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I./LLG 2

Ordered formed May 1942 at Haguenau/Alsace.

Ordered disbanded 9 September 1944.


Stab I: L 00 430 (*5/42, +19 Oct. 1944).

1 Staffel/2: L 00 753 (*5/42. +19 Oct. 1944).

2 Staffel/2: L 03 045 (*5/42. +5 Jun. 1944).

3 Staffel/2: L 04 241 (*fall 42. +19 Oct. 1944).

4 Staffel/2: L 03 045 (*fall 43. +26 Oct. 1944).

Kommandeure (Commanding Officers):

Maj.d.R. Dr. Hans Eggersh (5/42? - 5/42?)

Hptm. Walter Münter (DKG) (5/42 - 9/42)

Hptm. Werner Riechers (9/42 - 1/43)

Hptm. Egon Delica (R, DKG) (1/43 - 5/43)

Maj. Walter Kroworsch (5/43 - 5/44)

Maj. Arnold Willerding (5/44 - 9/44)


Haguenau/E France (5/42 - 6/42)

Parchim/SE of Schwerin (6/42 - 9/42)

Lechfeld/S of Augsburg (9/42 – 12/42)

Nancy/E France (4/43 - 5/43)

Stalino/S.Russia (1/43 - 1/43)

Zaporozhye/S.Russia (1/43 - 2/43)

Bagerovo/Crimea (2/43 - 4/43)

Nancy/E.France (12/42 - 1/43)

Orange/S.France (5/43 - 8/43)

Istres/S.France (8/43 - 9/43)

Haguenau/E France (9/43 - 9/44)

Equipment and Returns

He 111s and Go 242 gliders (1942 - 9/44).

Reported 27 He 111s and 188 Go 242s on strength 10 Jul 1943.

Reported 24 He 111s and 291 Go 242s on strength 10 Nov 1943.

Reported 31 He 111s, 4 He 111Zs, 53 Go 242s and 2 Fi 156s on strength 10 Jun 1944.


Go 242 gliders belonging to I/LLG 2 were reportedly marked (RO + ) to early 1944, and then (LA + ) thereafter.

Representative Losses I./LLG 1

15.6.42: He 111H crash landed due to engine failure at Parchim airfield, 30%.

2.9.42: Do 17 E-3 crashed at Parchim, 55%.

1.10.42: Avia B 534 crash landed at Lechfeld airfield in bad weather, 15%.

22.10.42: Go 242 crash landed at Lechfeld, 75%.

25.10.42: Go 242 crash landed at Lechfeld airfield, no details.

3.11.42: Go 242 crash landed at Lechfeld airfield, 100%.

7.12.42: Avia B 534 crash landed at Lechfeld, 90%.

7.12.42: Avia B 534 belonging to 4. Staffel force landed near Nancy airfield/France, 30%.

14.1.43: 2 x DFS 230s damaged in a storm at Nancy-Essey airfield, both 55%.

30.1.43: B 534 ran out of fuel and force landed west of Warsaw/Poland, 50%, pilot injured.

31.1.43 – 17.2.43: 20 x Go 242 gliders destroyed or damaged at Bagerovo airfield/Crimea and on the Taman Peninsula as a result of operations.

5.2.43: Go 242 crashed at Nellingen airfield – no details, 15%.

6.2.43: B 534 crashed near Nancy/France, 85%, pilot injured.

12.2.43: DFS 230 crash landed at Nancy-Essey airfield, 10%.

19.3.43: B 534 force landed near Nancy-Essey airfield, 70%.

20.5.43: Bf 108 crash landed near Montfort/S France due to engine failure, 10%.

23.5.43: Mü 13 glider crashed at Nancy-Essey airfield, 40%.

13.7.43: 8 x He 111 H-6 and H-16 belonging to I./LLG 2 bombed on the ground at Catania airfield/Sicily, 100%, 80%, 60%, 55%, 3 at 50%, 20%, 4 KIA and 8 WIA.

25.7.43: 12 Go 242 A-1 gliders intentionally blown up by the Gruppe near Messina to prevent capture.

7.43: heavy losses of He 111s and Go 242s at Viterbo airfield (29.7.43), Pomigliano and other airfields around Rome and Naples during the second half of July from enemy air attacks.

17.8.43: more heavy losses, this time at Istres and Salon airfields in South France by 180 B-17 Fortresses dropping 25,619 20-lb. fragmentation bombs that cost I./LLG 2 a total of 89 aircraft and gliders destroyed or damaged - 2 x He 111Hs at 100%, 11 x He 111s damaged, 20 x Go 242s at 100%, 53 Go 242s damaged, 1 x Bf 108 (10%), 1 x Fi 156 (10%) and 1 x Kl 35 (15%).

26.9.43: 11 x Go 242s bombed on the ground at Reims airfield/France, 40% to 100%.

1.10.43: 6 x Go 242 gliders intentionally blown up by the Gruppe at Pomigliano airfield to prevent capture, all 100%.

1.11.43: He 111H (S7+FK) crashed into the sea near Saint-Raphaël/SE France after being shot down by German naval Flak, 100%, 2 killed, 10 injured and 8 missing.

Also see:

ARNDT, Albin, Oblt.(Kr.O.).

BECHER, Heinz, Lt.? Pilot.

BLENDERMANN, Karl, Oblt. Stafü 2./LLG 2.

BÜHLER, ? , Lt. Stafü 3./LLG 2.

DITTEBRANDT, Hans, Lt. Staka 4./LLG 2.

ECK, Robert, Lt. Pilot.

EIDENSCHINK, Ludwig, Oblt.(Kr.O.). Stafü 3./LLG 2.

FULDA, Wilhelm, Lt./Oblt.(Kr.O.). Pilot.

HENSEL, Horst, Oblt. WIA.

LANGE, Karl, Oblt. WIA.

LEMKE, Walter, Oblt.

LOECK, ? , Oblt. Staka 2.(He 111)/LLG 2.

METSCHER, Wilhelm, Hptm. Staka 2./LLG 2.

MICHELS, Karl, Oblt. Injured in He 111 crash.

REINHARDT, Egon, Hptm. Staka 1.(He 111)/LLG 2.

SCHUBERT, Heinz, Lt.(Kr.O.).

SPECHT, ? , Lt. Stafü 1./LLG 2.

TRAUTWEIN, Heinz, Hptm. Staka 1./LLG 2.

WERNER, Erhard, Oblt. Staka 3.(Go)/LLG 2. KIA.

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2023)

See Also

Luftlandgeschwader 2

Stab./LLG 2



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