Transportstaffel II. Fliegerkorps

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Transportstaffel II. Fliegerkorps

(Unit Code: C3+)

Formation. (c. Feb 40)

Formed around February 1940 at Frankfurt/M. as the Luftwaffe was preparing for the all-out German offensive in the West that began on 10 May 1940. Other details concerning its formation are not known.[1]

West, Central Russia, Mediterranean, France and Balkans. (c. Feb 40 - Nov 44?)

26 May 40: Ju 52 forced down after being fired on by a fighter – location not reported, 40%.[2]

4 Jun 40: Fi 156 struck a tree while landing at Château, 100%, 1 injured.

1 Jul 40: based at Brussels-Evere by late June and remained there until June 1941.

22 Jun 41: campaign in C Russia - advanced eastward with headquarters II. Fliegerkorps via the airfields at Baranowicze, Minsk, Borisov, Orsha and finally Smolensk. The Staffel’s duties during the campaign were mainly the transporting of aircraft parts and supplies.

8 Jul 41: Ju 52 crash landed at Fp. Baranowicze/E Poland, 50%.

24 Jul 41: Ju 52 shot down near Smolensk, 100%.

4 Sep 41: 1 Ju 52 destroyed and 4 others slightly damaged by enemy fire on Fp. Shatalovka/55 km SE of Smolensk, 1 KIA.

Nov 41: transferred from Smolensk to Brandis/18 km E of Leipzig for a brief rest and refit, and then in December departed for Reggio di Calabria/S Italy. From there the Staffel operated throughout the Mediterranean area during 1942 and 1943 ferrying parts, fuel, supplies and personnel to sundry airfields, including those in North Africa.

31 May 42: Ju 52 ran out of fuel and ditched in the Mediterranean off Benghazi, 100%, crew safe.

19 Jul 42: Ju 52 shot down by a fighter at Fp. Comiso/SE Sicily, 100%, 1 KIA and 2 WIA.

25 Jul 42: 2 Ju 52s bombed on the ground at Fp. Iraklion/Crete, both 100%.

17 Sep 42: Ju 52 damaged taxiing at Fp. Athens-Tatoi, 20%.

27 Oct 42: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Fp. Máleme/Crete, 100%.

29 Oct 42: Ju 52 shot down by a fighter at Fp. El Adem/26 km SSW of Tobruk, 100%, 1 KIA and 3 WIA.

1 Nov 42: Ju 52 struck the ground and crashed at Tobruk, 100%, 2 killed and 1 injured.

5 Dec 42: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Bizerte/Tunisia, 100%, 1 WIA.

9 Dec 42: Ju 52 shot down by a fighter near Lampedusa Is. off the east coast of Tunisia, 100%, 2 KIA and 2 MIA.

10 Dec 42: Ju 52 (S3+EH) shot down by a fighter during a flight from Trapani/W Sicily to Tripoli, 100%, 4 MIA.

4 Jan 43: Ju 52 struck an obstacle while landing at Gabes/Tunisia, 35%.

Apr 43: Staffel still based at Reggio di Calabria.[3]

18 Apr 43: Ju 52 (C3+DH) reported missing – no details, 100%, 2 MIA.

22 Apr 43: 3 Ju 52s (incl. C3+AH) shot down by fighters off Cape Bone/Tunisia, all 100%, 6 KIA and 2 WIA.

8 May 43: Ju 52 (C3+EH) reported missing in the Trapani area, 100%, 4 MIA.

20 May 43: Ju 52 (C3+MH) shot down in flames by 4 Beaufighters west of San Eutemina, 100%, 3 KIA and 1 WIA.

10 Jun 43: 2 Ju 52s bombed on the ground at Fp. Reggio di Calabria, 100% and 15%.

3 Jul 43: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Fp. Gerbini/Sicily, 100%.

7 Jul 43: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Ryevritro, 100%.

8 Jul 43: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Fp. Comiso, 100%.

19-20 Jul 43: 10 Ju 52s bombed on the ground in two separate raids on Fp. Aquino/110 km SE of Rome, 7 @ 100%, 3 @ 20%.

31 Aug 43: Ju 52 rammed by a landing aircraft at Fp. Crotone/160 km NE of Messina, 30%.

9 Sep 43: Ju 52 bombed on the ground at Feldflugplatz 144, 100%.

18 Sep 43: Ju 52 shot down by a fighter – no details, 100%, 1 KIA and 2 WIA.

15 Oct 43: Staffel addressed at Foligno - ordered this date to transfer all of its equipment and personnel to Milano – Sesto San Giovanni. Aircraft, crews and servicing personnel to remain at Foligno for now.[4]

17 Dec 43: Ju 52 (C3+HH) reported missing – no details, 100%, 4 MIA.

25 Jul 44: at Fp. Mourmelon/30 km SE of Reims.[5]

Aug 44: transferred from France to Niš/Serbia with Stab/II. Fliegerkorps and on 29 Aug 44 temporarily renamed Transportstaffel Kommandierender General der deutschen Luftwaffe Nordbalkan without a change in its Feldpostnummer. If still in existence, on or about 10 Nov 44, it would have reverted back to its original designation, but no trace of the Staffel has been found in the surviving documents after August 1944. However, its Feldpostnummer was never deleted so it may have continued on to the end of the war with a handful of aircraft.[6]

FpN:(L 33265)


Maj. Krebs (Feb 40? - Jun 42)

Maj. Kurt Schneidenberger (DKG) ( ? - 16 Jan 43)

Maj. Johannes Möller ( ? - ? ) 10/43

Also see:

AXMANN, Johann, Hptm.? Maj. beim Stabe/Trsp.St. II. Fliegerkorps.

ROEDEL, Dr. (jur.) Fritz, Hptm.

© by Henry L. deZeng IV (Work in Progress, 2022).

(1st Draft 2022)


  1. G.Tessin-Verbände und Truppen der Deutschen Wehrmacht und Waffen-SS 1939-1945 - Teil 14: Die Luftstreitkräfte; N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; AFHRA Maxwell: decimal 512, British Air Ministry Weekly Intelligence Summary dated 23 Jan 43 (primary source for this history and will not be cited again).
  2. BA-MA Freiburg: RL 2 III Meldungen über Flugzeugunfälle…..(Loss Reports – LRs).
  3. AFHRA Maxwell: decimal K113 Karlsruhe Collection.
  4. BNA HW 5/374.
  5. NARA WashDC: RG 242/T-971 (Luftflotte 3 order of battle list for this date).
  6. N.Kannapin-Feldpostübersicht; G.Tessin-op cit.

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