Target Codes
This page will provide links to lists of Target Codes by country. Each file will (I hope) eventually contain examples of different Target Groups for the country concerned.
Follow this link for an explanation of the Ziel Nrs
French Ziel Nrs are to be found in this Spreadsheet
Egyptian Ziel Nrs are to be found in this Spreadsheet
British Target Codes are to be found in this Spreadsheet The source of this file is a number of posts made by Chris Going on the . For example see . These posts have been used with Chris' permission and I am very grateful for that. As of 11.12.2022 this file has a number of additions from my own research, mainly sourced from IWM Target Files together with those available from NARA.
Also see the following search on the IWM site - Collections Search, in amongst the general photos you will find a large quantity of Luftwaffe Target Dossiers.
In a departure from the normal items offered on here, follow this link to download a listing of early war RAF Bomber Command Target Codes.
Please note that all files offered here are works in progress and subject to change.