Gefechtsverband Hozzel

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Gefechtsverband Hozzel

Formed mid-February 1943 at Dnepropetrovsk-South from Stab/St.G. 2 and elements of St.G. 1, St.G. 2 and St.G. 77 to support German counterattacks against Soviet forces that had broken through the thinly-held front between Kharkov and Stalino, and were rapidly advancing toward the Dnieper bend at Dnepropetrovsk. The commander was Maj. Paul-Werner Hozzel, a ground support authority of great experience who was specially attached to Stab/Luftflotte 4 at the time. The German counteroffensive was successful and Gefechtsverband Hozzel was dissolved on or about 1 March 1943.[1]

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. H.Nauroth - Stukageschwader 2 Immelmann: Eine Dokumentation über das erfolgreichste deutsche Stukageschwader (Preussisch Oldendorf, 1988); G.Brütting - Das Waren die deutschen Stuka-Asse 1939-1945 (Stuttgart, 1984), p.155; E.R.Hooten - Eagle in Flames: The Fall of the Luftwaffe (London: Brockhampton Press, 1997), p.189; H.Plocher - The German Air Force Versus Russia, 1943. USAF Historical Studies: No. 155 (New York, 1968), pp.14-23.