Koluft Pz.AOK 2

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Koluft Pz.AOK 2

(FpN: L 29406)

also as: Koluft Panzergruppe 2 (to 5 October 1941)


Obstlt. Josef Punzert (15 Feb 41 - 17 Mar 41)

Oberst Karl v. Gerlach (17 Mar 41 - 26 Jul 41)

Obstlt. Karl-Henning von Barsewisch (26 Jul 41 - c.5 Jun 42)

Formation and History. (Feb 41? - Jun 42)

Formed 15 February 1941 according to one source or o/a 17 March 1941 according to other sources. The earlier date may be the date formation was ordered or first appeared in a “Barbarossa” planning document for the invasion of the USSR, while the second date is the date its formation actually got underway.[1]

Central Russia

21 Jun 41: Koluft Pz.AOK 2 subordinated this date: 10 Aufklärungsstaffeln (3.(F)/31, 1.(H)/21; Gruppenfliegerstab 10 with 9.(H)/LG 2, 7.(H)/32, 6.(H)/41; Gruppenfliegerstab 14 with 3.(H)/14, 6.(H)/31; Gruppenfliegerstab 31 with 6.(H)/13, 5.(H)/23, 6.(H)/32), Kurierkette Panzergruppe 2, 3 Flak-Abt. (I./26, I./704, le.94) and Ln.-Betr.Kp. (H) (mot.) 2.

Jun 41 – Dec 41: supported 2d Panzer Group (later 2d Panzer Army) from 22 June through the central sector of the Eastern Front via Brest-Litovsk, Minsk, Roslavl, Bryansk and Orel. Koluft Oberst v. Gerlach was killed in an air crash on 24 June 1941.

6 Jul 41: Koluft at Borisov/80 km NE of Minsk together with the Stab of the Panzer Group.

10 Jul 41: a Ju 52 belonging to the Kurierkette Panzergruppe 2 damaged in an accident, location not reported, 55%.

11 Aug 41: Koluft at Prudki with Stab/Panzergruppe 2.

6 Dec 41: Koluft transferred from Orel to Jüterbog-Damm in Germany. Obstlt. von Barsewisch had authored and presented a study calling for the use of single-seat (Einsitzer) fighters in the reconnaissance role, and he and his small Koluft staff were recalled to Germany to oversee the testing and evaluation of this new concept.

8 Jan 42: a Bf 109 E-7 crash landed at Flugplatz (airfield) Jüterbog-Damm, 20%.

16 Jan 42: a Fw 190 belly landed near Krojanke due to engine failure, 10%.

13 Apr 42: a Bf 109 E-7 in runway collision at Flugplatz Jüterbog-Damm, 100%, pilot killed.

21 Apr 42: a Fw 190 A-3 crash landed at Flugplatz Jüterbog-Damm, 60%.

27 Apr 42: a Bücker Bü 131 D-2 crashed at Flugplatz Jüterbog-Damm, 70%, pilot injured.

Jun 42: Koluft disbanded o/a 5 June 1942 - the test and evaluation project for single-seat fighters was continued under the Aufklärungs-Erprobungskommando Jüterbog, which was established to replace the Koluft (see there).

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. G.Tessin-Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945, Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte (Osnabrück, 1980); K.Mehner/R.Teuber - Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Führung und Truppe (Norderstedt: 1993); N.Kannapin - deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945. 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); K-F.Hildebrand - Die Generale der deutschen Luftwaffe 1935-1945, 3 Bde (Osnabrück, 1990-92); PRO London: AIR 40/1968; RG 242 (T-77 Luftwaffenpersonalamt officer assignment orders); (T-312 roll 160/frame 896); (T-313 roll 85/frame 898, roll 93/frames 486ff, roll 95/frame 025); BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs); M.Holm-website ww2.dk.