Gefechtsverband Hallensleben

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Gefechtsverband Hallensleben

Formed 20 September 1944 at Bad Honnef, just south of Bonn on the Rhein, from Stab/KG 2 to serve as the principal night ground attack force in support of Luftwaffenkdo. West with elements of I./KG 51, III./KG 51, III./KG 3, NSGr. l, NSGr. 2, NSGr. 20 and 13./KG 200, although these units were not all necessarily under it at the same time. Its commander from beginning to end was Obstlt. Rudolf Hallensleben, the former Kommodore of KG 2. It was directly under Lw.Kdo. West for operations to 26 November, and then II. Jagdkorps to 26 Feb 45, with support flown for Heeresgruppe G. Operations were directed against Allied targets in South Holland and eastern Belgium, and in the border area west of the Rhine. It was disbanded on 26 Feb 45, handing over all of its assigned units (NSGr. 1, NSGr. 2 and Einsatzstaffel/NSGr. 20) to 15. Fliegerdivision, although the official typed order dissolving it came along later and is dated 13 March 1945. (Note: this is one of the best documented of all Luftwaffe Gefechtsverband units - nearly every one of its operational orders and after-action reports is reproduced in the DEFE 3 ULTRA material).[1]

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. U.Balke - Der Luftkrieg in Europa: Die Operativen Einsätze des Kampfgeschwader 2 im Zweiten Weltkrieg, 2 Bde (Koblenz, 1989-90), Teil 2, pp.371-72; PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signal BT5768; BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 2 III/68.