Fliegerverbindungsgeschwader 2

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Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

Fliegerverbindungsgeschwader 2

(Unit Code 9Q+)

Stab/Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

Formation and History. (Oct 43 - May 45?)

Formed 1 October 1943 (new), probably at one of the airfields around Berlin (Berlin-Rangsdorf?), with a Geschwaderstab, I. and II. Gruppe. The Geschwader comprised 36 former Verbindungs- and Kurierstaffeln, all of which received new numbers as Staffeln of this Geschwader. Virtually all of the far-flung Staffeln were assigned to Army (Heer) or joint commands since the Luftwaffe commands already had their own. The Geschwaderstab appears to have been disbanded around mid-December 1943 (its Feldpost number was deleted on 29 Dec 43), but this is not the case. It was still in existence as late as 12 Feb 45, according to official documents. One aircraft loss was changed to the Geschwaderstab up to the end of 1943: on 10 Nov 43 a Fi 156 belonging to the Stab crashed and burned at Fp. Vitebsk on the central sector of the Eastern Front with the pilot and one other killed. Further details about the Stab of this Geschwader were not found in the primary documents examined. [1]

FpNs:Geschwaderstab (L 52320)


Maj. Dr. Paul-Ludwig Buchholz (1 Oct 43 - 26 Nov 43) killed in crash

Maj. Gerhard Heym (29 Nov 43 - 24 Jun 44?)

Oberst Otto Brandes (24 Jun 44 - ? ) 12.02.45

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2024


I./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

II./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

11./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

12./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

13./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

14./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

15./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

16./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

17./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

18./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

19. - 20./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

21./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

22./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

23./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

24./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

25./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

26./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

27./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

28./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

29./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

30./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

31./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

32./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

33./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

34./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

35./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

36 - 42./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

43./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

1. Flugbereitschaft z.b.V./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2

2. Flugbereitschaft z.b.V./Fl.Verb.Geschw. 2


  1. W.Dierich-Verbände der Luftwaffe; N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); K.Mehner/R.Teuber-Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Führung und Truppe; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence reports and lists based on ULTRA, “Y” Service intercepts, captured documents and PoW interrogations; PRO London: AIR 40/1966, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1982, 1983, HW 5/401; NARA WashDC: RG 242/T-311 roll 71/roll 179, frame 656/roll 225, frames 137 and 278/roll 71/roll 116, frame 014; T-312 roll 1308, frame 143, T-321 roll 50, frame 540, T-501 roll 218, frame 1276, roll 222, frame 954; S.Wietstruk-Flugplatz Rangsdorf bei Berlin:46; [Deutschen Roten Kreuz – Suchdienst München]-Vermisstenbildlisten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes, 173 Bde; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512.619 British AirMin P/W interrogations, ADI(K) series, microfilm rolls A5400-05, interrogation ADI(K) 598/44; C.Zweng-Die Dienststellen, Kommandobehörden und Truppenteile der Luftwaffe 1935-1945, Bd. 1; Flugzeug magazine, Extra Nr. 1 (1988), p.16.

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