Luftgaukommando XIII (2nd)

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Luftgaukommando XIII (2d Formation)

(FpN: none assigned)

Kommandierender General:

Oberst Walter Musshoff (12 Oct 37 - 31 Jan 39)

Gen.Lt. Eugen Weissmann (1 Feb 39 - 23 Jun 40)

(Gen.Lt. Friedrich Heilingbrunner (14 Aug 40 - 30 Jan 41)) ?


Luftkreiskommando 5 (12 Oct 37 - 4 Feb 38)

Luftwaffengruppenkdo. 3 (4 Feb 38 - 1 Feb 39)

Luftflottenkdo. 3 (1 Feb 39 - 30 Jan 41)

Subordinate Commands:

Kommando Flughafenbereiche (airfield regional commands) and Fliegerhorstkommandanturen (air base commands), Luftnachrichten (air force signals), Sanitäts (medical), Flak (antiaircraft), civil air defense, supply, schools, replacements and sundry other ground service and support commands, staffs and units located within its territory of authority. These changed frequently and in the absence of surviving source documentation it is not possible to list them accurately or completely.

Formation and History. (Oct 37 - Jan 41)

Formed 12 October 1937 in Nürnberg by re-designating Luftgaukdo. 13 (Nürnberg) with a territory comprised mainly of Lower Bavaria (Niederbayern) and that roughly conformed to the Army’s Wehrkreis XIII. The smallest or one of the smallest of the Luftgaukommandos, it was always a junior partner of its larger neighbor, Luftgaukdo. XII, and even shared commanding generals with the latter. Together with its partner, Luftgau XIII took part in setting up the ground organization in occupied western France from June 1940. Declared redundant, it was abolished on 30 January 1941 and its territory consolidated with that of Luftgau XII under the new designation Luftgaukommando XII/XIII with headquarters in Wiesbaden. A small administrative staff (Verwaltungsstab) remained in Nürnberg until it too was dissolved on 18 January 1943.[1]

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress).

(1st Draft 2023)

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  1. G.Tessin-Deutsche Verbände und Truppen 1918-1939: Altes Heer, Freiwilligenverbände, Reichswehr, Heer, Luftwaffe, Landespolizei (Osnabrück, 1974); K-H.Völker-Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1933-1939: Aufbau, Führung und Rüstung der Luftwaffe sowie Entwicklung der deutschen Luftkriegstheorie (Stuttgart, 1967); G.Tessin-Verbände und Truppen der deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1939-1945, Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte (Osnabrück, 1980); H.Boog-Die deutsche Luftwaffenführung 1935-1945: Führungsprobleme, Spitzengliederung, Generalstabsausbildung (Stuttgart, 1982); R.Suchenwirth-The Development Of The German Air Force, 1919-1939, USAF Historical Studies No. 160 (New York, 1968); K.Mehner/R.Teuber - Die deutsche Luftwaffe 1939-1945: Führung und Truppe (Norderstedt: 1993); NARA WashDC: RG 242 (scattered microfilm citations found in T-321, T-405 and T-971).