I./KG z.b.V. 323

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I./KG z.b.V. 323

Formation. (May 42)

Formed approximately the beginning of May 1942 at Leipheim/20 km ENE of Ulm and Risstissen/18 km SW of Ulm as Kampfgruppe z.b.V. 323. As planned, the Gruppe consisted of a Gruppenstab and 1. – 3. Staffel, each of which called for 6 Me 323 transports for a total of 24. The Me 323 consisted of a Me 321 glider produced by the Messerschmitt plant at Leipheim, which was then towed to Risstissen by Bf 110 tugs where 6 French-made Gnome-Rhône engines were installed and the undercarriage reinforced. The earliest mention of KGr.z.b.V. 323 in the loss records is 12 May 1942 when a Bf 108D assigned to it was damaged (45%) while taxiing at Fp. Leipheim. The Gruppe remained at these two airfields through October 1942 to complete formation and carry out training, evaluation and workup. Re-designated I./KG z.b.V. 323 on or about 1 January 1943.[1]

Italy and North Africa. (Nov 42 - Apr 43)

8-9 Nov 42: following the Allied landings in Morocco and Algeria during the early morning hours of 8 November (Operation “Torch”), the Gruppe began transferring to the Mediterranean to transport troops, supplies, equipment and fuel to North Africa. It was based in Italy and stationed mainly at Pomigliano airfield/13 km NE of Naples, but most flights were staged through bases in Greece, Crete and Sicily.[2]

10 Nov 42: Me 323 (WNr. 1107) shot up and burned on the ground at Tunis – El Aouina during a low-level attack by RAF Beaufighters, 100%.

22 Nov 42: Me 323 (WNr. 1203) crash landed at Piacenza/N Italy, 60%. The aircraft was probably en-route from S Germany to Pomigliano.

23 Nov 42: Me 232 (WNr. 1110) bombed on the ground at Fp. Bizerte, 80%.

28 Nov 42: Me 323 (WNr. 1110) bombed on the ground at Bizerte/Tunisia.

2 Dec 42: Me 323 (WNr. 1204) ditched in the sea SW of Termoli following engine failure, 90%, 3 KIA.

7 Dec 42: Me 323 damaged taxiing at Fp. Naples-Capodichino, 20%.

19 Dec 42: Me 323 (WNr. 1108) struck an obstacle and exploded – location not legible, 100%, 9 KIA.

2 Jan 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1106) force landed while en-route from Pomigliano and Tunis, 15%.

5 Jan 43: 3 Me 323Ds (WNr. 1201, 1218 and 1213) damaged in runway collisions at Fp. Pomigliano and Fp. Trapani, all 45%.

11 Jan 43: Me 323 (RD+QK, WNr. 1111) shot down by a USAAF P-38 Lightning over the Mediterranean off Bizerte, 100%, crew of 9 KIA plus 18 Army (Heer) soldiers.

14 Jan 43: Me 323 (DT+IK, WNr. 1211) shot down by P-38s between Trapani/W Sicily and Bizerte, 100%, 9 MIA.

10 Feb 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1214) ditched in the Mediterranean en-route from Tunis back to Pomigliano, 100%, 4 KIA and 5 WIA.

1 Mar 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1208) crashed and burned at Fp. Trapani, 95%, Oblt. Joachim Runze + 7 KIA and 2 WIA; among the passengers, 4 soldiers from the Heer were KIA and 1 WIA.

10 Mar 43: 2 Me 323s (WNr. 1205 and 1231) bombed on the ground at Tunis, both 100%.

19 Mar 43: Go 242 glider belonging to the Gruppe crash landed at Elmas/Sardinia, 100%, 2 KIA.

26 Mar 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1131) from 1.Staffel crashed taking off from Tunis, 75%, 1 KIA and 9 KIA.

30 Mar 43: Me 323D-6 (WNr. 1130) crash landed at Fp. Castel Vetrano/Sicily, 75%, 8 WIA.

5 Apr 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1215) bombed on the ground at Tunis, 45%.

8 Apr 43: operating transport missions through Castel Vetrano to Tunis-Fochville.[3]

13 Apr 43: based at Pomigliano under Stab/KG z.b.V. “N”.[4]

13 Apr 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1132) crashed at Fp. Tunis due to engine trouble, 75%.

14 Apr 43: Me 323 (WNr. 1119) shot up by fighters near Tunis, 35%, 1 KIA and 3 WIA.

18 Apr 43: at Pomigliano.[5]

22 Apr 43: 7 Me 323s (EIXD+QZ/WNr. 1126, RF+XH/WNr. 1134, RF+XI/WNr. 1135, SG+RP/WNr. 1242, SG+RV/WNr. 1248, VM+IA/WNr. 1253, C8+AC) shot down off Cape Bone by South African P-40s, all 100%, 3 KIA, 58 MIA and 8 WIA; each of the transports was carrying 12-tons of desperately needed fuel to Tunisia; immediately following this disaster, the Gruppe ceased all further airlift operations to Tunisia.[6]

1 May 43: renamed I./TG 5.[7]

FpNs:Gruppenstab and 1. – 3. Staffel (or 1. – 4.?) (L 43683)


Maj. Günter Mauss (DKG) (May 42? - 1 May 43)

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2022)


  1. Tessin-Tes; K.Kössler-Transporter – wer kennt sie schon!: Die Kennzeichen der Transportfliegerverbände der Luftwaffe von 1937-1945; J-L. Roba – “The Messerschmitt Me 323 in 1942-1943” in Luftwaffe Verband Journal No. 5; BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs).
  2. K. Kössler-op cit; J-L. Roba-op cit.; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection; PRO London: AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence documents.
  3. PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signal VM8837.
  4. AIR 40 Air Ministry intelligence documents.
  5. ULTRA signal VM8837.
  6. J.Prien-Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 77:1528.
  7. K. Kössler-op cit; Tessin-op cit., N.Kannapin-Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945.

KG z.b.V. 323

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