Luftgaukommando Holland

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Luftgaukommando Holland

(FpN: L 04147)

Kommandierender General

Gen.Lt. Alfred Haubold (10 May 40 - 30 Jun 40)

Gen.d.Flieger Hans Siburg (1 Jul 40 - 6 Aug 43)

Gen.d.Flieger Egon Doerstling (7 Aug 43 - 1 Jan 44)


Luftflottenkdo. 2 (Jun 40 - Jun 41)

Luftflottenkdo. 3 (Jun 41 - Dec 43)

Subordinate Commands:

Kommando Flughafenbereiche (airfield regional commands) and Fliegerhorstkommandanturen (air base commands), Luftnachrichten (air force signals), Sanitäts (medical), Flak (antiaircraft), numerous ground service and support units located within its territory of authority. These changed frequently and in the absence of surviving source documentation it is not possible to list them accurately or completely.

Formation and History. (Jun 40 - Dec 43)

Ordered formed o/a 1 June 1940 in Amsterdam by renaming an unidentified Luftgaustab z.b.V., probably Luftgaustab z.b.V. 11. In command of all airfields, servicing and support units in occupied Holland and variously under Luftflotte 2 to the beginning of June 1941, and then Luftflotte 3.[1]


The headquarters (Stab) remained in Amsterdam through December 1943.

1 Jan 44: renamed Feldluftgaukommando Belgien-Nordfrankreich Aussenstelle Holland.

Flugbereitschaft Luftgaukommando Holland

(FpN: none found)

Formation, History and Losses. (Jun 40 - Dec 43)

No information has so far come to light about the duty flight assigned to Luftgaukdo. Holland, except for the aircraft lost and damaged reports noted below and a few scattered location listings from surviving documents. The few reports suggest that the Flugbereitschaft only had approximately 3 to 5 aircraft.[2]

28 Sep 41: a Do 17F belonging to Flugbereitschaft Luftgaukdo. Holland damaged its undercarriage while landing at or taking off from Amsterdam-Schipol airfield, 10%.

18 Aug 42: a Junkers W 34 from Flugbereitschaft Luftgaukdo. Holland struck an obstacle while taking off from Amsterdam-Schipol airfield, 50%.

3 Oct 43: a Klemm Kl 35 was bombed on the ground at Amsterdam-Schipol airfield during an Allied air attack, 70%.

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. G.Tessin- Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945, Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte (Osnabrück, 1980); K.Mehner/R.Teuber - Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Führung und Truppe (Norderstedt: 1993); N.Kannapin - Die deutsche Feldpostübersicht 1939-1945, 3 Bde (I – III) (Osnabrück, 1980-82); K-O.Hoffmann - Ln: Die Geschichte der Luftnachrichtentruppe, 3 Bde (Neckargemünd, 1965-73, p.1:31; PRO London: DEFE 3 ULTRA signals; NARA WashDC: RG 242 (scattered microfilm citations found in T-321, T-405 and T-971); (T-77 Luftwaffenpersonalamt officer assignment orders); BA-MA Freiburg: Signatur RL 20 and RL 40/Kart files.
  2. BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs).