Luftgaukommando 6 (1st)

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Luftgaukommando 6 (1st Formation)


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Luftkreiskommando III Dresden (1 Apr 36 - 12 Oct 37)

Subordinate Commands and Units:

Luftwaffe ground organization (air bases, etc.), Flakartillerie (antiaircraft) forces and the civil air defense organization within its territory of responsibility.

Formation and History. (Apr 36 - Oct 37)

Formed 1 April 1936 in Breslau as Luftgaukommando 6 (with an Arabic number). Luftgaukdo. 6 covered the area of Silesia in southeastern Germany. As a result of a reorganization on 12 October 1937, Luftgaukdo. 6 was re-designated Luftgaukommando VIII (Breslau).[1]

© H.L. deZeng IV, 2023

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  1. G.Tessin- Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939: Altes Heer, Freiwilligenverbände, Reichswehr, Heer, Luftwaffe, Landespolizei (Osnabrück, 1974); K-H.Völker-Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1933-1939: Aufbau, Führung und Rüstung der Luftwaffe sowie Entwicklung der deutschen Luftkriegstheorie (Stuttgart, 1967); H.Boog- Die deutsche Luftwaffenführung 1935-1945: Führungsprobleme, Spitzengliederung, Generalstabsausbildung (Stuttgart, 1982); R.Suchenwirth- The Development Of The German Air Force, 1919-1939, USAF Historical Studies No. 160 (New York, 1968); C.Zweng- Die Dienststellen, Kommandobehörden und Truppenteile der Luftwaffe 1935-1945 (Osnabrück, 1999).