to be at 2 hrs readiness from 07.00 hrs Z against ground targets.

I./JG 77; I./JG53 and I./JG 4 to be at take-off readiness from dawn for fighter operations, freelance patrol and air defence.

Recce – airfield and harbour recce of Corsica and according to weather conditions Photo recce and battle recce,.

100 VL3687 10/01/44 Damage according to III./JG 53 at 13.00 hrs Z during attack on Villaorba from 19.00 – 19.45 hrs Z on 08/01/44.

Personnel - Nil

Aircraft - 6 Me 109 totally burnt out including 4 mortar aircraft.

3 me 109 very badly damaged; 4 mMe 109 slightly damaged expected to be unserviceable for 8 hrs.

18 aircraft all being repaired on the airfield.

Other losses – one tent with technical equipment.

96 VL3690 10/01/44 Perugia airfield fuel stocks: 163 tons B4; 210 tons C3. Consumed 5 tons B4 and 2 tons C3. Issued 4 tons B4 by Perugia to Foligno.

Three auxillary tanks issued to 1st Staffel and four to Met Staffel (Westa 26?)

1.(F)./123 “battle” HQ addressed at perugia on 04/01/44.

Perugia serviceable again on the evening of 10/01/44, aircraft to land only on runways and there were no parking facilities.

Foligno stocks 15 tons B4 of which 4 tons from Perugia.

90 VL3695 06/01/44 Operations Flifue Luftflotte: 44 fighters in five operations against low flying aircraft and scrambles.

One Me 109 missing in the area of the mouth of the Tiber – Civita Veconia.

No further operations owing to weather conditions.

68 VL3707 10/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost operations.

Ju 88 recce – one aircraft photo recce Valetta Harbour at 08.15 hrs Z; One aircraft photo recce Augusta and Syracuse harbours at 08.15 hrs Z; One weather and sea recce otranto – Spartivento from 06.30 to 08.00 hrs Z; two aircraft weather and sea recce Benghazi from 05.50 to 09.20 hrs Z; six aircraft sea recce in area malta – mersa matruh 14.30 to 16.00 hrs Z.

Two Me 109 Met Recce Bari area.

One Me 410 on Adriatic Recce from Perugia 13.00 to 15.00 hrs. (2(F)./122?)

67 VL3708 10/01/44 2nd Fliegerdivision report included two Ju88s recce sorties broken off due to technical reasons – 07.15 hrs Z to 12.15 hrs Z and the other 10.00hs Z to 16.30 hrs Z.

Ar 196 s flew security recce and anti-submarine patrols – two aircraft operating between 06.00hrs Z and 08.4 hrs Z and four aircraft operating between 13.30 hrs Z and 16.15 hrs Z.

64 VL3711 10/01/44 IV./KG 76 in process of moving to Germany.
52 VL3719 11/01/44 Berlin orders – All possibilities for operations by a railway nightfighter gruppe in defence of Sofia to be investigated. AOC GAF Rumania to send a survey detatchment from 2./NJG 100 to Sofia to be subordinated on arrival to GAF Mission Bulgaria. Director of Signals ordered to explore possibility of permanent positions.

Gave projected transfer of this staffel to Rumania on 18/11/43 and mentioned permanent development of night fighter areas in view of later withdrawal of radar trains.

38 VL3725 09/01/44 GAF mission Bulgaria requested to set up an emergency Flak battery of trweleve 2cm guns for Flak protection of Varna.Guns and necessary personnel to be provided in co-operation with units of Sea Fifue Crimea which are at Varna sea-plane base. The flak battery to be subordinated to GAF Mission Bulgaria in all matters.
37 VL3726 10/01/44 Flifue Albania intentions for 11/01/44 as for 10/01/44. Secondly, strength 1./NAGr 12 seven aircraft serviceable from 14.

Adriatic Staffel had one serviceable of 1 available.

33 VL3729 10/01/44 Reply from Flifue Croartia to Panzer Army 2 – attacks on harbour and supply installations on Vis would take place in next few days..

Ships supplying guerillas had been successfully attacked since December – so far estimated 14 ships sunk – and according to observation and decoded enemy signals a much larger number damaged.

Elements of SG 151 in Agram area to attack harbours at Senj and Jablanica.

After detailed air recce in agreement with XV Army Corps targets in Dreznica to be attacked as part of operations by XV Amry Corps.

32 VL3730 11/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost Recce intentions night 11-12/01/44 and day 12/01/44.

Issued at 20.30 hrs Z

11-12/01/44 – Photo recce Alexandria.

Patrol shipping routes Malta to Port Said against Carrier Group and shipping.

Offshore Straits of Otranto to Cape Spartivento.

Screening Dodecanese in direction of Nile Delta

Photo recce of Apulia according to weather conditions.

21-23 VL3735 10/01/44 Luftwaffenkommando Süd-Ost entire effort.

Total of 171 sorties comprising:-

17 recce; 10 bomber; 103 fighters; 21 escort and 20 transport.

9 Ju 88 sea recce Malta – Matruh.

1 Ju 88 photo recce Augusta and Syracuse harbours.

1 Ju 88 photo recce Valetta

1 Ju 88 weather and sea recce Otranto and Spartivento.

3 Ar 196 sea recce Simi – Samos.

2 Me weather recce Bari.


9 Ju 87 with 1 Hs 126 as target indicator against guerillas Virovitica area.


2 Me scrambled from Kalamaki against recce aircraft in Aegean.

3 Me 109 from Nisch

39 German and Bulgarian Me 109 from Sofia of which 19 of I./JG 5 and 34 Bulgarian Dewoitine all scrambled at 10.30 hrs Z against a formation approaching Sofia. Losses 3 Me 109 of I./JG 5 and 2 Dewoitine.

15 Me 110 including one or more shaowers, 8 German 109 and 4 Rumanian IR 80 scrambled from Rumanian area against same formation without interception.

2 Me 109 scrambled against Recce aircraft in Giorgio area.


12 Ar 196 with two Aegean convoys and 9 Ar 196 with Air Transports.20 Ju 52 usual areas.

Supplementary to report on 09/01/44 – 2 Me 109 recce Dalmatian Islands. 3 Hs 126 and 9 He 46 on bomber operations in Croatia. 42 Me 109 sorties from Mostar against recce aircraft and on fighter patrol without interception.

16 VL3738 11/01/44 Flifue Luftflotte intentions for 12/01/44 at 19.00 hrs Z.

Fighters and recce unchanged as for 11/01/44.

Ground attack aircraft at 30 minutes readiness from 07.00 hrs Z for support of army.

5-6 VL3747 11/01/44 Complete report of Flifue Luftflotte

35 ground attack sorties in two operations of 15 and 20 Fw 190 respectively, against locations reported heavily occupied.

1 Fw 190 shot down by Spitfire in second operation.

50 fighter sorties in at least two operations on escort.

One Me 109 shot down by Spitfire in second operation.

31 fighter sorties on free lance patrol over XIV Panzer Korps.

2 Me 109 collided

Me 109 on battle recce in front of 76 Korps – one of these shot down by a Spitfire.

2 Me 109 on battle recce in front of 76 Korps

3 VL3749 11/01/44 Flifue Croatia order for 12/01/44 unchanged.
2 VL3750 10/01/44 Stab./JG 27 located Nisch operated 3 Me 109 against Sofia raid at 10.45 hrs Z and lost one aircraft.

05/01/44 – subordination of Stab./JG 27 to Luftwaffe Mission Bulgaria confirmed oin all respects except for supply and technical servicing for these subordinated to Feld Luftgau 30 (?)

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